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it’s easter…..come awake.

this was played at our church today.

"He was pierced for our transgressions, 
   he was crushed for our sins; 
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, 
   and by his wounds we are healed. 
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, 
   each of us has turned to our own way; 
and the LORD has laid on him 
   the iniquity of us all. "    
Isaiah 53: 5 & 6

β€œDon’t be alarmed,” he said.

β€œYou are looking for Jesus who was crucified.
He has risen! He is not here." 
Mark 16:6


happy easter. 

Anto - Well the last two years have been a little direffent for Easter. 2011 will be my one and only daughters 3rd Easter. So our tradition is we of course wake up and have a yummy Easter breakfast made by me and then we get ready to attend church. We alternate between my daughter’s aunts church and her grandparents church. Then after Church we come home and I give her what the Easter bunny brought her and we have lunch. She takes a nap. Then we have some play time outside and then a light dinner and then some mom and daughter time and then bath time then a good Easter book that the bunny brought her and then bed time. I couldn’t ask for a better Easter. Actually any all all holidays with her are the best

Heather G. - He is risen, indeed! Happy belated Easter!

Lori - That video was a blessing. Thanks, Meg. Happy Easter to you and your sweet family πŸ™‚

Christy Rose - They played this at our church here in FL yesterday as well!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Neat video. πŸ™‚ Happy Easter, hope you had a blessed and happy day!!

Amanda - It was played at our church too. Love it!

Laura Phelps - Genuine Faith….
hard to come by these days πŸ™‚
I love Easter
I love the empty tomb
I love that in order for Him to fill us, we must empty ourselves
I love and am so humbled in knowing that Jesus would die over and over agin for ME
hard to believe
but I do
Happy Easter, to my friend who inspires..who through kindness, color, and laughter, shows me the hand of God in action
love you

Julie - I love that our two churches, thousands of miles a part both played this powerful video during services this morning.
I love that God created the musicians that wrote the song and the guys who made the video.
I love that the tomb is empty.
It is finished.
We are free from sin.
That we have hope in heaven.
Happy Easter friend.
He is risen.
He is risen indeed.

Angela W. - Thanks for sharing that clip. I didn’t have the opportunity to go to church today. IT was really good to watch that. I found your blog from Lisa Leonard Designs. I’m glad I checked it out! I am purchasing an oval pewter piece to support bringing Sergey home. I don’t know his story, but knowing that he is a world away…alone without a mommy…breaks my heart. I can help contribute with my purchase. Happy Easter!

Carol S - and on that note….Happy Easter and good night. Beautiful way to end a(imperfect but) good day.

Jen - Happy Easter this is my favorite song… I have it on my blog today too… He is Risen Indeed!

Becky - We used that video this morning too and the response was awesome! I love how churches all over were proclaiming the same message for Jesus!

shauna reed - at 2 min 15 sec.
isn’t that like a 20 year old version of mr duerksen????
ps. my computer totally wants your last name to be deerskin…..hmmmm classy.
happy easter mrs. deerskin….xoxo

shauna reed - dude. did you notice the guy that has your husbands smile in the middle of the video?
that was kinda crazy.
i am sure you MUST have noticed it…right?

Christy - Just listening to that exact song, lol. Our community had a Come Awake vigil last night to celebrate Easter. This video was played on the side of a building on our downtown square. Amazing!

Jennifer - We sang that song this morning at church but didn’t watch the video. Thanks for sharing it. SO good. I never really thought of apathy as sin. Hmmm. Definitely something to work on.
Happy Resurrection Day! Hope you’re enjoying the day with your family.

Terrie G - Thanks for sharing! Have a Wonderful Easter!!

Kerry - Meg…. Thank you. After a trying day with my daughter, and a huge amount of stress work wise, I am so glad to have watched this refreshing video. Happy Easter to you all xx

lucy - that is so beautiful!! thanks for sharing!

Ellen J - I love this video. I’m about to watch it a second time to catch anything I missed the first time around.
Hope you don’t mind, but I shared it on my blog as well, and I linked you. Thanks so much for sharing!

HopefulLeigh - We sang that song to close our Easter service! I was so moved by the lyrics that I blogged about it today. Now in watching the video you posted, I feel like I saw it at my old church before I moved. Didn’t realize I’d heard the chorus before!

Maria - Happy Easter!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Happy Easter! We sang this at Vigil last night! LOVE that song!

Lisa - LOVE this song! Was thinking of it all morning and you are the second person online that shared it. Such great words. “Our God is not dead,HE’S ALIVE HE’S ALIVE!!” πŸ™‚

Staci - Happy Easter to The Duerksen Family!!!! Blessings from Oklahoma!!!

Michelle Rotner - This song is written and performed by Matt Maher. Check out his music at
Can’t pass up the opportunity to support and promote a friend and his blessings.

deb - He is truly Risen!

Penny - Beautiful! Thank you for sharing that! Happy Easter to you and your family.

happygirl - I’m awake. Thanks, Meg. Christ is risen, indeed.

karen - Happy Easter to you and yours!

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