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in christ alone.



one of my favorite hymns.   (not necessarily my favorite singer…but the words are the same either way) 
i had this made by lisa leonard because i wanted a reminder.
i wanted something i could see that would point me back….when i forget….when i lose myself.

no matter what is said about me…
no matter how great or how terrible people think i am…
no matter how badly i mess up… 
no matter how i help or fail at helping…..
no matter what my family does or says or doesn't do…

my hope is in christ alone. 

He died for my sin.  (and yours)
He Rose to save me from it.  (and you from yours)
He is preparing a place for me.   (and for you too if you ask Him)

i hope you haven't forgotten about sergey.
there is still so much money needed to bring him home to his family that is waiting for him.
 $10 is so little.      
have you seen how many prizes there are???  it is amazing.
and that one is an IPAD!!!!
but really the important issue….more than the prizes….is sergey.
the thought of him laying in a crib all alone half a world away without a mother or a family
when a mother wants him in her arms…..
and the only thing stopping it is money…..  
is heart breaking.



lisa leonard is helping out.

today and tomorrow….20% of sales
on the oval hangers like mine
go to bring sergey home.

go to lisa's site and find a gift for mother's day or a birthday or for yourself ……and help sergey.

think of all the neat things it could say for MOM!

you can customize them to say anything you want!
they are so cute.
enter the code: WHATEVER at checkout to make sure she knows to give your donation to sergey.
thank you lisa. 

Heidi Jo the Artist - Oh no, I missed the LL sale!
Thanks for sharing bible verses, love that you do this!! Opposite of you in the fact-I love Owl City, have contemplated seeing them live, but thought it would turn out like the Plain White T’s concert with lots of teenagers singing the songs and us not getting to really enjoy just their voices. Thanks for sharing the video, had surprisingly never heard that song of theirs before.

amy jupin - ok. you just got bumped up to ‘all-time favorite’ blogger status.
you are so great.
i could just kiss you!
maybe next time. πŸ˜‰

Cristi Clothier - Great post! have you heard Natalie Grant’s version of In Christ Alone. It’s one of my fav’s.

adrienne - once again… your happy things list make me, well, just dang happy!! i love, love, love the eggs and the peeps! cool symmetry vimeo! the cow and man eating alot just cracked me up!!

traci in virginia - The great thing about Owl City singing the song is that he has a young audience! My daughter loves him! Thanks for posting…she came right over to listen (and then said, “We sing that at church”!”)
Have a blessed Easter!

Shiloh - Every time I hear or sing this song, I get this huge lump in my throat, big ol’ tears, and I am just overcome with Jesus and his love for me. What an amazing God we serve!

Laura Phelps - don’t you just want to scream this from the roof tops?
I can not even begin to explain my love for Jesus Christ.
That with all of my sin…shame…guilt…pride…everything
He loves me still
so flipping awesome

Tracy Fisher - what a beautiful reminder!

Lisa - One of my favorites too. So powerful. I was thinking this morning about how frazzled and distracted I’ve been leading up to this Easter…so used up and tired. My mind landed on this simple truth: Jesus died and rose again…my life depends on that. Every day. In Him alone. Thanks for the reminder.

Short, Sweet Season - Love this post, the song, the wall hanging. I got it with your words, In Christ Alone, to hang on our door. Thank you for spreading the word.

Kimberlee Jost - Lisa Leonard rocks.
I love her so much right now I can barely contain myself!
Our hope is found in Christ…no doubt.
Love that song.

Darcie L. - Love this song. Hubby and I took a group of students to North Africa a few years ago and attended a church there (one of few in the whole country!) and their congregation was singing this song. So cool to hear people of all nations and languages singing the same song and declaring the same message. Happy Resurrection Weekend!

christi - this is my FAVORITE hymn!!

Amy - If you ever go to a Beth Moore LPL event and Travis Cottrell sings this, it will blow you away. You’ll want to die and go to Heaven right there! At the end, the drums beat super loud in the arena and you can feel the vibration through to your soul, along with all the voices singing at the top of their lungs. It’s incredible! It’s also on his Jesus Saves Live CD, but every time I try to turn my CD up loud enough to emulate the event, it’s never quite the same! Have a wonderful Easter with your family! Celebrate the Risen King!!

Jacci - Man, I’m back again! I realized, though, that your version didn’t have all of the words. Did you know there are more words? I thought maybe you left some out to make them fit in your artwork (?). Anyway, here are the lyrics – I realy hope your churches don’t cut some of these out. They’re all so doctrinally sound and full of truth.,_Keith_Getty/In_Christ_Alone/
Okay. I’m done. Can you tell I love this song, too? πŸ˜‰

Terrie - I’ve been checking in on the progress for Sergey regularly! I’m so new to this…how do I link the blogpost about dream big to my fb…I want to help spread the word!

Jacci - Here’s a link about the In Christ Alone songwriters, Stuart Townsend and Keith Getty πŸ™‚

Jacci - Meg – check out Keith and Kristyn Getty. Chances are they’ve written some of your favorite worship songs πŸ™‚ I was just looking at one of their CD cases the other day and actually thought Kristyn resembled you. “Awaken the Dawn” is my favorite – stronger and more passionate musci wise, but the lyrics are always totally spot on and God-exalting. The Gettys are Irish, and there’s some killer fiddle if you’re into that sort of thing πŸ˜‰

Karen Gerstenberger - What beautiful lyrics. Thank you for posting them.
Your rainbow posting below makes me HAPPY! I love your staircase. Happy Easter to you and yours. xoxo

jen smith - have you heard the travis cottrell version. it’s a must!!!
crank it up girl!

Lisa - Thanks for the reminder and for your heart. Your blog is refreshing!

Shayne - Fabulous, fabulous song! Thanks for the post to Owl City’s recording. I had only heard it by the Newsboys.


Lisa Faeth - Thank you for a truly inspiring post… Happy Easter.

tara pollard pakosta - I so love this….I really want that same reminder, it’s perfect!
what an awesome idea…
and truly I can’t imagine you ever messing up anything!
Thanks for the reminder of God’s love, I need that reminder daily!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - This song makes me tear up. What a good idea on the hanger thingy.

danielle - i love this song. i was just listening to the version by brian littrell last night.

Kathleen - Beautiful! Christ said, “If anyone love me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our abode with him. He who does not love me does not keep my words.” John 14:23-24 Today is the day we celebrate the institution of the Eucharist, Christ giving himself, his flesh, his BODY at the last Supper. “Take and eat, this is my body.” Matthew 26:26 In John chapter 6:53-58 “The Jews quarreled among themselves, saying, “How can this man give us (his) flesh to eat?” Jesus said to them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.”
Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!!! May we all be one as Jesus is one with the Father!

april's craft nest - love that meg! in Christ alone! oh, and because of your last post about sergey, i made a small donation. it was your writing that “got” me. thanks!

Carolyn - I love that song–gives me chills and tears every time its sung in a larger crowd. =)

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Wow Meg…I love the one you chose. What a simple, yet DEEP message. Have a blessed Easter weekend! Christ is risen!:)

happygirl - Wonderful hymn and you wrote every word. Thank you and God bless you and your family on these holiest of days.

ingrid - Amen! Thank you….

Niki - Thanks for the reminder! Amen and amen.

natalie (the sweets life) - fabulous hymn. we sang this at our wedding! πŸ™‚
off to find something on lisa’s site!

Alicia @ La Famille - this is so great! i love lisa leonard πŸ™‚

Becki G. - This song JUST played on my Pandora station…
and now you.
Love it!

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