Masthead header


i am so happy that the tradition continues.
craig played basketball from this age on.
i watched him all through high school and then four years of college.
he still plays several times a week….STILL!
there has been a LOT of basketball in our life already.
and now scott is as into it as his dad is.

a year ago i was rolling my eyes and dreading another game.
but now….i love it.

it's not as fun when the little ones are bored and whine while you watch.
but i still love being there.

it's SO COOL to see them improve so much in a year.
to win!
to make the threes!

last game i told scott there was a mom in the crowd that would shout "DON"T LET HIM SHOOT!!!" every time he would get the ball and that made me so happy.  :)
she knew he'd make it if he got a shot.
that is awesome.
he liked it too.
it's motivating.

yay for basketball.
there are MANY years of bleachers and squeaking shoes in my future.
and i am thrilled.



gabrielle - I love watching my kids play sports and I think we they are all done I’ll miss the getting up and being at those early games. My eldest just started playing basketball for her Middle School and she LOVES it…she has played soccer since she was five so I don’t know if that will ever stop.. Enjoy the season of sports…

Katie H - Love it! I grew up watching my older brother play in a gazillion games. He was always the smallest guy on the court, but played with the heart of giant. His hard work landed him a spot at KU for two years….then on the coaching staff at KU….and now he is the head coach of his own team and couldn’t be happier. Maybe someday you’ll be watching your son run through the tunnel at the fieldhouse! Tell him to dream big!!

alicia @ la famille - i LOVE bball! i used to play in highschool (and was pretty good if i do say so myself :)) i’m tall. it was my thing. so naturally, i’m hoping one of my three love it too 🙂 yeah for your guy!

happygirl - Proud mama. You preach it mama. It’s good to let your kids know you root for them. And thanks for the cool sports action picks. 🙂

Jessica J. - Great shots! I was wondering how you keep track of all your pictures. Obviously you take a gazillion a day and manage to get them all online so quickly! I have such a hard time paring down all the pictures I take and organizing them. Any hints or secrets?

Jenna - Good for you! If you “have to” be there, you may as well enjoy it, huh … and he will always remember the support he was given.

Katrina - I love your picture of his jump shot! Beautiful form.

hannah - basketball is the greatest!! my favorite to play and watch. enjoy! xo

Andrea - Basketball is the only sport I love well and dance for those who consider that a sport. I cant wait till my little guy plays.
P.S. I saw a mention of you in the parenting magazine on page 44 issue for July so cool your famous and I read your blog.

Kimberly Dial - My youngest son loved, loved, loved basketball … it’s great to watch them play something they enjoy so much, isn’t it? Enjoy momma! 🙂

Kimberly Dial - My youngest son loved, loved, loved basketball … it’s great to watch them play something they enjoy so much, isn’t it? Enjoy momma! 🙂

Kimberly Dial - My youngest son loved, loved, loved basketball … it’s great to watch them play something they enjoy so much, isn’t it? Enjoy momma! 🙂

Kimberly Dial - My youngest son loved, loved, loved basketball … it’s great to watch them play something they enjoy so much, isn’t it? Enjoy momma! 🙂

Juli - I love squeaky shoes!

Samantha Bayer - I grew up being a “gym rat” and now I married a wrestle what a change of pace! Good thing your kiddos have a great bball team to look up to there in Kansas!

Tasha - very sweet thoughts…loved how much the other mom’s shouts made you feel good-it’s good to see them doing well at something-especially something they love! enjoy and enjoy.

Karen Gerstenberger - I love this. Gregg played in high school, and we had a court poured and a nice hoop set in, but the kids did not get the “bug”…until David went to Gonzaga for college. Now he is a basketball maniac, and he wants Gregg to play with him when he’s home. It’s so lovely to see the two guys out there, having a blast together. And the “old man” can still beat the kid…for now. =)
We are BIG G.U. fans, so we will watch for you K.U. (or is it K. State?) folks!

Jena Simms - Ditto to this post. I am also a “Basketball Mom” and lovin’ it.

dotsie (aka podso) - I get this post completely.

jennibell - !!!!!!!

Terrie G - I really miss sitting in the bleachers for my kids’ games. Enjoy it! You get some good shots in a gym!
Love that I have some things to make me smile after a long day of jury duty! Love that 4th of July cake….saw that today too and think I may have to try it!!

Kim - Woohooo! Love it!!! 🙂

CathyC - That is exactly how I feel about my son’s baseball games. And this was only his first year playing 😉

Staci - I wish I loved it as much as you do 🙁 Maybe in a few years 😉 I’m such a loser…I LOVE being home…and not on a stinky bb court on a Saturday 🙁 I need to change my attitude don’t I!!!! Thanks for this motivation!

Tara - love these pictures…and love that you love being there to watch and cheer them on….I have to admit that I don’t always have the best attitude when it comes to sitting out in the BLAZING HOT HEAT of Orlando while my kids play soccer…I don’t complain to them, but I sure complain in my heart and it has to show at times….
you’ve given me something to work on. 🙂

tara pollard pakosta - lucky mom!
I would LOVe it if my girls played basketball!
your hubby must LOVE that he has someone to shoot hoops with!

amy jupin - one word: scholarship.

Jenna - proud mama 🙂 as you should be!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, I love that last pic! Great catch!

Kirsten J - I know just what you mean – my girl plays softball and I love hearing the other team shout out “lead off batter!!!” when she’s up to bat 🙂

amy b. - love the whole gymnasium atmosphere! is that weird? and of course, the snack bar junk food!

deb - You may have a future KU basketball player on your hands!! How cool would that be?! We would be cheering for him all the way from DC!!

Leslie - so cool!

Katy - That is so awesome. 🙂

susan ponder - When my 7yo said he wanted to play basketball this past winter season, I was skeptical. Turns out I love it. I love the sounds, the scoreboard (even though we’re not supposed to care about that at this age) and the controlled climate. And my son is really good at it, which makes it more fun.

tam - that’s exactly how I feel about football, I watched my husband play through HS, then in a semi-pro league, then once his body started screamin’, he played in an adult flag league. Now both of my boys play and he coaches….I LOVE football season 🙂 Enjoy it, time passes so quickly!

Sarah - LOVE the new header!!!
From the sounds of it you have a “beast” of a baller on your hands 🙂

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