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who wants to come to craft weekend?


there will be many more details to come.

there is a very limited number of spots that will be sold….VERY.

i think i will be doing more than one….if you really want me to.

it will be ALL inclusive.

once you get here all you will need is your jammies and your toothbrush!

and i bet even if you forget your toothbrush i could get one for ya!

it will be here in kansas.

there will probably be a field trip to the barn…..

here is the link to my first craft weekend with my bloggy friends.

i can't wait to meet YOU at the next one!

you can come by yourself and hang out with me.

or you can come with a friend…….or a few friends!


so…what do you think????

can you come?



Lisa - I live here in McPherson and am a crafting and antique nut. you keep mentioning a trip to the barn that i am not familiar with but would love to be. would you tell me where i can find this wonderful (i hope) place.

Erin - where’s the waiting list?? sign me up! I’d love to come!!

megan - me, me, me!!! i would LOVE it!

angie - I’m actually in Kansas that weekend for a wedding! My cousin is getting married 9-10-11 in Overland Park. Please do it again. I’d make the drive from Colorado, no problem!!!

Vicki - I would completely love to come and craft with you!!

Mique - If only……..
would LOOOOOVE this. Any plans to take the show on the road?

Angie P - I am definitely up for this!!! 🙂

ashlee - i will totally come!! that is if i can secure a spot:)

Erin Koch - Sounds like so much fun! I’m in Missouri and a total Tiger fan but we could probably get along for one weekend right?!? Can’t wait to hear more about it!

Tracy - I would love to go! If you are going to do more than one weekend though, can you let us know before you open this one up??? That weekend is horrible for me but…if it is the only one, I will figure out how to make it happen…if I can afford it and air fare from MA.

Debbie - I’ll be really close to you after we move next month – yipee! The weekend away sounds like so much fun. I’m new to your site, though, so I might wait for the next year!

Robin Sears - It sounds fabulous and I love reading your blog- Are you near an airport? I’m on the East Coast!

Amy - OK, so 300 people want to come. Make that 301 including me. I always tell my husband we could be neighbors. If it doesn’t work this time, I sure hope you want to do it again sometime! You are so brave!

lindsey - the pleated poppy - i’ll be over in a minute…

tasha roe - I would totally be there!!! I can bring goodies; treats of bribery. 🙂

Tracy - That sounds so fun! I’m in Leawood (KC area). Where are you located in Kansas??

Dani - I would love to come if you have available space! I live in your hometown 🙂

Lori H - I dreamt I met you the other night. We went to a bakery and bought muffins for breakfast. Ha. Maybe this was a premonition. Would love to do a craft weekend with you.

Nicole - that would be amazing!!

tiffany m gardner - That is the Alzheimer’s Walk Weekend…. 🙁 will have to miss it and you 🙁

F Bernink - I would love to, however, I don’t have the money. Rotterdam – Kansas is a long way you know! =D But I’ll craft along Side with you here in Rotterdam!

Dawn Eshnaur - PICK ME! PICK ME! My friend and I would love to come! We already have connections to Newton! Hope we can sign up 🙂

Michelle - yes, please! i think this would be so amazing to getaway w/ some girls and do some fun crafty things!

Jenni Carlisle - Can’t wait to hear the details!!!!!!!!

Rach - Clearly a grip load of women want to come to this fabulous event of yours and I am yet another person who wants to come. Can’t wait for more details. 🙂

Shelley - Yes!! I want to come!! Crafting and me time with other women is just what this Mom needs 🙂

Nicole - Hi Meg! I would love to come!! I live in West Kansas and just met Beki at the Barn Sale and also Amy D. and Amy J. I would love to come craft, hang out, and get to know ya guys. I hope there is still room. Just let me know and I’ll put it on my calendar! Thank you!
simplycreatedbycole (at) gmail (dot) com

Johanna Santiago - if you’re not an amazing crafter can one still come?

Tina Hahn Hefner - Yes! Yes! Yes! I’d love to get more information. Do chocolate bribes get you to the top of the list? LOL

mandy - ummmm…. of course! how can we make that happen?

Jana - I would love to come and spend a weekend crafting with you.

AShley - i wanna come!! it would be a perfect 29(ugh) birthday away from my 3 little kidlets.

Tiffany - Oh goodness I would LOVE to be there!!!!! Count me in and I will be there with BELLS on!!! I can’t think of a better vacation!! YAY!!!

Kimberly - Yes, yes, yes! I would LOVE to come…Georgia’s not too far away, right?

Robin Canter - hmmm – so how far is Kansas from Southern Maryland? I bet I could drive it with blissful thoughts of crafting and eating those french toast kabobs. keep me posted, this fellow crafter may just may show up on your doorstep. 🙂

kat - Oh my GOSH!!! I would LOVE to come!!! I can’t wait to hear the details. Perhaps I can swing it… depends on how expensive airfare is from ATL to Kansas! So fun!

Stacey Hansen - me too!! me too!! when, where, how much??

Vonda - That would be so absolutely amazing! I wish I could go! I’m doing the flowers for a friends wedding that weekend, and it’s going to be a busy one. But a whole craft weekend with you!!!! That would be the best!:)

Katlott - I’d be there in a heartbeat!

Jen H. - Would totally love it! Your house seems so cozy and you and your family seem so fun! Unfortunately, I don’t sew, but I do scrapbook. I have a good friend that loves to sew and maybe I could bring her. We live in CO, so that is fairly close to good ole Kansas….
Can’t wait to hear more details! 🙂

Renae - Would love…and BTW you and I have a friend in common (the fabulous Fremont, Nebraska photog). Just thought i’d throw that in there cuz it’s a darn, small world if you ask me. 🙂

Jacqui - yes yes yes yes yes …. wow never been to kansas!

Jen Spilker - I would love to come!

April M - close my eyes and click my heels…there’s no place like Kansas….there’s no place like Kansas….

Kim - Sounds lovely!

amac - You have NO idea how much I wish I could. But, I currently live 8511 miles away from you 🙁 Wah! If I happen to be home (Oklahoma) the next time you have one (next spring, just in case you want to plan it around me, haha!), I would MOST DEFINITELY try to come!

christine - Oh my goodness! How insanely cool is this?!? I’d love to come to Kansas, have a super-fun crafty weekend, and visit Cora’s Playground. My daughter and I crafted and raised money for that & I’d love to come to Newton and meet you!

Jen Christians - I would love to be there… make sure there is enough Toilet Paper though! 😉 JK… Nice meeting you!

Jennifer Henry - I would definitely love to come craft and make a few friends while I’m at it. Can’t wait to hear more.

Lisa Vogel - Wow from the length of this list I will be there in a couple of years! I live in Missouri so this sounds great!

Elizabeth Leitko - My BIRTHDAY is 9/11 !!!! I WANT TO COME!!!!!! You are so very crafty and as a Kindergarten teacher I need some lessons that don’t just involve school glue :)!!!!

Rosemary - I would love to come. I would love to see Kansas and make new friends!

Lesley - I want to come! I want to come! I want to come!!! But I can’t cause it’s just a little far from Australia. So sad!!

peta - how long is the flight from Sydney Australia to Kansas????

Misty - Oh Meg how I wish I could be there crafting it up with you in your beautiful home… If only I didn’t live in Australia.

Sheridan Eketone - If only Kansas was next door to Auckland, New Zealand.. I WOULD LOVE to come!!!! Maybe you need to have one over here! 😉 Love your blog Meg! xxx

Michelle from Australia - There are now direct flights from Sydney (Australia) to Houston. And then it would just be another flight to Kansas from Houston I presume?
ACTUALLY, I have a better idea…..Meg, why don’t you put it in your diary to come to AUSTRALIA and do a tour here? I’m sure Craig would LOVE that idea. Wouldn’t you Craig 🙂
My husband says unless I can get a seat on a rocket, flying to Kansas for 3 days probably isn’t that practical. But I can dream can’t I???? Oh how I wish I could be there…..

Alicia - I want to know where you got the cute little picture background thingies that you’ve used on this post- did you make them yourself on the computer? Soooo cute!!!

Marisol Avila - Oh how I would love to come…you have 254 responses….I think you need to have more than one! 🙂

siobhan - my bag is now packed waiting by the door,i even packed my oversized footie jamms;)do you do background checks??? lol.just.K.I.D.D.I.N.G.:)

Kathleen - How far is it from Denver….I just read your blog praying that one day I will be able to be crafty and cute and a good mom all at once.

Sarah Wolfe - Wow. Looks like lots of people want to come to your craft weekend. You may have to have about 25 of them 🙂

Michele - Let’s see…a weekend away with GIRLS??? Yes, please! =0)

taniawillis - um, yes, please! 🙂

Kimberlee Jost - Have I ever mentioned that this is how I got my start in crafting?
Oh, I have?
Thanks for that.
Doing some of that this weekend.
And in September. 🙂 - Oh Meg! You are so brave! and generous:) When I saw this post this morning I was giddy. and nervous! I told my friend and coworker….we have to go! We work at a non profit and have a major event the following weekend. So we are free! How cool is that? And we live in KS so we’ll have a fun road trip. I can’t wait to hear the details. Good luck narrowing this down! Are you feeling the love from your hundreds of fans?! I hope so!

HopefulLeigh - I might be starting a new job in August, in which case I probably wouldn’t be able to come. But if I can make it work, absolutely!

JustMommer - You’re gonna need a bigger house! I would like to come pretty please with sugar on top!

lisa reed - Oh yes, road trip from the Windy City! I don’t have a blog, but I would totally start one if it’s required! Would love to go thrifting in your neck of the woods. *Have sewing machine, will travel. :)*

Jane - oh wow I would love to come – I’ve never been to Kansas before, but I do live in Australia so it’s unlikely I can make it. oh well I’ll join in by looking at the photos and imagining how fun it would all have been!

Jen - I so wish I could come, but please do have a great weekend – and share all about it!

lisa b4 - I would love to do this!!!

Heather R. - Beast! 🙂

Brooke - I live in Australia and I would love to come! 🙂

Anne R. - oh my gosh, would i love to come. wowzers, how very tempting. if i could pull it off financially and scheduling wise i’d so be there. maybe i will be! just maybe. if i’m lucky.

Anne R. - oh my gosh, would i love to come. wowzers, how very tempting. if i could pull it off financially and scheduling wise i’d so be there. maybe i will be! just maybe. if i’m lucky.

Melissa - Oh my goodness. I would love to come!!!!! Seriously. I’m just in CO. That’s not too far. I’m anxiously awaiting more details!

Heidi - Oh my gosh, yes!! You’re going to need an even bigger house. 😉

Melissa - yes. really that’s it…yes, i would simply be so blessed to come!

danielle burkleo - we are on vacay or you know i would be there!!

amy jupin - hoo.

Jenny B. - I would love to come! Please, please, pretty please post the “all-inclusive” price before you put the spots up for sale. I’ll have to get permission from Dave Ramsey. Oh, and my husband, too. 😉 I don’t want to miss it!

Astrid - I’d LOVE to come! I don’t get many chances to get away….and do craft projects? How awesome would that be?!?

Beth - Oh I want to, so bad! And you’re SO CLOSE… but we’re moving into a new house close to then and life will probably be pretty hectic. Do you have any idea how many times you plan to do these weekends? The last one looked so wonderful!

Vanilla Bean Crafts - Aw, if only Kansas were an hour drive from So. Cal!!

Mrs. - Count me in. I am worried though…with over 200 reservations, who has to sleep on the floor?

Katie P - I want to come! Would drive there from TX if need be! Can’t wait for more details!

Margo - Sounds like so much fun!!

Amanda Toebben - Awesome! That sounds like the most fun weekend ever! I would love to come!!

Gail - I would love to come craft with a fellow Jayhawk fan.

Terri - I think it would be so amazing to attend a craft weekend and meet you and some new awesome people! I can’t wait to hear more details!

Heather - I would LOVE to come hang out with you. I think when our powers combined, we’d be an unstoppable amount of fun and craftiness! 🙂

Meredith - To make up for the fact that this is indeed a cruel teaser for those of us on the other side of the world, I would humbly request THE MOTHER OF ALL POSTS detailing every polka dot, pom-pom edged pillow, margharita, chocolate indulgence and hot glue gun craft that takes place. Can you please send me your postal address so I can forward some essential items to add to the experience? If I can’t be there in person, I can at least send some chocolate on my behalf, right? Meredy xo

Lee Willis - Are you kidding?! I would love too!! 🙂 Sounds like such fun.

Jemm - Oh, man I would love to come meet you! Ever since I found out you were in Kansas too I’ve wanted to meet you. Sept 9 is my hubby’s bday 🙁 …maybe another time?

Kate - pick me, pick me!!

Linda - OH I wish!!

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - One plane ticket from California to Kansas, please.

Molly - yes please!!!

Kerry Wiebe - Megs I can bring the milk, cream, cheese, butter and cupcakes whatever it takes to get there!!! I’m so excited that you are doing this! You are AWESOME!!

lisa biedebach - Could you send me info about it please?

amy wade - Meg…i wasn’t able to get my family pictures taken with you this summer, so does that mean i am a shoo-in for a craft weekend with you? j/k! but, i totally would! I will check back & keep my fingers crossed that i can get a spot! 🙂 PS~if you have any photo cancellations for the Lawrence area, my family & i would love to have it! 🙂

Shannon - oh my goodness, oh my goodness…I hope i get in! My husband laughs when I talk about “Meg–you know, my virtual friend that’s never met me before…” Even if I don’t get one of the coveted Golden Tickets, my happy thoughts will be with you and your guests!

carrie - totally would be in but my sweet second baby girl will be turning one 🙂

Kat - I would love to and I don’t even craft, lol.
However I think Tasmania, Australia is a looooong way from Kansas!!
Bet you will have a fabulous time with lots of new friends to be made.
You had me at sleeping in, new friends, time away, lol.

Melissa Morrill - MEg, I will give up my November Disneyland trip to come to Kansas and craft with you!!!!! Holy moly, I want a spot!!!!

Jennifer - Dream come true! I would so make the drive from Alabama to come to your craft weekend!

Joy - Wow. You are going to have to have like 27 of them. Your fans are going Ka-RAY-ZEE.
Ok, so I am not coming.
1. I have a Royal wedding to attend on 9.10.11 and my husband has made me promise he will reap the smoochie benefits of buying a new dress, shoes, purse and splurge for the nice hotel over the one her prefers. Ok, well, so the wedding is not royal, but I call it that.
And… it’s in Charleston.
2. I can’t leave my yard until our baby girl is adopted.
Pray she gets adopted fast. Then maybe I can come for round two.
Or three.
Or 27.
The end.

Danielle - Oh Meg you’re killing me! I would love to come but feel guilty about spending the money right now when we’re trying to get Sergey. Please do another one!!

Shanna - yes!!!

Michelle - It sounds like a BLAST!!!!!!!!!! I would love to meet you! I visit your blog EVERY day!!! It’s my little “treat” of the day to see what you’re up to ‘down there’ in Kansas. 🙂

Jennifer - I’m in Texas (pretty far) but I’m IN!!!!

Maria - Definitely! Not sure about the school calendar yet, but if I can manage airfare, and everything else, I would so be there!

Courtney - oh my goodness, i so so so would love this! you have become my color inspiration and I live close enough!

Carrie - I would be thrilled, excited, and honored. None of my friends share my love of crafting so I would love to be able to spend some time with amazing ladies who share my interest.

se7en - Oh Amazing… from far far faaaaar away Cape Town!!!

Vicki - Sounds amazing, but we’re broke. I’ll be crafting my heart out with my ladies here in Portland instead. Have a blast!!! The last one looked like an absolute hoot.

Rebecca - Yes, please!

Jessica - wow! this would amazing! a weekend away from 3 kids under 4 years old to be “me”??? hmmmm what to craft? the wheels are already rolling!

Cyndi Hamilton - I will so be there!! I live in Weston, Missouri on the Kansas border…I think I am only three hours from you. I have followed your blog for a couple of years now and really enjoy it. I am a crafter as well, so I can’t wait to hear the details!!

Terrie - Are you feeling the need to rent out the Hilton or maybe the Intrust Center yet? LOL!!

Catriona - Would love it… but from the UK? For a weekend? Unlikely…

Jennifer O. - Oh yes, yes, yes!

Phoenix_Rising - depending on the price of admission, I’d totally drive from NC to KS for that!!!

Lydia S - Oh pick me! pick me! You’re just exactly far enough away for it to really feel like a vacation!

Mindy Harris - megan,
the Lord has gifted you in myriad ways and i hope i personally get to “get in on” your gift of hospitality.
i am going to blog sugar and will “attack” you there.
but if i can 1) sign up in time because your stuff sells out within 1 minute and 2) save some $$ i will gloriously be at both.
and i promise not to forget my toothbrush.
you are amazing to so many…!

Stacy - I wanna come plus I only live like 30 min away! Love crafts love love vintage antiques and love love love photography!!!!!!!

Abby - I would love to join you!

Regina - i was just wondering about this. oh please i hope this works out for me!!

Kori - sounds. so. awesomely. awesome.

corie - YesYesYesYesYes!!!!! I’ll come from Seattle! I’ll find a way! I’ll find childcare! YesYesYes!!!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - I know just the girlfriend who would come with me. . .we both love your blog. . tell us details.

merran tatum - i’d give my eye teeth to be able to come….and would consider sacrificing other things, too!!!!! it’d be AWESOME to say the least.

Krystle - You may just be the coolest person I”know” {maybe “blog-stalk” would be more appropriate!}

Tammy Johnson - I would love to! Can’t wait to hear the details!

mindy - that sounds wonderful!!!

kelly - I am in…. sounds exciting!

Chris - I would love to come and bring my friend from Lawrence, Kansas. She’s a Jayhawk!

Leadia@TheBreeder'sDigest - My craft BFF and I would LOVE something like this!!!

sara @ it's good to be queen - oh my goodness! i SO WANT TO COME. but…i will have a 3 week old baby at that point…so i’m thinking i won’t be able to swing it. sigh….please, oh please, do this again!!!

virginia - yeah!! if it’s not too steep a price. that would be awesome!!

Crystal Swoverland - Yes, I want to come! I would LOVE, LOVE , LOVE to meet you! More details PLEEEEASE!!!

katie - omg…when? how much?

Kathi - I would love to come!

Sheila P. - Well, thank you for asking. What time should I be there?

sarah - well duh id want to come. I will be just two months away from due date… so driving there would probably be uncomfortable and take forever due to the number of times id have to stop and pee. and can you fly that close to your due date? im not sure. but last time i was there i vowed i would drive the next time especially if there was a barn visit cause i could have cried because of the items that wouldn’t fit back on the plane with me.
I so so would love to be there.

Karyn - I think I might have to go RIGHT. NOW. to buy a lottery ticket so I can afford the airfare from Western Canada. Would LOVE to come!!!

Jenni - Of course I would come!!! Who wouldn’t?? The response to this will blow you away! It may be your new business, who knows. Would love to share time, creativity and meals with you and others!

Alisha Gibb - Oh, that would be SO MUCH fun! More details please!

Jen - Um, yes! And it woudn’t even be wierd. It would be awesome. And I would love it. And ohmygosh I could use the break!

heidi - Would luv to come wonder how long it would take to drive from Ohio. …

katey - Where will your kids and your hubby go? They could come to Alabama and camp out with my family. Waffle would just love Jack, our black lab. Do we get to submit a craft idea? Oh the questions…. but the answer is YES!!!!!!!

katey - Where are you going to send your kids and hubby?? They could come to Alabama and camp out here with my family. Waffle would love Jack. Do we get to submit craft ideas? Oh the questions… oh the ideas… YES!!!!!!

Cris - Sounds like so much fun…Look forward to more details!

Donje - I would love to come. Keep me posted!:)

Wendy - OK YEs please! Sounds like so much fun. When do we find out more?

Alicia - I would LOVE to come! It sounds like a fabulous weekend to me!!

Laura Phelps - hmmmm….I’ll have to think about that 🙂

Karen - I have been trying to dream up the best 30th birthday gift my hubby could give me- this would totally be it!!! I would LOVE it if this worked out!

Amanda - YES YES YES!!!!! I want to come!!!!!

alaina - SERIOUSLY?!!!!! I am there!!! That would be the most amazing birthday present ever!

rachel - Wish I lived in the States – I would SO be there!! 😀

Christy - This would be so awesome, totally out of my comfort zone, but awesome. 🙂

miss lynn - okay.
how do i get
in on this,
megan? i’ll
try this approach:
we met at silver
bella, and i
think you
totally liked
or maybe this
would work:
i bought matthew
mead’s magazine
ONLY because
you and your
little family
of 5 were featured.
or this:
pick me!

Amy - Oh, honey. I’m so there. Guess I’m gonna have to start stalking your blog so I’m número uno to sign up. Not that I’m a stalker or anything. Please don’t blacklist me or anything. 😉

Jody - I would love to come!! How much fun it would be!!! But I am stay at home Mama to four boys with a busy working hubby. BUT, I will tune in via web & look forward to seeing all the fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and color!!!!!!!
I wish you’d inspire someone to do this in WI!! (where I live…) Hint – hint – anyone from WI?!

Gina - Who wouldn’t want to come?? I’d love it!

karen - ohhh.. i wish i lived closer! I guess Toronto is a bit too far for me to travel 😉

Alice H - sounds very fun! I need to know the cost so I can budget it in.

Steph - This California Girl has always wanted to go to Kansas!! So fun!! Hope you have room for all these ladies. 😉

Tonya - will i have to stay up all hours of the night to make sure I get in on those limited spots??? i just realized my 30th birthday present.

diane - More details….sounds like fun!!

Kim - i am heartbroken! i would BE there in a heartbeat. but. i am off to cruise the Mediterranean, and will be flying home during craft weekend. i hope you’ll do another. 🙂 but i’m thrilled you are coming to blog sugar! only a few weeks later! so i’ll definitely meet you then! <3

Suzanne Lay - I’m a mom of three…a Getaway is just what I need. How fun it would be to come and meet you and some other ladies as well!! I’d love the opportunity!

Jeannette - I would LoVe to come!!!! I always read your blogs and craft Thursday’s give me inspiration and to be there first hand would be awesome and I’ve never been to Kansas before 🙂 count me in!!!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh Meg, I’m in, I’m in!!

Diana - I could just drive across town and be there! But wow – I mean, WOW! – look at all the others who don’t live here who should have the chance. Oh my, you could really have a houseful! 😀

Taryn Smith - Yes! Count me in! We are moving to Wichita the first week of July from Indiana. I was hoping I’d see you in the Joann’s sometime!

Joanna - Yes, please.

mel @ the larson lingo - I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to come….but I can’t that weekend 🙁
The 9th is Claire’s 3rd bday & we have a wedding on the 10th.
If you do another one, I hope that it fits my schedule.
You are so nice to open up your house like this & host!!!
But, at least I get to meet you at Blog Sugar! 🙂

Tiffany - wish my credit card balance wasn’t already so dang bigg :/

Jeannine - OHMYGOSH! Sounds like a dream weekend!
I wish British Columbia & Kansas were closer… i’d be there in a heartbeat!
Please please please have another one when I’ve got my degree in my hands and don’t have to worry about paying for tuition anymore! Would I be able to bribe you with baking?? =)

Christy Pair - For sure. And I am already in Kansas- bonus! Or do the cool kids say beast now? I am so old!

Michelle - YES

amy - I would love it if you would share some of your tips for planning a weekend. Some girl friends and I are planning our own out here on the east coast and would love any advise you could pass on!

melanie - ooooooh sounds enticing. what if, um, you’re (and by you’re i mean I’M) not very crafty? as in clueless around glue guns and thread and buttons and such 🙁 i do bake and would be happy to observe, take photos, bake the whole gang vanilla scones and pumpkin bread and listen to awesome folks. xo

Mary - Heck yeah! I can drive there, it’s just down the road from my in-laws. Woudl love to spend the weekend with you and other crafters!

Chelsea - Hi Meg… Yes I would be in, yippee! I’m in SW MO so I could just hop over. It would probably be just me, ahhh, that makes me nervous to do something on my own, but what an AWESOME chance to make some craft friends! This mama needs a “me” trip and I think this would do the trick!

heidi maggard - MEGAN!!!! I want to come!!!! I see there are a MILLION people ahead of me but my father-in-law owns Barely Makin It in Marion so nothing else I would love to meet up with you girls and say hi when you visit the barn! YOU ARE MY FAVORITE PERSON EVER!!!!!

Meredith Salmon - I would love to come. I do not have any crafty friends that live near me that would do this. Flights are only $216 from Philly. I may have to go for the next one though. It is my 10yr anniversary this Nov and we may get a weekend away. With my husband just getting back on his feet after 1 1/2 years of no work, it may be tight. I love your blog meg. I talk about you to my family like they know you. “I got this recipe from Meg”. They think it is funny.

Liz - Yes please! ME ME ME!!!!

Stacy - sign me up:)

taralee - i’d LOVE to come as well! though i’m not sure you’ll have room for all of us. =]

gina f. - that would be so much fun!! sounds like an ideal weekend!

Necole - What a fun idea. A weekend away from husband and child, and getting my craft on.

Amber - Uh, yes please!

Lisa - It would be soooo fun!!!

Kerstie - I want to go too! If I met you I would cry like a big dork. BUT, that’s okay because I know you would get it. 😉 LOL

Karen Gerstenberger - I would love to join you – got to check my calendar!

Jacci - Stinkola. I’m excited that I’ll be 37 weeks preggie at that point (yay!), but bummed that I can’t fly out to craft. I’ll look forward to your post about it, though! 🙂 Very fun, Meg!

Andrea - I’m going to watch airline ticket prices starting NOW!

Dana Banana - The Banana will be there!!! Sooo need some craft time with the ladies!!!!

Laura - Oh my, yes! This spoke to my heart today. My husband is going on yet another guys’ weekend soon, and he pledged to fund a girlie getaway for me…I just have to pick what I want to do.
This…this is what I want to do!
lauramlyons at gmail dot com

Suzette - Yes, yes, yes! I’d fly from CA to be with you!

lindsey leif - YES! i would love to come 🙂
i live in Kansas City (mission, actually) and have been googling over your blog/house/craftigoodness for a while now 🙂
i know it will be hard to figure out getting just a select few to your ever-so-sweet home, so if i don’t get picked, i understand 🙂
however, it would be a true delight, and a dream too!

happygirl - OMGoodness. I can’t believe you are doing this.!?! You are, by far, the bravest woman I “know.” I am DYING to hear how this turns out. I have no extra vacation time this summer, so I’ll watch from this side of the computer screen. Knowing you (as I do) there will be LOTS of pics.

Emily Kinsaul - I recently found your blog and LOVE reading it. Your posts inspire creativitly, it’s wonderful. Also loved reading about the last craft weekend, looks like such a good time. Can’t wait to read about the next one.

Kelley - I want to come!!!! please please pick me!!

megan - Oh how fabulously fun that would be! The hubs is always asking, when o tell him a story, I I know the person in real life or if they are one of my internet “friends”. It would be super cool to be able to get all crafty and say BOTH!

Jade Cook - That’s right before my birthday. What a PERFECT 30th birthday present!!! =)

Bernice - Are there direct flights to Kansas from Australia?

Jenny - Count me in! A craft weekend with you would be AMAZING!

mary - Uhhhh yes please! I think that would be really fun! And I would clean your kitchen!

Tammy - would so love to come! Never been to Kansas before!

CHRISTI HOFFMAN - This sounds FUN! women, crafts and shopping what could be better. I just live a hop, skip and a jump away…whoohoo!

Kristin Hayne - are bribes allowed? 🙂 Would looooove a girly weekend away…

Jenn - That sounds like fun! I would love to come!

kristi rediske - I would love to come with my friend! We love junking and picking stuff off the road and doing something with it-love crafting-its right up our alley! Can’t wait to hear about the details!

Janelle - oh would so love to…and I would in a minute if I wouldn’t be too nervous meeting strangers, if I had enough money, and if I could handle missing football games and other kids activities that weekend…oh and I’m also not really crafty…although I would like to be 🙂

Danielle H. - Oh, yeah, I’m in!!!!

Lisa - Absolutely! Sounds incredible.

shan - I would love to

lacey poag - o me o my! yes, please!

shannon - *standing on tippy toes, arm stretched as high as the sky-loudly saying* ME ME ME ME ME ME!!!!!!
I sooooo NEED this….you have no idea what the last couple of months have been like for me!!!!!!!

Tonya - that weekend is perfect for me….
I just told my husband on Monday i would love to meet Meg!!!

Kelly - ahh man! I just checked with my husband because I knew we were going to visit his folks over Labor Day weekend (it really is going to be cool because ALL of the siblings and grandkids will be there, even the family who lives in Wales who I’ve only met at our wedding) and we don’t get back till the 11th. 🙁 Boo hoo hoo. But! I live so close to Kansas I can taste it now that we’re in Colorado so I would love to come to the next one! Kelly

Amanda - Booo…I’m doing an art fair that weekend 🙁 Otherwise I’d have been there in a heartbeat!

Gretchen - I want to go! I have 3 kids age 7 and under and have never been away from them except the hospital to give birth. Seriously! Crafting is right up my ally!

Beth K. in CO - I would so come in a heart beat – as long as kids’ schedules allow or I can get coverage for them. 🙂 Details please!

Amanda - Yes please!!

Beth - Yes, yes, yes. My husband is deploying in June and won’t be home until Christmas. This would be a perfect distraction to get me past the halfway mark! I’m anxious for details…

Southern Gal - Man. Wish I could make it. I’m sure you’ll all have a lovely time. Can’t wait for all the blog posts afterwards!

Melissa - I would so start saving my pennies!! Tell me more!

Cari - Did you really even have to ask?! Of course people would love to come craft with you!! And that includes ME!

Liz @ Perfect Chaos - YES, I can!
And from the looks of the comments so far, so can 75 other very excited women! LOL

FeFe - Count me in!

kristin - i think you should start a day early and come to crafts with the preschoolers.
just kidding.
kind of.
i can’t wait to drive by and see the joy going on! : )

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Wow, by the looks of the comments, you could auction off some spots and make a big.fat.killing on this Meg!:) Id love to come. In fact, my crazy(but safe)obsession with your first crafty weekend is what made me sign up for BlogSugar so I could meet you. And now you go and plan THIS for just a few weeks before. Ugh. I soooo wish I could come but the airfare to Cali from NY is gonna kill my budget as it is. This would be my dream weekend though.

jennifer - Count this Texas girl in!! 🙂

Heather L. - How fun! I’d love to learn some new skills!

kyle - yes! i would love to!

Hannah DeVries - Oh my goodness! This would be a DREAM come true!

Jenny Joy - I’m in like Errol Flynn!

Amy G - MY BESTIE AND WOULD LOVE TO COME!!!!! We love you Meg!!! We have often thought about stopping by to see you.(just joking)But seriously, Missouri (where we live) is not that far from you!!! I am in love with your style!!! Rainbows are my fav!!! Can’t wait for more details!!!!

Ali - What website did you use to make those cute graphic signs on this post?

Sarah Hansen - Yes! Count me in!

Anessa - Totally interested!

Marie - Oh I SOOOO wish I still lived in Wichita, I would SO be there!

Trish - 🙂

Emily Palmer - Sounds like fun! I’d love to do something like this if there is slot available. As an Olathe KS girl it would be just a hop, skip and a jump away for me. Fun fun!! 🙂

Christy - I would love to come!!

Jackie - I would drive from the middle of Missouri to get crafty with ya’ll!!

Sarah - I would love to come. I also have a wee girl (she’ll be about 7 months old by then) and she’ll have to come with me. 🙂

Andrea - Um yes! Sign me up!

sarah crosby - heck yes! This would be amazing!!!! I am due at the very end of October so this would be a fun get-a-way before baby!!!

Jenny Lynn - Amazing!
I would love to!!!
Can’t wait to find out more details!!

Rachel J - I want to come too! When will you let us know!?

Shannon - Oh man! I would love love to be able to come! Definitely do more than one…if you can handle us! Love you Meg…is that weird to love a blog and blogger you have never met (or even commented on) before.

Katie Clements - Omg, I would totally try to come! I just moved to Kansas from San Diego, and my family would always plan craft weekends – so I’ve been craving one! But none of my new friends here are much of crafters….
I would be sooooo stoked if I got to go. 🙂

Staci - Oh wow!!!! I actually COULD come….my hubby has those days off…and that is a HUGE thing…he has to schedule his vacations like a year in advance??!!!!!!! Hmmm, are you already full??? I soooo want to come!!!!!

Sugar Mama - I’m very close to Kansas so this would be very doable and SO awesome! BUT…. does one need to be crafty to attend craft weekend? ;o) I’m good at copying other people’s ideas, but not coming up with my own.
And I don’t know how to sew.
Could I exchange my ability to organize and clean for a bit of someone’s craftiness? ;o)

jill - i really, really want to come! (even though i would probably cry on the way there because meeting new people scares me!) 🙂 your craft weekend is my daydreams when my boys are driving me bonkers.

lauren - It would be a perfect solo-journey for me 🙂 this mama needs it!

colleen from alabama - Kansas is a long way from Alabama but when i read your blog, i feel more like we’re neighbors! I think you must be a southerner at heart! I have thought about a crafting weekend for friends at my house… would love to experience one at yours first! What an amazing treat that would be. Thanks for thinking of those of us who were green eyed monsters when we read your post about “craft weekend with your bloggy friends”!

Beth - Oh my goodness…I would love to and maybe bring a friend…I will have to see about the details and cost. I am in Ga so as soon as you have details so I can check prices.


jodi @ back40life - ooh – can’t wait for the details! that would be a fun trip to try and swing!! and after all…SC to Kansas isn’t really that far, is it? 😉

tiffaniboren - I want to come..its a little drive from fun! Looks like you will need to get a bigger house with so many wanting to come!

Danielle Thompson - I’m in!

Holly Cox - I remember. 🙂

Sarah - Me!! I want to come!!! I will be done nursing then! And Girlfriend I have been preggers or nursing CONTINUOUSLY since June 2004. No joke. I am ready to GET AWAY!!!

Jennifer - YES! Good thing I’m in Kansas and super close!!!!

holly - that sounds like a total blast. I’ll see if I can swing it! I live really far away, but when we meet and you find out where i live, you’re going to want to come to my house, and quickly.

Annika - You’re amazing for going through with this. Love the design of this post, too.

Suzanne - I would love to come but my baby will be a month old. But it may be doable!!! Please keep us posted!!!

Lynsee - I’m in the Texas Panhandle and would love to come!

jerusalem - oh what fun! I would love to come!

Ariel - I want to come!! Have to check the hubby’s work schedule so he can watch our kiddos!!

steph - that would be wickedly awesome!
could i convince my hubby that i needed to go?
depends how much flights would be.
what would be the closest airport?
i SO want to be there!!!

Wendy - I would love to come … and alone! Just me … ME ME ME! 🙂

lena - YES!!!!

Wendy - That would be amazing!

Sharla - I want to come!!

amy b - Oh my goodness. I sooo want to do this!!! Would love to meet you and be crafty together! It would be so BEAST!(did I use that word right?)

Erin - That sounds like SO much fun! You could host them once a month and fill up the spots easy peasy every time!!!

Niki - OOOooooo. OOOOOooo. I wanna come! Maybe even bring my sisters!!!

Terrie G - I’m guessing that it will be a big resounding Y- E- S from all of us who follow you! Would I get some art hints from your kids too? 🙂

Jessie - Sounds like so much fun!!!

debbie - What an awesome idea!! I’d love to spend a weekend crafting.
Hey, just a thought for those of us who might not be able to make it to Kansas…is there a way to create the weekend on your blog? Maybe an itinerary of the events for the weekend…crafts,food, decorating, so that we could join in from our own homes? Maybe you could post updates on facebook every hour or so?
Sorry for the ramble! 🙂

Dawn - I would love to meet some crafty people. =)

CathyC - YES!!! I already told my husband back when you first mentioned it.

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - WooHoo!
Can’t wait!

Jaimie - Can I bring a baby!?!?! I doubt I can afford it, but I would die to come play!

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - Would SO love to…

Vanessa - I could come!

Carolyn - Yes! I’m not a blogger, but I read a ton of them. Yours is my favorite! I’m recovering from a double mastectomy and I can tell you now, I need a break from the real world. A crafting weekend sounds perfect! Can’t wait to get the details.

Alyssa - Meeeeee……

Tam - OMGSH!!! Details please…..this tired mama needs some girly time away!

Alyssa - Meeeee…. Tooooo…. More details please ……
Like will you pick me up from the airport??

Lane - Ohhhh yes please! September is my birthday month so it could be a birthday gift to myself! This sounds right up my alley…ahhh! 😉

Carly Winborne - no way! i totally had a dream about a craft weekend with you LAST NIGHT!!! i was up most of the night with a sick baby, so my sleep was in spurts with strange dreams all mixed in throughout. and i promise, this was one of them!! i went to your house with a bunch of my high school and college friends and we had to whisper the entire time. you had a puppy named “puppy”. (never said my dreams are original!). i don’t remember what we made but before it was over, i had color coordinated all your craft supplies! 🙂

Liana - Fun! I would love to craft and meet you ( and Waffle?). Awesome!

deborah@applesinwonderland - that weekend doesn’t work for me, BOO. you’ll sell out in no time. if my plans change–i’ll look for tix on stub hub. hahaha, or maybe scalpers in your yard? 🙂 (that’s kind of creepy–sorry–no scalpers)

Alissa - I would definitely drive the 10+ hours to be there! Exciting!!

Jen - can you believe i already have something planned that weekend!? it’s MONTHS away. DANG IT!!!!!! you all will have SO much fun. craft weekend = my dream.

Carrie - I would love to come, but I live in Australia and I don’t think I could fly over for just the weekend. Maybe sometime in the future.

sara@augustfields - okay…well THAT sounds fun 🙂

Ana M - OHHH MYYYY GODDD !!! HOW I WISH I COULD GOOOO AND MEET YOU….But I live in Brazil !!!! Is a land far, far away from Kansas…It’s a bummer !! I’m sad for myself but very happy (and a little bit jealous…rsrs) for those who will go…

Kelly - I am already in Kansas… I would totally love to come! And I even have a couple of friends who might be interested!

MaryLea @ pink and green mama - Very tempting indeed! Would need more details to know if we can swing it in our budget but would certainly be interested!! xoxo ML

Edie Steinmann - That’s a silly question, of course I’d love to come!!

mary beth - Heck yeah! That barn has been calling my name! I want to come and meet you most of all…can’t wait to hear more about it!

Rebekah Brummel - Count me in!

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