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daddy found a helper.

and she did a pretty good job too!

we are busy working away today.

hope your day off is awesome.


andy - oh how i want doors like that

Melissa - I have dreams about living in a big old house in a small town, but I live in the city… I can’t wait to see the finished white woodwork & whatever color you decide to paint. That stairway is gorgeous, & the leaded glass & the inlays in the floor…

holly - dang i need a little of this kinda motivation…and this kinda woodwork ;o) there is a housefull of trim to paint here…and walls, but where to start…where to start?????

Kerstie - Love white painted woodwork, and the two hands on the paint brush too. 😉

Londen - Adorable picture! That big beefy trim and door are going to be so pretty painted white.

Lisa - This same scene played out at my house today, only outside!

julia - We bit the bullet and painted some gorgeous cypress white. Even though it was painful the room ended up looking so much better.

Michelle from Australia - I’ve just showed the picture to my husband. And said ‘Why don’t you have legs like that?’ He scrolled up to the picture of you Meg. He pointed and said ‘Why don’t you look like that?’ Touche my dear!! 🙂

Wendy - I give you lots of credit for painting your woodwork white. I love the crispness of white … but I don’t know if I would have the guts to do it. Good for u!

Natalie - Too cute! Can’t wait to see the “afters” 🙂
You take some really great photos. I just booked a wedding for 2012 and I’d love your input on which lens{es} I should consider purchasing!
Natalie 🙂

Sally - Boy, you are one busy woman. No rest for craft weekend! I am sure that your newly painted space will be beautiful. Enjoy your day!

Molly - isn’t it like a sin or something to paint all that trim white? haha just kidding I love white trim! it really is the only way to go:)

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Oh Meg, my darling….I cant wait to see how this turns out! I just posted about all the projects we’re doin today on our big old house. We will never be bored in an 1860 home, for sure! Happy work day to you too!:)

jami - I know some people think painting original trim is akin to blasphemy, but oh how I love crisp white trim in old houses.

Mindy Harris - the vintage fiend in me loves that wallpaper! craig has nice calves. 🙂

seriouslysassymama - We rent, but I am having fun doing what decorating I can. I love your house.

Holly - cant wait to see the finished project!

Terrie G - We are woking away too. Labor Day rarely means rest for us!
Just finished helping hubba with our pet cemetery…not really it’s the foundation for his new shed.
It only looks like a pet cemetery.
I’m headed to the craft room to bind another quilt!
How’s your crafts coming?

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