Masthead header


i am happy.

i have a sort of clean house.

i have some fun company for the weekend.

i have a shiny clean dog.

i have mom's margaritas in the fridge.

i am antiquing today at my favorite place.

i found three giant brass lamps at the thrift shop that i can spray paint and make fun shades for.

i have pam's cheescake in my tummy.

i am just so dang HAPPY.

how about you?

how are you feeling today?

i have no new pictures to show today…but i went back to see what pics i had from one year ago exactly.

my children climbing mount laundry.

have an awesome weekend.

i mean that. 

Rebecca Torzewski - Hi. I am dying to try your margaritas. Can you tell me where you find the frozen limeade? I looked at my grocery store and could not find it. Thanks so much!!

Mimi - I’m happy that I found your blog. 🙂

Alison - aww.. i like your post today. It made me smile :)…and happy 😉

Lena K. - I’ve been making your mom’s margaritas since last may when you shared…yum! Everyone LOVES them!

Casey - Clean house and cheesecake! I”m so friggin jealous!
Would be honored if you would participate in my new Sunday night recipe swap….

Tanya H - I actually just enjoyed your meatballs for our Sunday dinner and linked you here:
My family is in watching gummi bears from netflix and I am avoiding gathering tax information, lol. Aside from the Saturday morning chores meltdown, it HAS been a great weekend! 🙂

Holly - I made Pam’s cheesecake…you’re right, it is pretty freakin’ good! I made it with Splenda instead of the granulated sugar and it’s still awesome. I don’t think anyone has realized it yet. I’m not gonna tell! I never make anything sweet it doesn’t fit in with my “clean eating”…but I melt at the sight of cheesecake. 🙂

Laura Phelps - thinking of you SO MUCH this weekend
all day
all night
wishing I were with you all!!!!!!
But looking forward to pictures
and stories
I will just have to make my own margarita
HAPPY weekend to you
can’t wait to hear all about it

Liana - love this entry and love’s comment. Never really thought about it , but “happy is a journey, not a destination.” And so worth it.

jennibell - Love, love, LOVE reading happy posts!!! Makes me start listing *my* happy thoughts too! Thank you — enjoy your weekend 🙂

Amber Pamper - I just relish moments like that when everything is going well domestically and every other way!!! I feel like I am on cloud nine when my house is super clean!! 🙂

emily - oooh…like the new header. And yes, I’m having a nice day.

Jennifer O'Steen - this picture made me realize that i have been faithfully following you for a couple years now. you have kept my interest for so long in your blogs! keep it up 🙂

Meredith - Hi Meg…I am new to your blog and love it…I got linked to it from PINK & GREEN MAMA. When I read your post w/ the you tube video “Man Cold” I seriously thought “How can we move to Kansas so I can befriend this girl??!!” You make me want to have 5 kids even though I just had my third baby 5 months ago and never get any sleep. Just 2 questions for ya: #1. You mention chores on Saturday w/ your kids…can you share your routine regarding this? What do the kids do?? Do different ages do different (more/less) things? #2. Where did you get the big glass jars you have on your kitchen island? Sometimes you have fruit in them, sometimes xmas ornaments, sometimes flowers…..I’d love some form my kitchen. THANKS! I will keep reading!! PS) I have started “Craft Mondays” and my kids love it…we always did crafts, but it is fun to have it carved out as a special time of the week.

Michele - I just recently started reading your blog. Have never commented before.
Your happiness is contagious, you just lifted my spirts. You know the line where you talk about your three giant brass lamps? Well for some reason when I started reading that line my brain got stuck at three giant bra——. I thought for like a nano second “three giant BRAS”? Anyway who knows what is wrong with me or why I can’t read but I had to laugh out loud at how much a dope I am. LOL
Thank you for making me smile. Have a great weekend!

Sara - we are having a happy day here in Atlanta too!!! The weather is gorgeous, we’ve been outside all afternoon, I pruned my roses, I do NOT have a clean house… : ) but all is well. If only I had your mom’s margs in my fridge it might just be perfect…!!!

Holly - I dont remember the last time we didnt have a mountain of laundry! We made cake last night and we have had nothing to do today and it has been wonderful!

Tracy Fisher - Love the laundry pile…. we lead such similar lives! haha
I am running back to the store to get PAM’S cheesecake ingredients. It’s raining today, cancelled our plans for the beach, invited friends over… what a better way to end the night… cheesecake! I will have to blog about it. Thanks for the recipe.
Tracy (

shanin - Making this cheesecake today for my mother-in-law’s birthday and can’t wait to try it!

erica - mmm- mom’s margs look delish!
just so you know, since your rice bowl for lunch post – i’ve been eating them daily, too LOL. new fave lunch for mama!
enjoy your weekend!

sue - I have a migraine and got out of bed to see what you had blogged. Now going back to bed.

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - Isn’t it great to be happy! I’m glad you are. I love your laundry pile…I’ve been sick all week so I have a Mount Laundry calling my name as well. For some reason everyone in the house can ignore that mountain except for me 🙂
Have a great weekend!

Rachel - Good for you!!! BTW you have the most amazing trimwork in your home- beautiful!

Jenna - Sounds like heaven! We make Uncle Roy’s Margaritas. Very similar: 1 can limeade, 1 can tequila, 1/3 can triple sec, 3 cans water, on the rocks. I will have to try a frozen version, though! Bring on summer …

Cari - It’s been a very blah, draining, emotional week here in central AR. Ready to wave this week goodbye and say hello to February! And I need a lamp tutorial. Please. Happy weekend! 🙂

citymouse - Happy is good. I’ve been scrolling through my reader reading blah kinda posts so yours was a great change of pace and a reminder that we can always change our thinking and be thankful. On that note, I’m off to finish changing the sheets and do something fun. Thanks.

Beth - You will post the lamps, right?
So glad you’re happy–have a great weekend!!

Deedra P. - David and I keep saying we need to have you guys over for your mom’s margaritas!!! It’s just not fair that they are SOOOO good and we’ve never shared them with the people who introduced them to us… 🙂 We have shared that recipe MANY times over and they are BY FAR the best ones we’ve ever had (waaay better then any restaurant)!!! Have a blessed weekend!!

Lauren - Sounds like a most fabulous day! Your blog always puts a smile on my face. I’m serious, we could be BFF in “real” life! haha! - I LOVE this posting. I am a firm believer that Happy is a journey, not a destination. I’m on the journey and I LOVE it. I’m not saying it is easy. I’m saying it is WORTH it.

Jodi - You just reminded me of the mountain of laundry I have to takle today. I think I need another cup of coffee before I can conquer it…. have a wonderful day!


Lisa Currie-Gurney - I SO ENJOY YOU MEG.

Kathy - Clean house, clean dog, girl’s night- that always makes for a fabulous day!

Tracey @7294cottageway.blogspot - Hilarious. I have the same exact pile of laundry in my house! It is just staring at me! I am happy cause it is Saturday morning with a lot of nothing to do!

Jen - This is sad, but I thought of you as I cleaned my bathroom tonight. all this talk of cleaning and all! I’m not done yet.. doing my massive clean too. I can’t wait to be finished in about 500 years 🙂

Sophie - Glad to see you’re feeling so cheerful!
I have the flu at the moment and have had this entire week, but my new laptop that arrived on Thursday has done a good job of cheering me up.
Can’t wait to see what you do with the lamps! (:

KTG - My house is presentable enough for good company coming. We cleaned a lot yesterday. Going to try to enjoy my weekend too.

Hoosier at Heart - Can’t wait to see what you do with the lamps. I’ve just decided to be happy too. I’m happy I don’t have a giant pile of laundry like that right now.

Jaala Allen - I’m glad somebody else has a Mount Laundry! Mine unfortunately is still dirty 🙁

Gemma - Hi Meg! Sounds like your weekend is going to be great!
Gemma x

se7en - Ha!!! Hope your weekend gets better and better!!! My laundry is hiding/exploding out the washer… as long as I don’t turn it on I won’t have to hang it or fold it!!!

Pineapple Princess - I’ve got that same mountain in my family room. Ha!

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