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blog sugar.


i am speaking at blog sugar 2011.

i am nervous……but not.

i know that God will give me the words to say.

but i still have to get up and talk in front of everybody….just my voice….in a microphone.

insert sweatiness here.

are you coming to blog sugar?

this will be my first time.

but already i am so excited to meet so many people that i know are coming.
i hope i get to meet YOU too.

you can go to the blog sugar website for details…registration opens today.

here are the other speakers!


it is going to be fabulous….i am sure of it.


i hear there will be cupcakes…..yum. 

Liz - Yay! I’m so excited to go. It’s going to be great!

Kristen - Looking forward to meeting you!

Tracy Fisher - I wanna go… I wanna go… I wanna go! I just got over my pitty party, take a week off, crazy busy life… and now I am back… better than ever… and I wanna go to this event. I am going to pray daily and see how God can get me there!!
Blessings to you, Meg. Tracy Fisher

the whyte house - i did a double take when i saw blog sugar on your page. i think i even said outloud, “this isn’t rach’s page, is it??” i wanted to be at her blog sugar events so badly, but seeing as i’m a whole 30 minutes away from you, it’s not really a short drive to her house. i am so thrilled for rach to get this all put together and even more excited that you get to be a part of it. can’t wait to hear everyone’s stories about it(and see the photos!! **wink, wink**)

Cathy - I want to go. Really really really I do.

Michelle from Australia - That is only a 14 hour flight from Australia. Tempting. Tempting. Tempting……….

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Ticket…CHECK!
Can’t wait!

mel @ the larson lingo - I bought my ticket this afternoon! So excited to met you & hear you speak! 🙂

kristine - you go girl! and KEYNOTE speaker!!!! wahooooooo!!!!!

EverydayEO - I’ve been following your blog for a short time but always love the colors your blog has to offer~They make me feel happy–eye candy!~When I saw Sarah’s tweet about this–I was so excited to see it’s practically in my backyard!!! Talking to husband after dinner and purchasing my ticket tonight: )

crystal beutler - I am coming to hear you speak my friend!!!! So excited that you are coming back!!! Too bad we can’t do some kind of make and take gathering while you are in town!! If you need a place to stay, or rides, let me know. I would be happy to be your Sherpa. Did you open your shop????

danielle - hmm… i say you wait until september to get your nose pierced and we go together so i can watch it happen in soCAL. yes? yes?
i also need sunrises on the ocean every morning i am there. yes, i do.

pve - darn, wish I could go – sounds sweeet.
blessings to you –

Jessica Johnson - I’ll be there, Meg! SO, SO, SO excited to meet you! You’re gonna be FABULOUS! 🙂

Mummy's Dress - That sounds awesome… you’ll be great.

AshleyAnn - WOW…that is going to be one amazing gathering….not to mention in a beautiful place. Can you record it all and post it on You Tube? 🙂

Sarah - Oh, you will be SO good!

april - Yay…I bought my ticket this morning!!!

Candy - That is awesome! You will do great! Now, you just need to find a blogging conference to speak at in Kansas! I would love to hear you speak!

Staci - Oooooh 🙂 I’m soooo tempted!!!! Gonna check it out!!! You are going to be AWESOME….no doubts there!!!!!

Tanya @ Life in 3D - awww….Rachel just asked me to come last night but I’m in Canada..boohoohoo 🙁
Yay for you for stepping up and speaking! God will show up for you ~ He always does 😉
Have sosososososo much fun!

Sugar Mama - I’ve been online all morning looking at airfare and my schedule trying to make this work. I really think I’ll be there and that is kind of scary. I’ve never traveled alone. Ever!

Laura Phelps - I AM SO JEALOUS!
I have no idea what blog sugar is… Must check this out
But did you know that I LOVE public speaking?
My dream job would be to stand in front of millions of people and just talk!!!!
Ok… Off to read about this…

candace - wishing. and hoping. and planning. and dreaming.

shelley - Dont be nervous Meg !! You are FAB !!! I am so excited to attend the event. Just in time for my 40th Birthday…God knew that I needed a pick me up and here it is the Sugar Event !!! Praise our magnificant God !!!

deborah@applesinwonderland - how sweet!!!! sugar and blogging? it might just be too much goodness–nah. never too much goodness. they are lucky to have you. you’ll rock it, no worries:) have a wonderful day!!!!

tara pollard pakosta - that’s awesome!
you go girl!
you are doing great things for God!
I wish I could do half of what you do!

kim - So excited Meg! 🙂 My ticket was purchased this morning by a dear friend – so I’ll be there! 🙂 Can’t wait, should be amazing!
I voted yes to your Kansas convention, but now you are coming here! WOO!!
Meeting you would be icing on the (cup) cake!
<3, kim

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Wow, I would LOVE to be there(was even mapping it out to see if I could arrange to stay with my aunt and uncle) but I just dont see it being a possibility. Im in NY.
Have a wonderful time!

Sarah - I havent ever heard of it… but it has sugar in the name which is right up my alley!

Holly - I had never heard of blog sugar but it sounds like fun!

christi - i am SO excited! i’m going! looking forward to meeting you, hearing you, the whole event! oh and your pillows always make me smile! happy sewing today!

danielle - odasjdlaksndowh!!!!
i have no words to express my excitement.

happygirl - Wow, good for you. This sounds like a lot of fun. CA is soooo far from MD, so I guess I won’t be there. I’ll pray that you hear God’s words clear as a bell when you are speaking. Bless you.

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