Masthead header

so dorky.

mr. waffle got a haircut.
he is always a total weirdo after losing all his hair…..can't get comfortable….itchy….spazzy.









he's a goober.




winner for the family rules poster!

Love love love this! We are working on a family mission statement and this is a GREAT place to begin. Also would make a wonderful gift. My pastor just moved into a new house and they have small children – perfect housewarming gift! So glad you shared.

Posted by: Jessica @ MyArdentLife | September 15, 2011 at 11:56 AM

congrats Jessica!
send me your info… cdduerksen @ yahoo . com


happy weekend to you. 

Lisa Ryzenga - Ha! Just came across your blog. We have a goldendoodle too. he recently got his haircut and looks just like your dog. Its so short and he acted like such a spaz too!!! Good to know it wasn’t just our dog:)

Janina - Hi!
I’m a silent follower of your blog. You are a beautiful photographer and this post inspired me to draw. Check out the sketch I did of your Waffle on my blog. Thanks for the inspiration! Keep up the awesomeness. 🙂

Verdopple Deine Dates - I looked around your blog and you’ve got some good content and I was thinking our readers would both find value. Thanks!

Ashley - These pictures are great! I’ve been lurking at your blog for almost a month. Your life seems amazing.
I tried to find an FAQ or something where you mention what type of camera or lens that you use. I’m saving up for a new lens! Do you have any suggestions?
Happy Thursday-

Di - made micah and me smile…it will just take him a little while to “own” it. 🙂

amy d - lauren cracked me up the other day of fb when she said “the more boys i meet, the more i love my dog” 🙂

Dylan - ehehehe, so cute!

Jaime A. - Meg – I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now… and the pup crush is still as strong as ever.
i heart oh-so-much one Waffle the Wonder Dog.

Jill - AAAAwwwwwwww, I love him!

elisa - love him

Cranky Catholic - Dogs don’t have sweat glands, so why do you shave him?

Kelly - I LOVE your Waffle. He’s adorable and doesn’t seem like a dork at all. He fits so perfectly into your family. I love when he’s in your family pics!

Jessica Johnson - dorky dogs are THE greatest. also i changed my blog name to my ardent life. no? ok…

Doris - Gave you Versatile Blogger Award, in my new post!

Laura - I have a Waffle too – except mine is a girl and her name is Bailey and she too is a freak when she gets her hair cut, and usually eats something in the house she is not suppose to. She usually does not get in that kind of trouble! I am assuming Waffle is a goldendoodle, which is what Bailey is also.

Lori Austin - Love the waffle pics. He’s such a cute dork 🙂

Tania k - I gotta say your Waffle posts are MY favorite. He is too darn cute!

karen - oh i could just nuzzle in that neck of his!!!

Lora ~ Charmed - he’s handsome.

tara - I just got my hair cut and colored this morning, and I’m a dork, too! … a total goober.
feels good to go short again, but I feel totally naked…..
so, I’m with Mr. Waffle.

crystal - He’s so cute. My dog Elphie is like that when she gets a shave. Sort of insecure about the way she looks, yet happy to be rid of the heat and weight of fur. Dogs are awesome.
See you next week for the last round of our summer palooza! Can’t wait.

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - I have always wanted to name a dog Waffle…but you beat me to it! What a cute goober!

Penny - Love seeing Waffle. Aren’t Goldendoodles the best! Our Sophie is such a goofball. When we cut her bangs so she can see she just looks and acts so silly. Waffle is such a sweetheart. You can see it in his eyes. Enjoy him.

Holly - Waffle is too cute!
Congrats to the winner! I ordered the family rules poster yesterday! I can’t wait to get it!:)

Karen - What a cute dog! My pooch would never sit still long enough for me to get multiple pictures of him!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I love all your pictures of waffle – animals are so silly 🙂

Jen L - He makes me happy!

Jenna@MomofManyHats - Awkward dog! Love it 🙂

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Hes still so cute, even after his cut. And Im not even a big dog person(we have a big fat beagle whos super loyal and a great dog; its just me:))

Jen - Maybe it’s not the haircut…but the camera in his face. 🙂
Purely a joke, as my dog is completely embarrassed after her haircut.

Tracey - awww waffle! You look so purty!

Mindy Harris - waffle i would so mangle you in real life. u r too cute.

Elizabeth - So silly! Our standard poodle, Valentine, is exactly like that when she gets a serious cut. It’s almost as if the air finally hits her skin and she just can’t take it!

Melissa - Can we trade dogs? Please?

ann - such a cutie!
Does he shake and shake and shake his head when he gets a haircut? My Golden Doodle did and he got nasty blood clots in the ears and they felt like frozen peas. It was icky. Now I just keep his coat shortish all the time to avoid the dreaded matting.

Leah - He is so cute? Where does Waffle sleep?

Toni :0) - Haha I absolutely love your Waffle doggie! Dogs are just plain cool!!

happygirl - Wow! Your dog has such WHITE teeth. LOVE how dorky he looks.

Pamela Gordon - I love your dog Waffle. I think he’s so cute. Tell him Marshall says HI!

BriBedell - Ha!! It’s like you have two dogs!! Shaggy Waffle & Sheek Waffle!

Lori Winger - Our golden doodle, Lily, who wears her hair long and wavy, got a hair cut this week only because she got sprayed by a skunk! She is mortified (so were we, PU).

Sharla - Don’t they look so little after their haircuts?! We have never given our goldens a haircut, but we used to do it to our dogs when we were little and she always got so embarrassed and hid under the bed for a couple days. LOL!

Julie - That is so funny…my dog is a total weirdo too after she gets a haircut! One time we got her haircut so short, it really took her a couple days to start acting like herself again. She was all mopey and quiet. I think she must have really hated it!

Anj - Ha, so funny… I saw the title of this post and even before I scrolled down to the photo I knew it was going to be about Waffle the wonder dog. Cute! Must have dog on the brain… 🙂

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