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so much fun.


i had some company this weekend.
a few friends for a few days.

some of them weren't technically friends in real life yet….but they definitely are now. 

i asked some of my favorite bloggers to come to my house to make crafts, eat, shop and TALK.

it was super cool.

i loved every single one of them.

three i had never met before….and they had never met anyone else in the group.
over half of them had never met each other.
a few of them had met once.

i am confident that God has given me a blessing of meaningful friendships in this internet world .
i know that He brought women into my life that i NEVER would have met other wise.
i am so thankful for that.

we talked about blogs, kids, spouses, crafting, martha stewart, desperate housewives, photography, recipes, babies, teenagers, home decorating, frustrations, fears, successes, and about anything else you can think of.

what a fabulous group of women!

yay for blogland.

(ps….yes that is me with really dark hair now….i am not goth….i am just not blond anymore….)

Debbie - What a gift! Thank you for sharing your weekend with your amazing friends! πŸ™‚ I found you through reading Julie’s inspiring blog and I can’t wait to check it out! Good friends, good food, good conversation, antiqueing, crafting, great fun! I’m inspired to have another craft weekend! It’s been too long! Blessings!

angie at junkgarden - Looks like fun! What a great group! I, too, wish I lived closer. I only have one other “crafty” friend and she’s been busy since going back to work. We miss our crafty get togethers.
Good times!

Nicole - Hi – found your blog through Under the Sycamore – looks like fun can’t wait to check it out! Can you share where those chandeliers are from??????

Catriona - For me, this post sums up what makes your blog unique and why I love it. The balance of words to pictures seems to capture the weekend perfectly for all of us who weren’t there and does it in a way that makes me care about the other women and feel genuine happiness for you that you had such a lovely time. That is a bit weird, given that we are never (alas!) likely to meet or even speak to each other, and yet, I am interested and I care. How amazing is that! My husband does not get it. At all. But I’m glad that I do.
(Sorry if that was a bit like a school report!! I think I had a bit of a lightbulb moment!)

Mary - You have made me so happy with these hoops – now don’t talk to me, I’ve got to run out and buy everything I need to make a thousand of them. I love them just that much. Yes I do. It looks like y’all had a fantastic time. Love seeing y’all get together and doing what you love!

michelle - SO fun!!! i wanna be on the list for next year!!! πŸ™‚

shannan - I havent asked this question since I was 10….but can I be your friend! Holy Cow if looks like you guys had the best time ever. I love to see women hanging out and bonding like this…we all need it πŸ™‚

Emily - Alright I’m in the market for a new sewing machine, so pretty please email me kind of machine that ruffled the pillows really well. I need that!

Margo - So jealous – looks like tons of fun!!


Tiffany - So flipping jealous! I want to move in one of these local blogospheres. PA stinks for bloggers. Happy for u all tho.

edie - i love it. you’re so awesome. creating your own bliss.
isn’t this blogging thing just incredible? that we can meet the most wonderful, creative women in the world and then enjoy the gift of them in our daily lives.
what a privilege.
you’re right there at the top of my *i must meet* list. can’t wait.
and i got my necklace. oh my word. todiefor.
i love it so much and wore it all weekend.
thank you for everything dear friend.
i’m so blessed by you.
much love,

erica - how fun! and i like the new hair color!:D

Kori - whatta buncha luckies!!!

Lori Danelle - Oh Gosh!! If I hadn’t been at Blissdom, I would be incredibly jealous! Alright, I’m still jealous!

Amnah - Cool!! Did Ashley bring Firecracker?? I hate that I don’t recognize anyone else except you two. I’m sure I know their blogs though. Can’t wait to hear more about this. There will be more, right?

Lauren - I recognize a few of those faces too! So jealous, but in a nice way πŸ˜‰ I can’t wait to hear a few more details!!

Jenni Goodlin - I just found your blog (from a link from the Macs). Sounds like you had a great weekend! What a fun thing to do, and a blessing to all of those women! I love that you hadn’t all met each other, but have so much in common!

melissa @ the inspired room - How much fun was that!!!!!! I’m coming next time. {right?}


Jennifer - I can’t wait to hear more about your weekend with your blends! I’m hoping there was some crafting and recipes! OHHHHH, i made your meatballs tonight. they are so good!

Jen - It is so funny to see more than one blogger you know in the same photo!!!
What a lovely, special weekend πŸ™‚
By the way, I am watching Parenthood and I LOVE IT. It is fab!!!

Kate - I am so excited to recognize some of those awesome girls. Super cool!

sandy toe - What fun! Wish I lived near you…
Who are these bloggers….curious minds want to know.
Sandy Toe

ranee - Wow. I think I would have paid to be at hour house this weekend, too…looks like so much fun and I would love to meet Ashley and Jess, yours and their blogs are ones I look at daily!

Heather G. - So fun!!

Sharri - Meg – I am curious which face goes with which blog out here in blogland????? Would you please share? Thanks!

Kristin S - So wise of you. There’s nothing like fellowship of women. I love the way God created men and women alike but unique. So many fun women in that one shot!

Cari - FUN!! Sounds therapeutic! πŸ˜‰

Becki G. - Good for you!!
I know you will share more and I can’t wait to hear about it!

Brooke - Ashley Ann said she went somewhere fun this weekend…now I know…!!! I found her through your blog and I have been following both for years. I would be lying if I said that when I am at the local thrift store or yard sale I’m not looking for the perfect aqua typewriter….or that when I take pictures I’m not thinking of AA’s tips…it is silly the way you feel connected to people in blog land!! Way to take the initiative and do something awesome like that!!

Katie - Looks like fun…do tell more! I read a few of the blogs represented!

Karen Gerstenberger - I love blogging for this, and various other reasons.
There are four of us grieving moms who met through our blogs, and we are doing a Joyce Rupp book study (“Open the Door”) together. We started a private blog, we read each day’s passages and respond to the question. Then we read each other’s writings and comment. We live around the U.S.A., have different spiritual and social backgrounds, our children were all different and died differently, but it is one of the most powerful sisterhood experiences I’ve had. I feel sure that God brought us together for greater good!
Your friend at the front left in the photo is wearing one of my all-time favorite sayings. (If she wants a charm, she can get them on etsy, made from Scrabble tiles. I love mine!)

Katherine @ Grass Stains - Meg, I just read a really interesting post from a woman who went to Blissdom but has decided that next year she wants to do exactly what YOU did! If you’d like to read it, here’s the link: … I think I’d prefer your route, too. πŸ™‚

angela - I’ll have to admit, I thought of all of you at Blissdom while I was in NC! Every post I have seen about it is positive! I loved the video someone put on line that was a surprise to the planners of the event!

nic - what a beautiful bunch of girls…and oh how i adore your fabric floral pins!

Courtney Walsh - Looks sooo fun! πŸ™‚ What a blast you all must’ve had. I would love to have the space to host something like this some day!!

Jen - Sooo, can you share who these lovely ladies/talented bloggers are so we can give them some traffic!??
True friends are indeed a rare blessing! The rarest, perhaps!

Beth - Awwh so much friendships bonded! Wow what a great way to share some fun and sharing with your readers also. Please share what more fun you had …I know there are lots of pictures and please share who your blogger friends so I may go visit their pages. I do see a couple of people I visit.
Please share what crafts you all made…I know you had to make something.
Oh this makes me smile! So glad you all had a great time!

Christy - Super jealous!! Can’t wait to hear more about it.

Alice H - I see Ashley Ann with Under the Sycamore!! Your hair is dark but it looks great!

Laura Phelps - BOO HOO….wish I could have made it!!! Next time…..right????? (you will have to double that batch of margaritas though)
I love the friends I have made through blogland
can’t imagine my life without them
love LOVE this group shot of FUN, creative WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
women who LOVE and SUPPORT and ENCOURAGE

danielle - SO fun!
love your hair!
i emailed you about your post for wednesday πŸ™‚

Tracy Fisher - Dear God, can I please play with these girls sometime? Amen. Tracy Fisher

Kathy - Love the flowers you are wearing…will there be a tutorial?

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - How great! That is wonderful! So many beautiful faces that I recognize! Woo hoo!

Leah - In your “spare time,” I’d love to see a “who’s who” as well so I can visit their blogs. I recognize Julie from Joy’s Hope, but that’s about it.

merlin - Yep, I felt the unwelcome prick of jealousy as well, but I am happy for your friendships (new and old)and fun. The world needs as much goodness in it as can be created and you all do more than your share, thank you.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Okay, I’m not the jealous type, but have to say this makes me jealous. I would love to do something like that…I don’t think I’m brave enough. What fun you all must have had and Meg you always look adorable no matter what color your hair is πŸ˜‰

April - Have to agree w/ the other’s comments and ask you to please share “who is who” and what blogs. And I hope to hear more about the weekend too! Inspiring! (need a girl’s weekend too – even if it’s vicarious!)

Tara - love that you welcomed those lovely ladies into your home…..
and LOVE your new hair color!

Jen - one word…. JEALOUS… πŸ™‚

seb - Are you going to share who is who so we can check out their great blogs too? πŸ™‚

jennifer - Too much fun! I did a double take when I saw Julie in the back before I started reading. What a fun girls weekend. Your hair looks great and I still love, love, love Kim’s hair too. Can’t wait to hear about all the fun stuff you all did.

april - what did you girls do? looks like fun!!!!

MGF - no wondering you were cleaning and getting crafts ready.
Di you host ALL of them overnight or just during the day.
Way fun. When you open your heart and home, the flood comes in with joy.

ashley jensen - Is that what you went crazy cleaning house for? I do the same when I am having company!

Amanda - DYING over here for more details!!! What an awesome awesome weekend – it’s so fun to see you all together!

Kacey - What fun! Your hair is cute. I like it brown!

Katrina - Let me guess… The blond was too high maintenece? That’s why I always end up going darker eventually. It looks good. (You remind me of my aunts now.) It looks like I would have been in heaven in your house. I read three of their blogs every day. (You and Ashley are my #1 favorites. Shh. Don’t tell any of the others.)

purejoy - i agree… link to the attendees! what a fun weekend!
i noticed your hair right away. i love it!

Christine Ishmael - so whose who?

ingrid - super fun!
this is like the all star line up….

Jessica Johnson - cute! so fun! and your hair looks fab! i’m goth, too so i’m a little bias… πŸ˜‰

april's craft nest - how fun (and brave!). i have a craft night this weekend and it was fab! will you be posting what you worked on?

kat - Hey Meg, your hair looks fabulous! Your weekend looks like it was super fun! What a lucky bunch a of ladies to spend a weekend together.

Mindy Harris - WOW. that looks so, so fun. i see a few faces i recognize. i have met 2 of those girls, 3, including you. did everyone get a matching messy pin?
also, i think it’s really neat that you open your home up for others to enjoy. it’s such a beautiful home. my home is itty bitty but i still have people over, though i apologize profusely about the outdated bathroom, etc.

Kelly - Wow! What a GREAT weekend! Were you nervous when you first invited everyone. I recently invited a couple bloggers who I haven’t met in person over and was nervous that they would think I was a stalker. πŸ™‚ All was well though! Kelly

~Debra - Can you share who each of those ladies are? I don’t recognize any of them! I am so nosy! ha ha!
Glad you all had a great time!

kristen - Let’s talk about those cute flowers you are all wearing.

Shayne - What a fun gathering! Glad you got some good girl time in. Girl time is balm for the soul. Especially when chocolate is involved in one form or another. πŸ˜‰

Amanda - What a great idea. Nothing like bonding with friends. Love your hair.

Tess S. - jealous!

Tara M. - Oh my! I am jealous! I wish I could have been there! The talent that was oozing in that house this weekend!

peta - i must be reading some good blogs – i recognise lots of their faces!! how fun!

citymouse - How cool. The few times I’ve gotten together with fellow bloggers has always been a treat.

Meredith - What a perfectly wonderful way to spend the day. Well done to you all for actually organising your busy schedules to make it happen! I’m fascinated to know what Craig and the boys did while all this celebration of womanhood was happening….were they very frightened?? Meredy xo

efrat - please share some more pictures…

Gemma - Hey Meg!
Sounds like a great weekend…do you have any more pictures to share?
Loving the hair!
Gemma x

Janine - I recognize some faces in there. You’ll have to label the photo with names and links to their blogs so we can all get to know them too (through blogland anyway) Looks like a fantastic weekend!

leonieke - looks great!
what a change, from blond to black..
have a nice day! (is your house still clean after al the effort you made last week now you’ve had so much visitors?)

Victoria - What fun you must of had, and how awesome to make new friends for life! I think you look fabulous with dark hair!

Michelle from Australia - I recognise Jess in your pic. It was through my prayers for Cora that I saw your blog (I think it was some pictures she posted at some stage that had your link on it???) and started reading. And that was just after Cora died so over 2 years ago.
Thank you for inspiring me since then.
p.s. I bought myself a Vintage Pearl necklace because I could. Thank you for introducing me to them too!!

Bethany Rodriguez - What a fun group of ladies… I bet you had a wonderful time! (I like your hair color.)

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