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black & whites

my dad used to use film and a dark room.
we have two books (and many many more books of the negatives) FULL of 8×10 black & white photographs that he took and developed way back during my childhood.
i love to look at those books.

here were some standouts…..

my sister laughed and said “i’m wearing a full sweat suit and you are wearing a tank top and shorts! i wonder what the weather was like that day!”
that was our dog Toto…he had three legs. Β πŸ™‚ Β seriously.

getting flipped at the pool!

remember that commercial jingle “beautiful skin can be a breeze with SEA BREEZE!”
someone must have sang that when they saw this picture 25 years ago because i think of THAT every time i see that photograph.

oh my.

rain coats on the porch in neodesha.

10 years later……
love the braces AND the bangs and perm.
i was wearing my favorite silk shirt from ExpressΒ and a brass clip in my hair!
lorel looks like a classic pretty college girl.
i look like a high schooler in the early 90’s.
i like hers better.

pink sponge rollers getting ready for easter morning!


i was a thumb sucker.
for a looooong time.

that picture is from my grandma’s house.
i loved sleeping in that room….with the electric blanket controllers hung over the headboard.
loved it.

love our whistle necklaces.
my girls would love those! Β i am going to try to track some down.
i think that mural was in wichita like 30 years ago…….but i could be wrong.


not only is the snake real…..i REALLY wore my hair like that?!!
side pony tail in the front with a scrunci!

that was probably the last time i held a snake!
i used to go to Audoubon Nature Camp with my dad and they would Β find snakes and creatures and we could hold all of them….and i did….no fear.
but now i can’t do it.
i got squeemishly afraid of them. Β  it’s all mental. Β  i hate that.






Cathy Newman - These are super whack Meg, and you’re so freakin’ CUTE! When I was a kid, I was not afraid of everything! And like any other kiddo, I also loved summer because that was the only time I got to swim nonstop! Oh, you’ve gotta miss the old times. =)

Jessica Johnson - talby looks like your sis to me! yes? no? am i crazy? and i wish scrunchies never ever left. ever.

Ali - Fun pics! πŸ™‚
My kids are getting worn out with our late nights, fun times, and lack of sleep! I’ve noticed a little more whiny voices this week too! Hang in there and give your self a little extra rest! That’s my plan (extra sleep for Mom) for the next two weeks!
We have a lot going on Music camp, tutoring, ballet camp, etc this week and next. I can’t wait for the ‘no driving’ them around weeks that will follow!
~ Ali

steph - sweet!
is it just me or does your early 90’s style look not as bad b/c it’s in black and white?
i bet if it was in COLOR, it’d be even more wild.
i can probably picture that your clothes are magenta and hunter green and some neon thrown in.
good times! πŸ˜‰
ok, is it just me… or does your lauren totally look like your sister in that first picture?!
it’s kinda striking, if you ask me.
great pics!
thanks for sharing!
you were a cutie… and i agree with the others, a good mix of talby and annie!

Melissa - Love these old photos.

Kimberly Dial - Thanks for sharing these … black & white photos prompt me to think of my childhood days of long ago … I wore those sponge rollers to bed many a Saturday night before Easter!

Kimberly Dial - Thanks for sharing these … black & white photos prompt me to think of my childhood days of long ago … I wore those sponge rollers to bed many a Saturday night before Easter!

xβ™₯xβ™₯, gina - i remember pink sponge rollers!! We had ours put in to wet hair and had to sleep in them over night – painful!!
What great memories to have and –
It’s easy to see where you got your inspiration and talent from!!!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Those are some fun/funny pictures. My fave is the one where you’re flipped in the pool and the girls behind you look scared to death…heehee.

Lisa - I have one of those whistle necklaces from my childhood!!

julia - I love the black and whites..especially the pool one. Don’t get your kids the necklaces, you’ll regret it..Too bad none of your kids look like you πŸ™

Kat - I had the same permed and teased hair! Eeek!
Love the pics!

Tonya - The pic of the flip in the pool looks just like your Annie!

Linda - I used to have pink sponge rollers in my hair the night before Easter too! Such great photos you have.

Amy Slavik - What great pics and memories! You can’t go wrong with black and whites! I was a thumb sucker too….for 12 years!!! Yikes. And I didn’t even need braces! How’s that for a miracle?! Thanks for sharing!

pam - YOU are the one who taught Lucy that wide-mouth smile. I KNEW IT! πŸ™‚
You look exactly the same in the face. Wow. It’s like just your hair has changed.
Like totally. πŸ™‚

amy jupin - oh, i almost forgot.
thanks again for posting about davis boy.
i appreciate it more than words can say.
love ya!

amy jupin - oh man.
this post made me cringe and laugh out loud.
especially with the pink foam rollers, the brass clip, your scrunchie and permed hair and express shirt.
i was obsessed with forenza and outback red and esprit.
oh my goodness…do you remember those m.c. hammer pants?
i had a pair and wore them to thanksgiving dinner at my aunt’s house!
but really? a big black snake? really?
that’s when i cringed.
i’m so totally glad you hate them now.
you know, so we can be friends and all.
that’s if you forgive me for the mc hammer pants.

Staci - Ohhhh myyyy πŸ™‚ Takes me back too πŸ™‚ That shirt must’ve been THE shirt to have…had one in several colors and I too wore my hair in a scunci with a ponytail on the side…I think my hair was even bigger than your’s if that makes you feel better πŸ™‚ YOu are so fortunate to have these pics to remind you πŸ™‚ Thanks for taking me back πŸ™‚

Secret Mom Thoughts - Love the B & W photos. I have similar photos with the Express shirt and clip.

This Farm Family's Life - Love the flash back photos!

sarah - annie’s resemblance to you here is unreal! so darling!

Terri Upton - Meg, those are the funniest pictures. You remind me so much of myself. I was a thumb sucker tooo. For far to long. HaHa.

Jenni Cummings - Wow- if you hadn’t been in that first picture I would have sworn it was Macy! I had no idea how much she looks like Lorel!

Aimee - We ALL had hair like that in the late 80’s/early 90’s. It was an epidemic. Sigh…

Maya Dammand - Nice black and whites! Thanks for sharing with us almost each and every day!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Whistle necklaces, silk Express shirts and thumb sucking…all beloved parts of my growing up years too. Snakes? not so much:)
Loved the flashbacks!

Chantelle - You were and are so adorably beautiful! πŸ™‚ Great pics! - You used to live in Neodesha? I’m from Thayer…right north of that! Do you know where that is?

Laura Phelps - I had the whistle necklace…and a roller skate necklace…and a scunci….

Leah - First of all, you look just like Talby and Annie! What great shots. And secondly, when and how did you stop sucking your thumb? My daughter is a thumb sucker too and I have no idea where to begin! Did any of your kids suck their thumbs?

patti - Great shots! So wonderful that your dad captured your childhood on film!

Tracy - OH MY GOODNESS – I LOVE the pictures but can NOT believe you held a REAL LIVE SNAKE – I would have passed out! ACK! I agree with the others – you look SO much (or they look like you) of Annie and Talby when you were young. Thanks for sharing! πŸ™‚

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I loved shopping at Express – I really loved Esprit too…do remember that? Of course I had the braces and perm too…plus for me some ugly glasses.
Your dad took some great pictures! My family only took about 3 rolls of film for our (me, and my brother and sister) childhood. I don’t even think my poor brother has more than a couple of baby pictures of himself.

Pamela Gordon - Oh, I love those pictures! Thanks for sharing and making us smile. Your Annie sure looks like you did!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - You look like such a great combination of Annie and Talby!

Denissa - So, so fun..felt like I was looking back at my old pictures! Had the brass clips, perm, scrunchies, electric blankets at grandma’s! πŸ™‚

Kim - i had a dog named toto, too! but he had four legs.

Simply Lanny - I see where Annie gets it from πŸ™‚

Southern Gal - How priceless are those pictures to you now? Love it. My grandfather used to take Polaroid pictures in B&W all the time. He gave me all mine a few years before he died. I love the memories associated with them all.

Tam - I love that your Dad captured your childhood on film πŸ™‚ I hope my children appreciate me doing it for them when they are older. Photos are so much fun to look at and reminisce. Thanks for sharing.

beth - Ah, the bangs. I had those, too πŸ™‚ And I’m the same way–I used to be WAY more outgoing when I was a kid, now that I’m a mom I am a chicken! Don’t know how that happened.

Debby Graber - Gosh, Megan, you haven’t changed!! I can see where you got your photography skills from! My mom’s dad used to take pictures and develop them in a dark room in the cellar back in the ’20’s.

Dawn - Great photos. I love looking back at old photos that is why I am so into taking pictures and saving those memories.

Lacey - The snake picture killed it for me! Love the other pictures though. Seriously how is no one mentioning the snake!? The fact that it is black makes it even more creepy! Did I mention I have an irrational fear of snakes πŸ˜‰

Sarah - You sure can see Annie in a lot of those pictures of you. I love looking through old pictures. Too fun!

Sandy - I love the pictures. It always amazes me how people always look the same, just older and with different hair and clothes.
Were the whistle necklaces in case you got lost? I remember a Barney episode where they went camping and the girl that was lost kept blowing her whistle so she could be found. πŸ™‚

Holly - those are great!

happygirl - I love old hair styles. SO MUCH FUN to look at old pics. Believe me, it gets much easier when you get much older. πŸ™‚

Beth - Those photos are so cool. I was just telling my kids about taking a photography class in college where we used film (gasp!), and learned to develop them in a dark room with chemicals. They were kind of amazed and thought it sounded cool. I wonder if it will disappear completely of if people will keep doing that? It’s actually a pretty magical process, seeing the photos appear in the chemical baths (can’t remember the correct name :). And, you were such an 80’s girl, weren’t you? With the side pony tail and scrunchies?? I took a group of Girl Scouts to Mexico in 1989 and I joked that one girl had her hair in pictures that the rest of her wasn’t in (the years of big bangs and lots of hairspray!). I also had a very curly perm during those years and my girls’ look at pictures and say “really mom? What were you thinking?” and I tell them it was very IN at the time!

Sharla - Great pics! I love that one in the pool with the flip.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Heehee..had to giggle at the side ponytail. We’ve all had the dodgy hair!

Lela Pohlmann - I taught yearbook years ago and we developed our film and made all of our pictures for the book. There is just something about waiting for that picture to hit the developer and watching the image apperception. It truly is a lost art!

alicia @ la famille - oh my! the scrunchies, silk shirts…i laughed out loud! πŸ™‚ you’re dad is a great photographer, just like you! oh, and there’s tons of whistle necklaces on etsy πŸ˜‰

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - ha! I had the exact same shirt from express. πŸ™‚ i loved mine so freaking much, it was a deep forest green. i think i even bought a second one that was pink.
how fun to have these pictures though, i was the third child…which means in my home they aren’t many pictures of me since they couldn’t afford the film by then! πŸ™‚

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