Masthead header


IMG_7615-3new cookbook.
full of yummy cakes and pies….i want to make them all!

blueberry buckle muffins.
i got a little carried away with the blueberries
at Sam's club…so many for so cheap!

air conditioning.
in the car….in the house….in stores….so grateful for it.

FUN package in the mail from friends.
gumball earrings and even RAINBOW CAKE earrings!
happy smiling girls at our house….thanks Phelps family!!

magazine FULL of awesome ideas
and ashleyann!!!

i felt so proud….i almost told the checkout
guy at sam's "she's my friend"
but i don't think it would have been as important to him.

rainbow toenails.

in a bird cage.

they caught three…one escaped in the night.
they let them go the next day at a farm.



these were the clouds as i pulled up to a
photo session last week.
really dark. 
we could've gotten poured on…but it cleared and was perfect!  

Sarah - I always love your summer pictures.
Cam’t wait for the sunflowers.
No pressure or anything. 🙂

Kori - p.s. the farm chicks also have a christmas book with lots of fun projects and ideas….and yes, more great recipes!

hannah - oh! i want that cookbook-blueberry buckle-holla.
the earrings are ADORABLE.
hooray for rainbow toes!
AND hooray for toads! i had a huge terrarium on my window seat-in my bedroom-when i was a kid. toads and lizards were my fave. it also kept my mom out of my room;)
delightful post! xo

Sharla - Love this – really want to get that magazine now too! loved the frog pic – in a birdcage. . . too funny!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - all FUN stuff!

Jessica - I’m in Phoenix and it’s about 116 lately…excessive heat wave. Yuck! Love the rainbow toenails. My Sophia asks for them constantly, guess I’ll break down and buy the actual rainbow colors…way more fun! Happy Fourth!

tara - woah…love the blueberry muffins…I’ve got a bunch in my fridge, too!! I need to get busy!

Whitney Ulrich - I love your adorable blog and am stopping by to let you know that I featured your chalk board summer fun list on my Pinterest loves of the Week #7 on my blog today. Make sure to come and check it out, follow me back (I am your newest follower, leave a comment and grab my button!
A mommy’s life…with a touch of YELLOW

Holly - Oh girl those muffins look yum! We made a toad house out of a clay pot for our toad….not sure he uses it but its cute!

james @ agirlcalledjames - i always enjoy your pictures. i would have been impressed if you told me that your friend was in a magazine. you would have had to show me the article too haha.

Joy - I realize I need to step up my working when I read your blog. I only have one color of polish in my house and it is champagne. How boring is that?

Martha - Was it a smaller toad… you know they will eat each other!

Doris - again so much happiness from your blog 🙂

andrea - Loved the nail polish photo. I FINALLY found a green that I like – Make Mine Lime by Nicole by OPI. My toes have been green all month! Probably should change it to red for the 4th!
Also, toads do not like to be moved to a new place. I found this out last year when I kept trying to bring toads from my dad’s house to mine. They kept disappearing; I kept blaming the dog. Finally, asked the “Turtle Lady” at a library program and she said I needed to find some eggs or tadpoles in the spring and bring them to my house. Hah! Like that happened! 😉 (Hope that didn’t sound ‘preachy’ – wasn’t meant to be.)

Emily - Meg,I just love your blog!
That’s all. I just love it.

Amy @ dwell in the season - The clouds have been like that in Denver – just crazy! Cute post today!

lauren - i sent my daughter to kansas on a mission trip today. i told her to wave to you.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Okay, the toad thing…so never happening here…ICK, ICK, ICK, but I do love the Farm Chicks.

Nichole Kopp - The The Farm Chicks cookbook yes a must have but going to the The Farm Chicks antique show……..heaven on earth! This year was my third year attending and each time I’m speachless. Amazing displays, fun people, great ideas and endless treasures to come home with! Worth the trip to Spokane! I have a guest bedroom your welcome to join me next year Meg! Check out the amazing pics on her blog of the show.

Gemma - Loving the Blueberry buckle goodness!!
Gemma x

Kristina Carter - oh i just got “The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen” and i am in LOVE too!! isn’t it fabulous!!

Jennifer - You are such a good mom to put up with the toads. I could NOT do it! The kitten would already be a permanent member of our indoor household, but the toads. NO WAY! 🙂

Linda - Just love when you do these kinds of posts! So much fun!

Angela Atkins - That Farm Chicks book is on my Amazon wishlist–and with this post I just realized it is a new month today and I can buy it!
Thanks for sharing a bit of your life with us everyday, by the way. I know it’s not easy in the middle of life. I think of posts I can make on my blog but they are just all jammed up in my head and on my camera, waiting for me to do them.

This Farm Family's Life - LOVE this post. As a farm gal myself, I may just have to invest in that cookbook!

Perrin - Love that photo of the nail polish. With two little girls there is lots of nail polish time at our place too. So fun.

Dawn - Loved the picture of the toads.
I love reading your blog, you have so many great ideas. I was wondering what are some things you do with the other kids? I recently got married and my husband has a teenage daughter and I’m running out of fun ideas that we can do that is not too kiddy and fun for a teen.

happygirl - Awesome Kansas sky. Yucky toads (I’m glad they’re free). Gorgeous earrings and toenail choices. Could you be having more FUN!!

Katie - Loved the video earlier this week! I noticed that you have what I think is painted brick (fireplace) in one of the rooms. I REALLY want to paint our fireplace white. Just wondering if I need special paint for that?

alicia @ la famille - oh those earrings! how fab are those?! sooo meg 🙂 i love that cookbook…have had it for a couple years and need to make more from it. have a good one 🙂

Cyndi Hamilton - I love The Farm Chicks!! Serena has a great blog!
Toads are the cheapest form of summer entertainment. My sister and I used to catch buckets of them on our farm, now my kids do it.
Thanks for sharing,

Necole - I am going to have to pic up that mag on my mommy outing tonight. Grocery shopping with no children = heaven!

Julie - I bought that FreshStyle magazine yesterday and enjoyed reading it from cover to cover while sitting on a swing near Lake Michigan. It was a delightful afternoon!

flowerpowermomma - personally, I stay away from toads, frogs, etc. Kudos to you for the close-up photos and adventures! and keeping fingers crossed there is no ‘house-frog’.
Those muffins look amazing. I made blueberry muffins this morning too. Will certainly check out your recipe though.
re: the blueberries..if you have too many.. freeze them. I buy lots in the summer when they are on sale, then wash, drain, freeze on a cookie sheet on a cotton towel, then pop them off the towel and into a freezer bag. Works great. You have the freshest berries all winter.

Kori - you need to come to a farm chicks show here in spokane…fun stuff!! 😉 love love love talby’s earrings and the toads in a bird cage made me laugh out loud!! too funny! although i have the same question as lisa ↑, were they in your house while one escaped?? that would freak me out. not a fan of ‘jumpy things’…

Laura Phelps - YOU ARE SOOOOOO WELCOME! I am just so happy I finally MAILED the package! Sat on my counter for two weeks…but HAD to get them for the girls…
they are colorful and happy and reminded me of you!!!!!!
I am LOVING….you!

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - love your “loving” post! I’ve got to check out that mag!!

Lisa - My husband would have a heart attack about the toads. He HATES frogs/toads. Does that mean the escaped one is in your house or where they outside!? 🙂

Leah - Thanks for all the great inspiration today! I can’t wait to check out the Farm Chicks. Hadn’t heard of them before. And I LOVE those earrings! Too cute! Happy July 4th weekend. Can’t wait to see what you’re up to for the holiday.

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