Masthead header

i bought a gift for you!

when i was in tulsa, OK….with my man….relaxing and also rocking out….i got to do some shopping.

the only place i wanted to go was ANTHROPOLOGIE.

but i really only go there to browse and fill my head with creative ideas.

in all the times i have gone over the years….

i have only bought one thing.
a tea cup.
it's by my bed and holds my carmex, barettes, loose change, etc.
i love anthro but i just can't wrap my mind around the cost of most of their things…..for myself.

as i walked around the store
and craig made business calls while sitting on the gorgeous couch in the front of the store 
i decided to buy something for you.

so i wandered and wandered and picked out some special things that i liked….just for you!
an apron.
so you can feel cute while you cook!

a tea towel 
in very happy colors….with vintage-y details.

five mini latte bowls 
in rainbow colors….of course!

later that day i was at pier one and i found this pot holder
and i knew this had to be part of the gift.
it's so fun!
and polka dotted.

then….i was at world market and i found these measuring spoons
and they called to me.
for you.




and i would like to give this gift to YOU.







but here is the catch…..

you can only win if you are one of the totally awesome generous people

who has donated to bring SERGEY home.

leave a comment if you have donated.

if you haven't given yet ….GO DO IT.

then come back and leave a comment.



the fundraiser closes on april 25th….and so will my gifty giveaway.

i am hopeful that danielle can say "i am coming to get you sergey" on that day. 

and YOU can be a part of that.

dreamBig. dreamBig. dreamBig. dreamBig. dreamBig.


Robin Canter - How could I not give when you so perfectly pointed out that we spend $10 ALL THE TIME without even thinking about it. I donated $10 and haven’t blinked an eye since. My Dad always said “You can’t outgive God” and that’s the truth! He gives us so much more than we could ever give back.

annalea - i donated. thank you for your reminders to help them. life gets so distracting, i had almost missed out on the opportunity to be a part of bringing him home. and, seriously, your gift is fab!!!

Julie - I love that Sergey has a family waiting and all of us praying!
Come home little guy!

Becky - I donated because I believe!

Val - I just donated. As the mother of three girls under the age of 6, I have appreciated your thoughtful and candid comments on parenthood. Thank you…

Heather G. - I donated 🙂
Thanks for the chance to win – but if I don’t that tea towel is definitely going on my birthday list!!

jeannett - why do i feel ghetto entering to win for donating? don’t know. just do. but i’ll happily take your anthro goods. so there. i’m a sell out. 😉

Nicole - I donated!

Kathyrn - I donated! So glad you did this!

Brianna - I donated! Thanks for donating your time and energy and talents to such a faithful call 🙂

tiffany - i donated and if i win, u get to keep the goods, except for the measuring spoons, ok u can send them to that sweet lady with 6 soon to be 7 kids. dreaming big!

Anne-Marie Petersen - Just donated. Hopefully he will be home soon!

Jessica Schaffner - I just donated. I’m praying for Sergey to be home soon!!

Ms Carson - I donated! So pleased Sergey is going to have a home and a family!

lindsey Patrick - donated and praying Sergey gets the loving home he deserves!

Courtney Walsh - I am nothing if not a procrastinator!! Donated today and am so so happy I did. Cannot wait till Sergey comes home! 🙂

Taryn Smith - Donated. I have a cousin with Down Syndrome. God will do BIG things!

Caroline - I donated last week – so excited to see them reach their goal!

sarah harper - i donated!
hebrews 3:7-8 “…today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts…”

Anne R. - You’re VERY generous! I donated. 🙂

Anne R. - You’re VERY generous! I donated. 🙂

Deb A. - I donated and am praying that Sergey is able to come home soon.

Michelle - Meg – thanks for posting the link to “Dream Big”. I am the mom to 2 boys – 1 with special needs. My husband and I have talked about adopting other kids with special needs in the future. Now we have a site to go through. I looked through all of the kids on Reece’s Rainbow with tears streaming. I can’t imagine it…we are so lucky. I am so glad our boy was born in our family – and hopefully one day we can help others too.
Just donated at Danielle’s site.

Jessica Johnson - just donated! thank you for making us aware of the need and part of the blessing. <3

Erin Koch - So happy to help bring Sergey home where he belongs!

Becky - I donated. Bless you for bringing this to people’s attention!

Tara S - love that you have featured this story. This brings so much hope to not only this family, but others as well. I left a donation and hope that every bit helps!

Amy - I dontated 🙂

Michelle - I donated…thanks for sharing about this. God is so awesome how He works to use believers together for such an awesome purpose!

Amy Swanson - I donated and now can’t wait to see the end of the story 🙂 Thanks for the nagging, it took me until a couple of posts to make me get off my couch, walk across the room and dig my wallet out!

Monica - Thank you for sharing Sergy’s story. I donated!

Ami Lynn - Done! So glad I could be a part of your journey home Sergey!

Trish - i donated for sweet sergey!

Lori - Just donated! I’m thankful to God that I could play a small part in this journey. May His will be done.

Tessa - I donated this morning ~ thanks for all the cheers to bring Sergey home!

Abby B - donated! praying for Sergey and blessings on this fundraiser!

Sharri - It’s the 25th, is it too late? I donated and glad to have helped.

Danielle Albini - I donated! Praying that the family can soon see their son and new brother!!

Heather - I just donated about five minutes ago. I just wish that I knew how to post it on my blog. But I did put it on my Facebook page, which will be read more than my blog. LOL

Lindi - I just chipped in!! I hope this little guy gets to come home to his already loving family!! Meg, you are awesome for helping out!!

Sue - Meg- thank you so much for sharing this story so we could be a tiny part of it. So inspiring. To God be all the glory.

rosemarie - i donated and love to help for a worthy cause

Meredith Salmon - Just donated Meg, thanks for the reminder.

Heidi Jo the Artist - I donated. 🙂 I am a mom, how could I not. What an amazing story!!
Thanks for a chance at your cool giveaway!

Holly Stanfield - I just donated… I couldn’t look at his little face any longer knowing that I wasn’t helping out. I hope he is home soon.

Sheila P. - I just donated. What an honor to be tiny part of God’s awesome plan!!

Kate - I realized it was the 25th (duh) so I went back and donated again! Yay!

Tracy Vaninger - Donated!

Stephanie - i donated… what a wonderful support you have been for this story!

Sara - I donated…thank you for helping this sweet boy come home to his parents. Thank you.

Mary Ferrara - Hi Meg! I just donated. I have been very touched by this story and through your posts, my eyes have been opened to how good and big God’s love is. I am praying for this sweet baby and for the Farley fam that he will continue to provide. God bless you and yours too 🙂

Shawna - I just donated. What a wonderful family!

rkokes - I donated!

Elizabeth - I donated. I hope it happens for them.

sarah crosby - I donated! Praising God for people like them who are proof that the Lord is still moving today! Adoption in close to my heart and I know the Lord is going to bless their family for following His plan and desire for their family!

Anna Marie - You are so sweet to do this for them! How generous and loving of you. I couldn’t pass up donating…what a sweet little boy…what a great way to spend $10!

Suzanne - I donated. My prayers are with this family.

stacy - LOVE your blog. You are great!
Just donated! Praying for Sergey – from Omaha, NE

Michele - I donated too!!

Sabrina - Just donated. 🙂 Glad to help this sweet little guy.

AshleyAnn - donated…can’t wait to see him home!…and I love your heart.

Kellie C. - I donated 🙂 What an amazing story and journey that family is taking, can’t wait to watch their progress to bring Sergey home! Thank you for directing me to them!

Carrie - I donated!

Christy Mandin - I donated. And secretly prayed that the Lord would give my husband a heart for adoption. But, somewhere on her blog she posted a note that “…not everyone is called to adopt. But we are all called to help…” So true. So true

Lori - I just donated and am so excited to be part of this wonderful journey! Lori

Keri Rezac - I donated 🙂

Angie P - I donated just the other night! Yay!

Tanya - I donated x

Kathy - I did donate. I feel weird telling you that I did but I did. So much want to eb a pat of Segey’s coming hoem story. I blogged about it but no one commented 🙁 I donated on my birthday. Felt better spending our families money when it felt more like mine. Make any sense? I wonder if you kind of felt hte same way buying a gift for me instead of yourself. It was fr me, right? you siad it was and it was my birthday 😉

Molly Howe - I donated last week. Praying for Danielle to be able to bring him home quickly! I already know God will provide…whether it’s through DreamBig or in some other way 🙂

Nicole M - This family has such a huge heart. I donated, not much, but what we could do. Thanks 🙂

Heather - I donated – what asweet little face!


Janelle - I donated! My neice was born with DS. Every child is special, but DS children are so much more! We love her to death and hope the same for all children, DS or not.

Courtney Henson - I donated too!

Catherine P - I donated and LOVE that I’m the 149th person to comment. What a huge blessing! So excited for this sweet family to bring their son home.

Danielle Thompson - I donated last week. I can’t wait to see this little boy come home to his family who aches for him! And I pray that the awareness for Sergey brings many more of those special babies/children to Christ loving families.

Jessica - I donated after the first time you posted about him. Thank you for the giveaway! Very thoughtful!

sara @ it's good to be queen - wow, this is amazing. you are so generous. everything is so pretty. I love anthro, but the prices are too high for me too. i donated…and can’t wait to watch their journey unfold. 🙂

Sam Miller Gott - I did it!

elizabeth of course - I gave! When I first saw the link here a while back, I had to go right over! God bless that sweet baby!

Fizzy - Love how widespread this cause is! We donated!!

Becky - I donated about a week ago… very touched by their story.

Nicole - Meg you are so sweet and have such a generous heart . . . I donated. Happy Easter!

Kari - I donated on 4-12-11

Rebecca - You’re brilliant! And I donated last week.

Renee - I donated. 🙂 Hope little Sergey comes home soon.

Kellie - I donated to help bring Sergey home! 🙂

kim y - I too hope Danielle can say “I am coming to get you Sergey” I donated when you first posted :)Thanks to you!
Kim Y

Erica Haude - I donated today!

Gretchen - I donated… thanks for the reminder. 🙂

Micah - I donated! I love getting to help bring a child to a new life in Christ 😀 and all your rainbowy, brightly colored things make me smile.

Melissa - I donated! i hope that everything works out for them

Lindsey - I donated a week or so ago. I hope Sergey comes home soon!

Ellie Perez - Of course me and my girls already donated! Who could resist his sweet little face! I also reposted on my own blog to get the word out!! Really hoping the family can raise enough to bring home their 7th baby! what an amazing story they have!

danielle - i donated 🙂 praying sergey will be in his mamas arms in no time

Janet Murphy - I donated when you first posted and then donated yesterday again with another email address. I wanted her to get to 7500. I am thinking of Sergey often and can’t wait to watch their journey to bring him home.

adrienne - i donated today… precious! sending the family lots of love and support!

Ashley B. - I donated 🙂

Laura Phelps - you are so good meg

Selina - What fun things you found!

because love is a lifestyle - I donated. God is faithful, he’ll give them what they need to get Sergey.

Amy Moon - I donated, and I pray for this sweet child to be in a mother’s arms so very soon. Thanks for making us aware of this opportunity. I know God leads and guides us when we are looking for ways to help others.

Jenna - World Market is my favorite (the prices are a little more in my range than Anthro). I donated, too!

Jennifer W - I donated! Sending up prayers too!

Janene - I donated in honor of each of my three kids–how could I not? Praying he comes home!!!

Stephanie - I donated too!

Stefanie - just donated. 🙂

Canadian Vintage Gal - meg, you rock. your kind heart is inspiring, your zest for life contagious. i want to be you!! LOL 🙂 what a great giveaway idea.

Cass M - I donated early on …. And now love to check the totals every morning!

Kimberley - I donated today. Sergey is such a sweet boy; so heartbreaking to know he and other little kids have to wait for someone to love them. Thanks Meg, you are a gem for doing this for your friend! PS We just got an Anthro in Calgary, close to where I live. It’s lovely, but expensive. Fun to visit all the same…

Jess - I donated. I love all that you are doing to help Danielle and her family, Megan. Praying Sergey gets to be in his mama’s arms soon.

Hannah Holden - i donated! what a cute assortment of goodies! love your blog! 🙂

Crystal Swoverland - I donated last week and posted on my facebook page 3 times!!! I keep checking the progress, at least 3 times a day! I am so excited for this family…I know I will be donating again in the next day or so….I CAN’T help myself!!!

Jennifer Keating - I donated last week. As a Mom of 4 (2 that are adopted and a husband that is adopted) I hope he comes home very soon!

Amy - I donated last week after your first post. I had been avoiding adding my comment but when I saw your gift I couldn’t resist.
I absolutely cannot wait to hear about the trip to bring Sergey home.

Stephanie - Woohoo! I donated yesterday. Yeah!

a pocket full of posies - I donated!!! wish I could just donate the whole amount!!!- to bring that sweet boy HOME!!!- I also have a link on my blog…hopefully TOGETHER we can help complete a family!!
Happy Easter!
Many Blessings!

Alana Gray @ Gray Matters - I donated a couple of days ago. Wish I could’ve given more. thank you

Lisa - I just chipped in! Praying that God puts little Sergey in her arms soon!

Melissa - I donated. Thanks for doing your part to bring this cutie home to his family!

adrienne - I donated too… sending them lots of love and best wishes in their journey!

shannan - I donated…and have looked at the website of kids waiting to be adopted…everyday since. My heart strings are being pulled very hard. I love them all…..

Kristina - I donated! he is too cute to not donate for:)

Ann Griffin - I donated! I pray this adorable little boy gets to come home!

adrienne jane - just chipped in :o)

Jessica Jackson - I donated! Praying Sergey comes home soon. 🙂

Sara - What a sweet idea! I hope even our little bit helps!

Su@The Intentional Home - oh what colorful happiness. . .I donated last week after I read your initial post about Danielle and her family and Sergey. We are in the process of adopting a 6 year old from Ethiopia. . our 4th child is also adopted (from Guatemala) so I have a heart for adoption. . also one for believing God for big things. So thanks for sharing how we could be a part!! Would have never known unless you posted.

JennaLynn Self - I donated for Sergey! 🙂

Jenni Carlisle - Your heart is crazy amazing Meg, and blesses mine. Donated for sweet Sergey!

Tami - yep we gave a little too!! What an amazing adventure!

Megan - I donated! What a great way to help others share the love!

Alison - I donated..what a dollbaby!! Cant wait to hear that Sergey is home with his brother,sister mommie and daddy! I love helping with something so very special!

Karie - I donated yesterday and am praying Sergey gets to come home soon!

Jes - I donated the first time I saw it on your page, Children deserve all of our help, even if you need to give the last bit you have. (believe me, it feels good)

Amy T-Y - I donated days ago!
Because he’s a doll!
Because he needs a good family!
Because it’s the right thing to do!
Can’t wait ’til he’s home!

Nicole Drysdale-Rickman - Absoutely I donated! Can’t wait til I can read on her blog that Sergey is home with his family!!

Jennifer - I donated the other day and I’m loving the extra incentive you’re giving people. It’s such an easy way for people to get involved in the wonderful world of adoption! I truly believe God calls all of us to be a part of adoption, He just has different ways for each of us to do that.
Thanks Megan!

Lindsay - I donated. That face…precious! He needs to be home.

lacey poag - i donated:) 🙂 🙂
i looks like you hand picked this fun gift with me in mind….loving each and every piece!

Erin - I donated. Such love there… Great giveaway too…

jackie - Just Donated! Many blessings to you and your family. Your blog is a light and God is shining down on you! Thanks for sharing Sergeys story. Our family will be praying for him and his family. Happy Easter. Smiles, Jackie

Yolanda - thanks for the opportunity to take part in bringing a little boy home where he belongs. our God is big and powerful and with him nothing is impossible.

Jill - I donated last week. What an amazing organization… there are so many children (special needs or no) that need a loving home in this world. I feel honored to be able to help one of them come home.

Amy Mierzejewski - Sergey is a sweetheart. I donated last week and continue to pray for him to come home!

Talia - I donated last week on Danielle’s post/site. My fingers are crossed and saying prayers they can bring the sweet baby boy home.
Happy Easter to you and your family!

Desiree' - i donated! 🙂 - i donated last week on danielle’s post. how gracious of you to add to the incentive 🙂

shauna reed - you are so sweet.
love anthro.
praying for sergey.

julie - dreaming BIG with you all!!!

tara - aww! i donated. &&& i’m praying they get to bring him home really soon!

Elizabeth Jorgensen - I donated yesterday….thank you so much for posting about this cute little boy..I would have never known without you posting about them..So Thank you!!!!

Sarah - i donated! … and facebooked … and blogged! hopefully that cute little boy gets to come home soon!! thanks for doing this!

Laura - I donated $10 for this worthy cause.

Cas McKinley - I donated last week—Now, I pray for Sergey and for God to move my husband to see/feel/act on the need of Sergey’s Reece’s Rainbow buddies!

Alise M. - I donated last week with my mommy 🙂
Ever since we made that donation together I haven’t been able to spend one day without going to Reece’s Rainbow. Lots of prayers have been sent Sergey’s way!!

rychelle - i was happy to donate and will be happier when we finally hear that he’s home!

Kate - I donated last week and posted it on my fb. Awesome.

amanda - I donated and am hoping and praying that Sergey is with his family real soon. Cute, cute, cute stuff for a very cute little boy!

Christine - Just donated! Thank you for encouraging Danielle to DREAM BIG! My hope is that one day in the future, I will be able to do something so courageous and amazing. Happy Easter!

Anne - I donated!

Libby - I donated last week and posted about it on facebook…I don’t have a personal connection to Danielle or Sergey, but Reece’s Rainbow has long since won my heart. Our three year-old son Charlie has Down syndrome and we love him to pieces and once we found out there were so many orphans in the world simply because they have Down syndrome…the Lord has moved our hearts into action, to pray, donate and raise as much awareness as we can. So thank YOU for dreaming big! I’ve always loved your enthusiasm and heart, but you’ve officially won me over! 🙂 That said, I’m off to make one more donation to Sergey…I can’t think of a better way to kick off Easter weekend.

Lisa - I donated too! So excited to see them get closer to bringing their son home. My sister adopted a little boy from Ethiopia and the waiting is hard! Praying they get all the money needed 🙂

Anne - I donated (and have the receipt to prove it!). I hope and pray she brings him home soon!

saundra - I have donated and prayed for this family. I feel honored to be able to do so even a small amount. I have also posted the link to my facebook page! Dream Big….yes I will!!

mandy friend - i donated when you first posted about it! thanks:)

Kristi Barrett - I donated and posted the link to my facebook!

Lisa - Donated yesterday!

Kristi - What beautiful gifts and how sweet of you to send people to her blog! I donated and will be praying for her family to be able to bring him home!

april - I donated girl…I wish I could have given more….but Im making up for that with all my prayers….:)

Joanne B - Great idea Meg!! I donated. She will be holding Sergey in her arms thanks to you.

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - I donated last week, too,
and I hope that little Sergey is *home* soon.
This is awesome. 🙂
{couldn’t you just walk around anthro for hours?
so much inspiration to be found there!}

Erin T. - I donated to bring Sergey home (what a cutie he is!). I think it is wonderful the good things you do with your bloggy notoriety. You capture beautiful family memories, but do good for others at the same time.

Tonya - woohoo! I donated last week after 3 days of trying NOT to donate. 🙂 He was just too much on my mind and heart to not give. and I love you even more for caring so much.

Laura J - Oh, my goodness. I am FROM Tulsa (born and raised) and love anthro, but never, EVER noticed it in Utica Square– even though we go there quite often. How is THAT possible? LOL
I hope you had fun in Tulsie Town. Hubs and I can’t wait to go back this summer… if the military allows. 😉

Amber - Donated yesterday! Praying for their family!

Heidi - Great idea! I already donated!

karen - I donated.
Happy Easter.
I have been singing In Christ Alone in my head since yesterday.

Angela Swenson - I already dontated. Great idea, can’t wait to see what happens.

Maria - I felt blessed to donate to bring Sergey home…thanks for letting me be a part of this wonderful opportunity!

shannon - pick me! i donated last week.

Louise - I donated to this amazing cause. I SO hope Sergey makes his way home!! Thanks for making us all aware of him and his beautiful family! You are awesome!!

Terrie G - Great idea!! I was more than excited to donate right away last week! 2nd adoption I’ve been able to help out in less than a month!

Renae - Donated twice, then again this morning! Happy Easter!

KelleyW - I donated last last week. What a great cause!

april's craft nest - what a creative and generous thing to do! i dontated last week after your heartfelt post 🙂

Deidre - I donated this week and have been praying for Sergey and for Danielle’s family that they will reach their goal and that he will be home soon. I have felt the same “tug” on my heart to adopt, and like this family I am not sure how we could come up with the substantial upfront costs of adoption. It is certainly heartwarming to see all of these people contributing to Sergey’s cause!

Michelle - I just donated yesterday. How generous of you! Keeping Danielle and Sergey in my thoughts and prayers!

Niki - I’m so excited to say that I donated! What a cool thing God is doing there!(And Sophie, I hope my kids turn out half as caring as you are!)

Melissa - I donated last week when you first mentioned it.
For days after reading about sergey my heart has been heavy for the children who need a forever family….I pray they all find new families soon!

Lindsey Claassen - I donated to such a worthy fund!

Necole - I donated the other day. I pray they get the money they need to get that sweet baby home!

amalisa - I donated last week and am praying for the family to be together soon!

Katie Clements - I donated a week or so ago – I hope that still counts!
I love ALL those awesome gifties you got for us! You are sooo wonderful!

Amy - I donated and am keeping the family and Sergy in my daily prayers to GOD! Sergy will be coming home soon!

Lillian - I donated and I LOVE all of this support for their family! Can’t wait to hear how it all goes – so excited to hear about them bringing their sweet boy home:)

Lael - I donated a few days ago – I hope to be able to follow her story during the adoption (soon)!

Sophie - I donated last week and I just did again. I’m doing it in smaller amounts more regularly since I’m only a high school senior and contributing my own money. That sweet boy needs it a lot more than I need a new pair of jeans or shoes.

Trish - I donated. This is a wonderful thing you are doing here!!

Karma - I’ve been meaning to donate all week long … just did! How sweet of you to think of others, when I’m sure you could of found plenty for yourself, you’re awesome! 🙂 Anthro is so full of beautiful things, everything you picked out is bright and happy … love it all! Sergey is adorable, praying he can come home soon. Have a wonderful Easter with your family!

Stefanie - I just donated and hope that Sergey will be coming home soon! Love all the rainbow colored goodies you found, shopping for other is so much fun 🙂

Lisa Johnson - Donated and praying that Sergey will be coming home soon!

rebecca - I donated the other day. I’m so glad several bloggers have highlighted his story so that so many of us could feel apart of it. 🙂

Jennifer christians - I sure did…just look at that precious boy….how could you not?

Chaos-Jamie - I donated. So happy for Sergey.

Vera - Ah, you are awesome! Yes, I donated to bring Sergey home last week. SUCH an awesome cause, I am waiting with baited breath for that baby boy to make his way HOME!

Wendy - I just donated … God bless and Happy Easter!

Jessica - I donated. Praying that Sergey will be able to come home to his family soon!

hershey's moma {amy} - Good morning and Happy Good Friday!
Donated… Can’t wait to see this all work out-
Beautiful assortment… 🙂

birdie blue - i donated, too.
so crossing my fingers.

Melissa - I donated 🙂

Matilda Joyce - I was honored to donate last week!

stephanie - I donated last week. : )

CathyC - This is a fantastic idea!! I did a give away just like this on my FaceBook 2 weeks ago (except it was to do any good deed for a stranger). It was so fun doing it.
Anyway, I did donate, and I hope I win. Those latte bowls are calling my name.

Kimberlee Jost - I donated….man I love that little guy and Danielle so much!

Jeannie - Just donated! 🙂

Janie Fox - I donated. Reece’s Rainbow has a special place in my heart. My new grand daughter has DS and is truly a gift. Amazing little girl. Thanks for your attention to this great cause. I loooove the give away. I love Anthro too but I think it is pricey.

Sarah - I just donated and posted the original Dream Big post to my facebook! Hope it helps!

Benay - I donated and am praying that they get all they need.

Katie - I donated!

Kathie Simmons - I donated. How could I say “no” to that face?

Jamie Skaates - I donated 🙂 Love all of these wonderful things you found!

Stefanie Arnold - haha! sneaky… and awesome! I love it. I just donated.

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