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it was a full one….

this weekend was quite a bit more full than i prefer….

basketball tournaments in two different towns for two different kids.
that meant i was on my own with many children at ball games.
and meals.
and bedtimes.
and church.
and packing for camp.

we squeezed in some time to cool off between two of sean's games.
he was dripping with sweat before we got here.
it was the best place to go.


i ran into some cute little friends of mine from church.
after our conversations and photos Ellie said "hey megan….you gonna put that on yer blog?"

best. comment. ever.

i said "YES!"  and she was so happy!
happy anniversary rachel and matt….she told me ALL about your plans. 


we had pool time later that night as the sun was setting.
other than their LOUD voices that were driving me bonkers….
and two of them splashing my camera…..
it was good.
with that light….how could it not be good?



sometimes they just laugh and laugh, not too often but every once in a while.

and then this happened all on it's own…..
annie grabbed a dandelion and said "i wish that talby would have a good time at her camp"

and my heart burst into a thousand pieces with LOVE for that girl.

talby doesn't comprehend how much annie loves her.
it's deep.

sean joined us on the curb.
and they are laughing because i was wearing a skirt and they had all just seen my striped underwear.

pretty funny stuff.
anything for a laugh….

yesterday morning sean and talby left for camp.
for the first time.

we were ALL nervous.
they packed yummy snacks and flashlights and new shampoo.
they have their bibles and money for the snack bar.
they have bugs spray.
when you see your kid get seperated from all his friends and put to ride with older kids he barely knows….
after he was so looking forward to the drive WITH his friends….
it's really hard even for the mom to hold her head up and say "it's okay….it's going to be fun!"
the mama grizzly in me wanted to FIX THIS but that is not the right response in most situations.
they were already so nervous and this made it worse.
it wasn't a conspiracy.
i am not mad about the seating arrangement.
no one singled him out to ride in that car….it was just a list of names.
and he was with great kids.
i know that he is fine.
and she is fine.
but sometimes the emotional part of being a mama is hard!  
it's hard to pack them up and send them to camp….when they are visibly nervous.
to see them with hurt feelings or being left out.
and then when they are gone to not WORRY about their feelings or being left out.
it's hard to see them try not to cry.
it's HARD to not know what they are doing right now….i really do miss them!

all the more reason to be praying for them every minute while they are gone.
because i know that it will an AWESOME week for them.
i doubt they miss us at all.
camp is too fun to miss your mom.

we are sending them a care package today….
annie and i made cards and she picked out chocolate donuts for talby and NERDS for sean.

and annie SCREAMED herself to sleep last night because she missed talby so much.
it could be a long week.


rachel / - 🙁 so hard. great post. hope they had the BEST WEEK ever. and i ADORE the pics of annie making her wish. and talby’s cute little smile about the wish. gotta LOVE SIBLINGS that love each other!!!!!

Tami - My heart is going out to you because I will be doing the same thing on Sunday night. I’m nervous and excited because I know he will have a great time (church camp was the best memories of my life). But I am MAMA and can’t help but pray and worry. (Those two things shouldn’t even go together should they?) It will all be great in the end though.

the whyte house - that last line made me laugh. my 4 yr spent the last yr being heartbroken every mon, wed and fri when his sister went for 2.5 hrs of pre-k. 2.5 hours! can’t wait to see how he handles her being in ALL DAY kindergarten. ugh.
annie jumping in the pool, sunflare, water in the air…my favorite shot. like, ever.

crystal b. - So you are minus two this week huh. Don’t you just hate it when things start out bad on the bus ride? Stuff like this ALWAYS happens to Eden and my heart hurts every time. I wish I could fix everything, but I know I can’t.
Did Lauren go to her adventure camp yet?? We pick up Claire next week. I have to rough it for two days. And by rough it I mean, no toilet, no bed, no tent, pack out used tampons. I just know I will have a visitor right when I set off on the trial — I mean trail 😐 How funny is that — I really did type trial — unintended subconscious message there 🙂
I just want to come and sit in your back yard when the sun goes down. It looks like the perfect summer thing to do. Mine is full of flies and dying roses at the moment. Nothing magical about a california tract house. 🙂 But . . . the beach, on the other hand, is awesome.

Shann - You are so right. This mothering stuff is H.A.R.D. My girls are 15 and 13. Enough said there. I just said a prayer for your two darlings. Can’t wait to hear how camp rocked this week for them! 🙂

Southern Gal - I read this yesterday, but didn’t have time to comment. Just wanted to say I experienced the Mama Bear moment this weekened, too. It takes so much to NOT get in there and make things “right”, doesn’t it. You did a good job, Mama. I’m still struggling with mine, but am asking the Lord to quiet my thoughts and focus on the good. I’ll bet they have a great time at camp.

Christy Rose - My two girls are going to camp this summer for a week and it is their first time away for more than 2 nights. I cried when I read this post because it touched on every emotion I have been feeling as we lead up to them leaving. But I bet your two will have the time of their lives at camp!!! And I bet mine will, too. It truly is much harder on us than them! 🙂

james - awww i love the making a wish pictures. melted my heart.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Awww….I got all chocked up at the pics of them leaving. My 7 yr old just went on her 1st sleepover last weekend. Its a long story but this was to make up for the same sleepver weeks before when we had to go pick her up the same night b/c of scheduling issues WE had; she cried all the way home and then cried herself to sleep that night. And I felt like the worst mom in the world.
SO this past weekend werent we surprised when we got a call at 1 in the morning from the sleepover mom. “G wants to come home” she said. Ugh. So I made hubby get out of bed and drive the 20 minutes there, 20 minutes home at 1 a.m. She was already asleep.
But when morning came she was so disappointed in herself that she’d caved and come home that she cried.
The ups and downs of motherhood. Who ever told us it would be easy? 🙁

hannah - i love the sibling sweetness. reminds me of my baby sister and brothers. i just may cry.
praying for your crew at camp-what a terrific time they’ll have! praying for you too, mama-you’re the best, i bet they miss you too;)

Ashley - I seriously LAUGHED OUT LOUD…and still am, at the Annie SCREAMED herself to sleep comment! It’s not funny, poor girl….but I can so see er doing that! and it made me laugh to think of it! Hope your week…and Annie’s is more bearable by tomorrow! 😉

Bethany {3SonsPlus1} - Aw, love this post! What you wrote about the camp stuff and rides being switched resonated with me- different things, but similar feelings. I think you had a great attitude, too! Way to go!
Ok, a photo question- what settings did you use for the pretty sunset pics? They’re beautiful!!!!!

Robin - Oh Megan…how you made me cry with today’s post. First..I love your little family and I have never met any of you. Second…my girls are grown but very close in age as yours are; my oldest probably still doesn’t even know how much my youngest loves her and they are both adults! Third…I too have had a similar experience with my kids heading off to camp. Thanks for the memories! Prayers to you and your kiddos this week.

mrs. may - what cuties… all of them!! I hope they have a wonderful time at camp 🙂
Oh and care packages make everyone feel better!

andrea - I know this may sound crazy but try putting Waffle with Annie. Our dogs know that one of their jobs is to help our kids feel safe and go to sleep. It is tough when you are used to someone else being in your room. Animals go a long way with helping.

Lisa Currie-Gurney - HUGS FROM MY HEART

elisa - Great pics Meg!!
I missed my oldest when he was at camp last summer LIKE CRAZY. But he had a great time and wanted to stay an extra week!

julia - My youngest is like Annie. Two summers ago the {then} three year old had a complete melt down on the porch of her big sister’s cabin when it was time to leave. She was inconsolable.

Shannon - I’m a Children’s Minster and I’m getting ready to head to camp next week for our kids’ camp week, 1st-6th graders. There will be a total of 110 kids from 3 different churches. It is ALWAYS harder of the parents then the kids. I’m sure once Sean got there and settled in with his friends he was fine. He probably won’t even remember the drive down by the time he gets home. Hang in there, Meg, they are having a great time. If they were not they would have let them call you by now.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Awww, I love your kids and your stories about being a great mommy. My youngest went to high school camp yesterday too. They were not allowed to bring any electronic devices with them so I sent her with a bag of change to use the payphone (I had to instruct her on how to use it) if she wanted to call during the week. I told her no pressure only if she really wants to. It won’t hurt my feelings if you don’t call (I lied). She said she might not be able to call because she will cry if she hears my voice because she will miss me so much. Crazy kids…they’re such a blessing aren’t they.

Kirsten P - I’ve looked at this post three times today and the tears came each time. The Annie/Talby laughter/love fest is fun and touching – the photos incredible! Annie would absolutely adore those photos in a collage with her wish for Talby printed on it. Talby will like it now, but will probably appreciate it so much more when she’s older – save it for her.
And then the camp memories – oh my!

rachel beverlin - Oh my goodness! I had no idea Ellie saw you…what a goof! She “checks” blogs every morning, and yours is always one of the firsts she looks at. 🙂 I pretty sure you made her day! She was confused when she saw the picture, and then said, I made the blog?! She might think she’s a celebrity now…oh dear! Thanks for sharing!

Beth - Camp is hard. I have such a hard time leaving my kids at camp even though I know they’ll be well taken care of and cared for. My mom and I cooked at camp when Ellie was there two years ago. Good experience. We couldn’t do it last year and here’s the letter I got Tuesday: Mom, come get me now. Don’t listen to anyone else. I’m crying, please come get me. Still crying . . .
She had written it Sunday. What do you do??? I e-mailed the camp director and she assured me that she was doing better. We’re cooking at camp again this year . . maybe in more ways than one (pray for cool weather next week, please??? And no storms 🙂
Our other two had no problem at all with us leaving them there . . .actually shooed us away!

amy b. - Annie is sooo sweet! I am the younger sister and I tortured my big sister outwardly, but, secretly loved everything she was about! My oldest is going to camp next week-I have alot of the same feelings as you! You never want to think your kid is being left out of anything! Two years ago when he went to camp and I picked him up, he saw my car from across the field and literally ran across it and gave me a huge hug-he had fun, but was definitely happy to be going home! It was really sweet!

mandy - i dying to know what camp you send your kids to? you probably don’t want to put that on the blog, but my husband is the director of a jr. high christian camp in tyler, tx. and thought it would be neat if they were at our camp… i know it is a long shot, but thought i would see.
and, i’m so not ready for the growing up part of parenting… my kiddos are all 5 and under and that is hard enough… seeing them go to camp seems crazy! hang in there! enjoy the schedule being a little more relaxed with two kiddos gone.

Nicole Q. - I SOOO relate. Ian went to camp yesterday. This is his second year and I am doing SOO much better. Last year I was a wreck. It’s hard not to worry. We sent the package off today too. The little ones miss him already. Enjoy your time with Annie this week.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - A beautiful post Megan, you are able to put into words what “everymom” feels at one time or another.
It really is a gift.

amber - You had me almost in tears…until I read Annie SCREAMED herself to sleep last night. Good times. Being one who has been to WAY TOO MANY camps as an adult:) (I’m married to a children’s pastor), I’m bettin’ they are having an awesome time. 1st time at camp is such a fun experience…praying for them & YOU!

deborah@applesinwonderland - loving these pictures. that yummy light and annie’s closed eyes as she wishes for her sister? beautiful. i am thinking that growing these people of ours is stretching us in places we didn’t know we needed to grow, you know? i’m feeling those stretchy pains myself. xo

Tara - what beautiful pictures in this post…loved the one of water coming down on your boy…..perfect picture!!
it is hard when our kids go to camp without us….but the learning is amazing and the growing in their faith…nothing teaches you quite like life on your own…it’s just a week..they’ll be back before you know it. 🙂

Tiffany - i miss them already.

meaghan - ugh. i’m FEELING those feelings right now!!! of being left out and seeing your child left out. THE WORST! how fun they’re going to camp though 🙂 can’t wait til my little rascals are big enough! xoxo

Georgia - Awwwwww Meg! i nearly cried reading this. 🙁
Poor Annie! and im sure sean made some new friends, although it must have been horrible to travel without his friends. 🙁
How much does camp cost for kids in the US? is it free? i have always wondered about it…
((((big hugs)))

michaela - sweet post, meg. i too worry about how i’m going to handle my child’s first experience of hurt, or being singled out, or anxiety and nerves. but…he’s only 2. i have a while to try to contain myself!
thanks for sharing your heart.
and, your beautiful photos.

Lisa - Hi Meg, First time commenting but I just had to today. This post made me laugh and (almost) cry (I’m at work). I can totally see why you are so popular in blog world. You are SO real and easy to relate to! Dropping my oldest off at college a few years ago I had totally prepared myself to be strong and not like “all the other sobbing moms.” Guess what? As soon as I pulled away from her dorm I SOBBED. It was beyond controlling. I know that camp is different, but in a way, it’s a preview. They will be fine, and will have a blast. Hang in there and enjoy the time with Annie! 🙂 Lisa

Mindy Harris - oh camp–I remember being nervous as a kid but kids are resilient. the emotional aspects of parenting are absolutely heartbreaking and challenging. our kids have so many firsts ahead of them, and with that will come moments of unfairness, moments of hurt. that’s when we have to hope and pray that the love we’ve lavished on them, and all our work to point them to Jesus, will get them thru.
they’ll get thru!

Debbie - That’s it – my kids aren’t allowed to leave me for camp, ever! Just kidding. I had great times at summer camp, and I hardly missed my parents. But it was still pretty nice to get mail. I remember being so surprised and happy to get mail from people in the church who weren’t even related to me!

Stephanie - I feel the love when you say “it’s hard to hold your head up and not cry”!! My daughter who will be 14 this Sunday just returned home from a week in Washington DC with her 8th grade history group! That was the first time she has ever spent more than 1 night away from me before! I cried….she said “oh mom” I texted her like 5 times the first day/night…..she said “quit freaking out!!” I felt un-loved! and when she got home…..I cried….and she did too!!! I say that that was the trial run for her because now next month she too is off to church camp for a week! But this time it is with no one that she knows!! No cell phone, ipod or any electronics to keep in touch! I think this one will be harder on her …or me!! My nights are way to quiet when she is not here!

Laura A - They will have the best time! I loved church camp as a kid…wish they had them for adults! =)

Charla - I was a camp counselor for MANY years. Trust me, it’s usually harder on the parents than it is on the kids. Sean and Talby will have a great week and will tell you story upon story when they return. Poor Annie missing her sister. How sweet is she?!?! And I have to ask…how did you come up with Talby’s name? I LOVE it and assume there must be a story behind it.

tara pollard pakosta - awwwwww so sad!
Mine won’t go to camp.
they still sleep on my bedroom floor (almost 10 and 11.5) .
how in the heck do you get such independent children?!
that ROCKS!!!
hugs to annie!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - That dandelion photo due is the most precious thing I’ve seen all day. And I’ve seen a good bit of precious.

shelly - My 11 year old just got back from camp on Saturday! Sean will be fine! There’s something about everyone being nervous (even Jamie, whose been to camp 3 years now!)…it’s like a bond or something 🙂 They’ll come back with bags of groddy laundry and stories galore, I’ve heard nothing but camp songs for the past day and they are pretty hilarious! Makes me want to check out the camp’s family camp prices!!!!!!!
Will be praying for awesome times for both of them! (and for your momma heart!)

shauna - you are such a good momma.

Laura Phelps - yes…I know that BIG LOVE you speak of. I see it in Luke’s eyes when he plays with his older siblings.
And I know that lump you must have felt in your throat..a year ago almost, I sat as Jack knew NO ONE at football camp…nobody talked to him…no friends, and the coach did nothing..I wanted to sream and cry.
I did cry, actually. But only when Jack wasn’t looking.
I cried when my sister went to college.
And when she got married.
I tell my girls all of the time to STOP FIGHTING..that sisters are THE BEST.
Talby and Sean are in my prayers this week….
hey, I will just pray for all of you, how about that?

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I am with you on wanting to fix things for them. It is so hard to see them trying to hold back tears!
The picture of Annie wishing for Talby to have a great time at camp is so heartfelt and sweet.

happygirl - Good luck and today will be a better day. You take such gorgeous pics. Still jealous of your talent. 🙂

Jenny Joy - I wanna come live at your house this summer. Pools and dandelions and fun lists of a million awesome things to do! Heaven on earth. 🙂

Katy - wow! your pics are amazing, meg! what kind of camera and lens do you use?

Maria - Love the big sis/lil’ sis bonding…my 5 & 10 yr are the same way…they absolutely adore each other…
Sending my oldest off to camp next week…he is so excited…boy scout camp…not looking forward to post camp clothes smell though…he will be on his own this year…bleck.
Since hubs is off to camp as a leader this year, that means I will have to tote the swim team boys to 2 meets in the next week they are gone…so out of my comfort zone…should be interesting….

Cyndi Hamilton - Oh my, my tears are steaming this morning!! My older two went to church and boyscout camp all through highschool and let me tell you I cried when I dropped them off and also when I picked them up. It never gets any easier. My Aiden is the same way with his brother. He cries everyday when he leaves for summer school. When he gets home every day he tells him how much he missed him and loves him. It hurts my heart to feel his pain.
Thanks for sharing,

Deputy's Wife - Our two boys are leaving for Bible camp the first week of August. I am so nervous, I can’t even think about it. And I am the one who signed them up. I don’t know what I will do without them for a week!

Kim - i love this post, meg.
i remember going to camp for the first time. the second time. the third. after that, it was cake. but oh man, the going to camp jitters. your kids are going to have a blast. 🙂
and i love seeing annie and talby – you are right, talby probably has no clue, but one day she will. keep reminding them that they have each other. my mom always used to say “this is the only sister you get, you better learn to appreciate her, because one day she might not be there” – that always stuck with me. and when i see things like this between your two girls, I am reminded how much my sister loved me way back when – even if it took 20+ years to realize it. thanks for sharing. <3

Jenna - what great kids and great pictures! let us know how camp goes!

Courtney Walsh - awww, poor Annie. I know how that is because sam is the same way whenever Ethan is anywhere–even at school. 🙁 But those uncontrollable giggles, those special sibling bonds are so so amazing. I am so happy I get to witness it every now and then! lol 🙂
camp. We talked about that this year. I’m giving myself one more year before we tackle it and already I’m nervous!! I hope you have a great week!

Kara Paslay - Oh my goodness, I love that pool picture with the big sun spot! It’s gorgeous and screams summer!

Terrie - Kudos to you for controlling your mama bear instincts! It’s not always easy…I’m a mama grizzly! But it’s better if we do our best to control it. 🙂
What I hated when the kids were at camp….NO ONE was documenting it with PhoTos!!

Karen Gerstenberger - It will get better after last night. Maybe a “spa day” for you & Annie will help – mani-pedis, anyone? Or at least, a trip to DQ.
I remember going to camp, and sending my own kids, as well. Going was easy; sending the kids was good, but harder on my heart. I could tell you a really sweet story about how much camp meant to Katie…suffice it to say that, after fighting against going, she asked us to scatter her ashes there. Seriously. And we did it, last summer.
Your two will be so busy with activities and making new friends, that the week will fly. Blessings to you and all who are at camp!

Kelly - Love all of this. Can’t wait to hear how their week was. I love, love, love camp!

Mrs. - Poor Annie, to be without her BEST friend all week.
I hope you see this as a positive. I would LOVE to know the trick to raising SISTERS who become BEST friends. I am trying my best, and some days feel like a success, but yesterday, not so much.
It looks good for today, though.

Sarah D - Reading this post brought be right back to being eight and leaving my parents for the first time and going to camp for a week. We went to River of Life camp here in Maine and I had a friend with me. I was so nervous I almost got sick! Grape juice made it feel better. I cannot imagine how you are feeling w/ two of your children gone! You are one strong lady for sure! You are right, they will have tons of fun and make memories that they will remember forever! Annie is just so sweet!

ROBBIE - i cried today when i read your blog, maybe I am getting my period. seriously, i am sending my young daughter to resident camp next week and hope i dont have to be the bear.

Sugar Mama - My throat tightened as I fought back tears when I read about the seating arrangement for the bus. That has happened to my kids before and it took everything in me not to try and control the situation. And I DID cry… but not in front of my kids.
My daughter wants to be a big sister SO badly! (which will NOT be happening). But reading about the bond between your two youngest daughters makes my heart burst. My daughter would have made a really great big sister.

colleen from alabama - Meg, i so get it. I have that fixit gene too. Does it appear when you get pregnant or do we have it all our lives and it comes to life when a new life is inside of us? My kids are 11 (girl) and 9 (boy). I’m 46 so i’m not a young mama. I am LEARNING to say whatever happens “yes Lord, i know you planned it this way from the beginning of time for their good, please let me see the good so i don’t focus on thinking i know better.” I have not even begun to grasp this lesson but praying it helps me to think maybe one day the fixit gene may go slightly dormant as i trust Jesus more. Praying for you and them right now. blessing!

Ashley - Sorry to post this here, but it would NOT let me post it in the prior post 🙁
I am not sure if you let your kids use the oven or not, but one of my FAVORITE things in college was Pita Pizza. (I AM VERY PICKY BY THE WAY!)
Get Pita bread, the kind that opens up, or the kind that is flat! Add however much pizza sauce you want to the top, add shredded cheese out of the fridge, and then whatever else you want: pepperonis, chicken, pineapple, olives, ANYTHING, and then bake in the oven for ten minutes on 350 to make the pita bread crispy, and to warm everything up! Takes NO TIME and everyone can add what they like!

pam - It is VERY HARD to be the mom and watch our kids hurt or even potentially hurt. But at this point of life…girls are 22 and 25 I see the growth, the maturity, the fruit of a life LIVED and experienced. BUT I’m pretty sure it was harder on me than all they’ve gone through…such is the heart of a mom. Pray every night that God touch the wounds that may have appeared that day….that they know how to forgive, to flow with life….those are two great gifts we can teach our kids. Some times I think I’m still in God’s rehab after those years. (c: But as my doctor brother says….every bug our body fights as a child makes us stronger adults. So it is with the heart. We learn that only what God thinks is what matters…but along the way we do indeed learn how to deal with “life happenings”. Praying strength for you! It’s so amazing to be watching our kids….but it comes at a cost. Those moments along the way of wishing on a dandelion carry us through.

Gina - Totally randomness, but were did you get that swimming pool? What size is it, and does it bother your husband that the grass gets ruined underneath it? I really want a pool this summer, but my husband really likes his grass.

amanda - Oh man, the seating arrangement would’ve done me in. I don’t think I could’ve stopped myself from crying – thereby giving my kids the double whammy of making them more nervous AND embarrassing them! Being a mom is so dang hard.

Sophie - I hope Talby and Sean both have an AWESOME time at camp. I think that Talby looks more and more like Lauren every time you post a new picture.
It’s sad that Annie is that broken up without her sister, but the fact that they love each other that much is wonderful.

alyssa - poor sweet annie. I don’t even want to think about summer camp!!! stop! I’m not there YET!

Staci - Awwwwww 🙁 I’m so sad for Annie ;( But I do know those big kids will have a great week! Camp is awesome…but ONLY for one week…NO MORE!!!!! I loved this post 😉

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Awww so sad! They will come back with many happy stories : )
Gemma x

Holly - sweet post for a monday morning!

Lisa - Thanks for the Monday morning tears! LOL. Precious post!

ashley jensen - Aw poor Sean. But I would look at it this way…it is one of those uncomfortable or weird situations that happen to prepare him for later in life. Because this will happen again and you only grow from it. Things like this still happen to me as an adult but because I have gone through it before it makes it that much more manageable. I have found it’s works to describe a specific situation that I have been through when I was little to my little one so she knows that I understand what she is going through. She is only 3 BUT she gets that Mama knows exactly how she feels. She calms down and is instantly brave. It’s pretty amazing to watch her do that.

susan ponder - Tears are stinging my eyes right now! My kids aren’t quite ready to go off to camp yet (well, my 10yo thought she was ready 2 years ago!) but I am dreading the day when they do. I said a little prayer for ya.

danielle burkleo - i love the pool pictures. they are the best. i love annie’s heart for talby. that is the sweetest. praying that both sean and talby have the best time ever this week and praying for your heart as you miss them and pray for them as well!
you da best.

Catriona - Love your observation that Talby doesn’t get how much Annie loves her. Very insightful. Enjoy a week with only 3 kids – that’s my normal number!! x

alicia @ la famille - oh, sweet little things! are they gone for a long time?? that stuff with your kids about tears your heart in two! but your pics in the pool with the light coming through are just beautiful…look at those if you’re sad…they made ME feel better and they’re not even my kids 🙂 have a great week!
xo, alicia

deb meyers - i love you meg and don’t even know you. Was reading the comments, pictures of Talby/Annie/dandelion right as my son (first day of summer vacation) turned on the soundtrack to “Life is Beautiful” downstairs. happy-ness.
deb meyers

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