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another big birthday.

my goofy little annie girl is growing up too darn fast.
for her birthday she got a new coat, sparkly boots, mexican train, sunglasses, a baby doll and a new KU tee.

for her classroom treat she wanted chocolate cupcakes with pink icing and sprinkles.
as i walked through the grocery store with only 1.5 hours left to make those cupcakes i saw in the bakery….
chocolate cupcakes with pink icing and sprinkles.
i was very torn.
i stood there a good five minutes trying to decide if i should just buy them or go home and bake my own.


i went home and baked my own.
only because i hadn't asked annie what she wanted and
i didn't want to make any mistakes on the treats at the new school.
she said "mom…you can't send them with me…THE MOM comes in and brings the treats at this school!!"   
oh my.


 i think i did ok….as the new mom with the treats IN the room!!



for annie's party…

her art teacher from her old school came and led CRAFT time.  
it was SO good.

Ms. Beth had their complete attention.
she brought Sculpey in lots of colors for each one of the kids.
and showed them how to make a couple of different projects.


they were so quiet.
it was awesome.



it was the best party we have ever had.
no joke.
it was so calm and quiet and fun.
they were mesmerized!

while we had dessert and opened presents Ms. Beth baked the projects so they were finished.
she put them in goodie bags with the kids names on it.

i HIGHLY recommend Beth for your party!

annie does too.

you can email Ms. Beth at:

byhwdy1 @ sbcglobal . net     (without the spaces of course…..)

you can get in touch with her about all the fun parties at your house!!

you will LOVE it.

annie decided on parfaits instead of cake and ice cream.
we layered chocolate cake, chocolate pudding, mini marshmallows, whipped cream and mini chocolate chips.

and topped it of with an oreo.

Y U M M M M M M M M M M M M M.

and it was easy for them to bring home what they couldn't finish too.



her friends gave her craft kits and a set of legos.
she was PUMPED.

Happy Birthday to my 7 year old sweet pea.

wait….how can my BABY be 7???

this means that it's been seven years since i have had a newborn in my house?
7 years since i have nursed a baby!?
7 years since i fed a baby in the dark while watching informercials on low volume??
7 years since i have searched for a paci under a crib?
7 years since i held a bottle with my right hand into the back seat while driving with my left hand in the front??
so long ago.

seven years old is pretty great too.


have you heard of the Bounce Dryer Bar?  
i reviewed one over here…come read about it and enter to win $50  VISA gift card!

AND go check out the posts about our craft weekend sponsors on the CW blog….HERE.


honeybeemama - oh my goodness, i love this post! and i love your blog. i wanted to let you know i included your blog and this post in my mama monday mom blog highlights today:
i hope you’ll stop by, and have a great day!

se7en - It can’t be Annie’s birthday already, again… I tell you it is impossible!!! What a fabulous party!!! And I love her desert!!! Pinned it!!! Have a fab year young lady!!!

Kat - Oh my heart just feels for you right now, because I have gone through this exact thing yesterday for my youngests b’day. She is my baby, #4 and turned three yesterday!!(sob)
I am really grieving the end of all of this, so much so I am almost contemplating taking the plunge for However I just don’t know if I can do one more and I am going to be 40 in April, so maybe I will just be sad with you and also celebrate this new stage.
I also think you are awesome to have gone home and baked those cupcakes. Girl after my own hear.
I have been so busy baking lately -4 b’days within 6 weeks and I am all baked out. Cakes for school, cakes for home, cakes for the party.Yikes!!
Well done to you and happy b’day to little Miss Annie, who will always be your baby, just like my three year old Ruby πŸ™‚

Annika - Happy Birthday to Annie!!!

Sonia - Awesome birthday party! Do you always have the bunting up? Or was it just for the party?

4FabFranklins - What a great party! …and those parfaits, yummy!

Kerry - oh I am LOVING the idea of this quiet party…. Looks awesome-o.
Happy Birthday Sweet Annie :)) xxx

Londen - Happy Birthday to your adorable Annie! She looks so big with her adult teeth coming in. My one and only baby will be six this spring. I see moms with babies and I think…I used to have one of those…where did she go? It’s kind of cruel.:)

the whyte house - 7?!?! happy birthday, annie!! cute party!
(blasted…that means mine is 6 in a month. sigh. well, fine. :))
i picked up that polka dot outfit, too. i was checking out and i thought, “10 bucks says meg’s found this, too.” ha. i wish i’d actually said that outloud so someone would pay me $10 now….

Laura Phelps - 7 IS a great year
I think I peaked at 7
impossible to see a craft, rainbow, or pink cupcake with sprinkles and NOT think of YOU
aren’t I the lucky one…I got to meet you and sleep in your home and wake up to cute you and have breakfast!
love from all of us h ere in CT!

Lindsay - So funny when I read that you made the cupcakes. Here in Seattle about 99% of schools won’t let you bring in homemade treats, they have to be store-bought. Made me nostalgic for my Midwest roots again. πŸ™‚
LOVE the craft party! Amazing.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Happy Birthday little Miss Annie….7 years is great and I had to laugh at feeding the baby watching infomercials. That’s how I started watching QVC…in the dark, with low voluming while nursing and now I watch it in the light with volume up while feeding myself πŸ™‚

jacqui anderson - wow! happy birthday annie!!! i feel like I know your sweet annie and she has grown so incredibly much since i first started reading your blog. maybe i will get to meet her if i am chosen for craft weekend (hint hint!!!!)

julie - Happy 7 to Annie! My youngest turned 7 over the summer… so hard to believe! Your parfaits look so good!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - Aww! Happy Birthday Annie! My youngest little guy will be 7 in just 10 days. Fun times!

karen - very nice! happy birthday sweet annie.

Valerie - Wow, LOTS of party inspiration here!!! Happy Birthday to your baby!

Alice H - Happy 7th birthday! Those parfaits look yummy. I am going to make them, tomorrow!!
I am so jealous you guys get to take homemade treats to her school. We aren’t allowed to take them to the public schools my children attend.

TinaM. - Isn’t funny how you have to learn birthday etiquette,lol. Love the birthday party idea.

Jenn - Happy birthday sweet Annie! And good call on the parfaits… They look awesome. πŸ™‚

tiffany gardner - Happy Birthday sweet little one! Thanks for sharing with us!

Kristen - Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove the parfaits. Love.

ivy - Hey, it’s probably only been 6 years since you did all that stuff since you probably did it for about a year! πŸ™‚ My youngest of 5 is 5! I can’t believe it either.
Love your blog. It’s beautiful.

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - happy, happy birthday annie!!! πŸ™‚

Casey - Seriously….cutest party idea ever.

Wendy - HaPpY bIrThDaY aNnIe … God Bless!

Lori Austin - Looks like Miss Annie had a super birthday.
My 6 year old keeps asking when she will be 7 (not until April).
Why is she in such a hurry?!
Love a quiet/calm party…never experienced one of those.
Btw, the cupcakes look so pretty and the party dessert – yum!!

Gabriela - Oh lovely!! Feliz cumpleaΓ±os Annie!

Lisa - Hoppy Birdy Two Ewe, Annie!!!!!!

Katy - Joyeux anniversaire Annie !

Nicole B. - What a GREAT idea for a birthday party! And I LOVE Annie’s “7” shirt. I may have to make those for my kids! Happy Birthday Annie! πŸ™‚

karen gerstenberger - Happy Birthday to Annie!

Leah - Wow, 7 years old! I know how you feel. My baby is turning 4 tomorrow. As excited as I am for her, I’m also sad that’s getting old! She’s not a baby anymore. It’s crazy! And tomorrow, I too will be the mom bringing in the treats to her class.

Alicia @ La Famille - happy day, annie! what a sweet party! ms. beth seems like a great trade-off for a creepy clown πŸ™‚

Polderkolder - Happy birthday, Annie!

Mindy Harris - awwww, 7 years old!! how precious. i just started working with that sculpey stuff making pretty rose pendants. it’s very fun and they look like those cabochon flowers that are all the rage.
the oreos look divine!!!
i used to drive and bottle feed simultaneously,too.
we have 2 babies. as a mom of 5, do you think we should have one more? i go back/forth..

andrea - Sigh. Can so relate. My baby boy turns 7 next week. Seven.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Happy, happy birthday dear Annie!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - What a great party…love the sculpey crafts!! She looks so cute in the top pic looking at her cake.
Since we are listing…13 years since I searched for a nuk in the dark sigh! xo

Rach - Oh yeah, and it’s nice to hear that I’m not the only one who still does all the things you listed from 7 years ago with my 6 month old. Thank you for reminding me that despite how exhausted I am right now that I will miss all of that when he is older.

Rach - OK, my daughter JUST insisted on chocolate cupcakes with pink icing… and when grandma came to visit this week, they made them. Yum. πŸ™‚

Heather - “””7 years since i fed a baby in the dark while watching informercials on low volume??”””
This has been my most common reflection on those early months of young motherhood! It’s surprising I never actually bought a magic bullet!

Sarah Wolfe - Wow! My baby just turned 3 and I’m already feeling it… feeling that he is going to grow up way too fast…

Seriously Sassy Mama - I love those ideas! What a fun birthday party!

Mary Susan McConnell - Great photos! That party looks amazing!!

Kerstie - A quiet birthday party…… who new! πŸ˜‰

Holly - wow! 7! She is getting so big!

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