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my late ten on ten….kinda.


technically it's not ten on ten.
so let's just call it "tuesday."

i tried to make some decisions on the bathroom….
what about a urinal???
IF had a bunch of boys….why not?!
but three is not a bunch….it's a few…so no urinal in our home.
the end.


the goat book caught my eye….

i tweeted on sunday that i saw a dead goat on the side of the highway.
like where the deer usually are…but it was a goat!
i thought it was so weird!


did you know that you can buy glitter duck tape?? 
this was at michaels….there was pink glitter tape too!
things just got a whole lot happier in the world!


i was loving these dishes at target.
L O V E!
so simple but so cool….at least i think so. 


this bathroom….
oh please be done sweet bathroom for craft weekend.


lauren gave her sisters a hamster for christmas…her name is coco.

hot cocoa break.


she beat me.
then i beat her.
then it was bed time.

what can i get checked off my wednesday list?? 
probably painting something.



Deborah - I have that same Starbucks cup that is in your first photo. Don’t you just LOVE IT! I got mine as a gift and LOVE LOVE it. I love that is doesn’t sweat! Oh and off the subject here–I love how much you love Sonic happy hour…me toooooo! Good luck with the bathroom project!

Kasey - p.s.
Call me too!!!!

Kasey - I think you need a BIDET!
You can thank me later……

Krissy - Love the duct tape!! They need to make KU duct tape…must look that up. Anyway, the hamster is super cute too! 😀

Shannon - Meg!!!!!! will you call me?? i have a really fun and interesting question for you! it has to do with networking! seriously, i can’t believe i’m doing this, but for reals, give me a call. 701.238.9547.
i swear i’m not a whack-job. i have a goldendoodle too so that must get me some
street cred! call me, call me!

Barbara Nelson - That duck tape is too cute and the mac & cheese sure looks good right about now!

Melissa - Love the glitter duck tape. But, not for $7.00!
We are about to give our guinea pig away. So much work. Well, so much work when you already have four fish, a bird, a dog, and four kiddos! I think the bird’ll be the next to go. The kids and the dog stay. Fish aren’t long lasting pets anyhow.

Kimberlee Jost - Yay for 10 on 10!
Those hamsters aren’t dead, yet?????

stephanie - ok so i guess i am not one…i mean genius:)

stephanie - the urinal thing is hilarious…and genious! when my father in law comes over he always misses the toilet…GROSS!

Stephanie - so… i have a son. and a husband. and a bathroom that is old and nasty and hard to clean. and EVERY TIME i wipe up pee, i say to myself… “my next house, it WILL have a urinal. it will. for the love of all things holy, i will have a urinal for boys to pee in. period. maybe your boys have better aim than my 2 do… but i would so so so get the urinal 🙂

Kerry - Cool list 🙂 Hope the bathroom gets done, can’t wait to see what you do with it 🙂 xx

Heaven Bentley - I have nine (9) boys. Zero (0) girls. You can bet that the hall bathroom has 2 urinals (and a toilet). It also has no tub, and a big shower that, right now, they all fit in (they are all under 12), though my eldest is not really interested in sharing showers anymore and the littlest ones are only a few weeks old. It’s really the greatest thing to say “shower night” and have them all in there at once. I put on my bathing suit and get in there with them and it’s like an assembly line. We’re talking about turning the big shower into 2 smaller shower stalls, just like in a locker room, in a few years.
You can also bet your bottom dollar that this Momma has her own bathroom. With a lock on the door. I don’t even share with my husband!

Amy @ - You always find the most fun things in life. Colorful and happy. You’re a gem.

Sandy - Last summer my son bought a goat and brought it home. He seemed to think it would be ok to let it live in our shed. We live in the suburbs. Totally not cool. He was so disappointed when I made him get rid of it…and he lost out on the money he paid for it. I had to chuckle when I saw your book. 🙂

Sarah Wolfe - Excited to see the bathroom on craft weekend!
That tape is speaking to me… Going to michaels today with kids to pick up some valentines craft supplies
And we are about to start building a house, and with 5 boys, we did consider a urinal, but in the end decided that might weird out future buyers 🙂

lynn-oak hill designs - this year during homecoming week at my kids’ high school, they had ‘duct tape day’. my daughter made her outfit TOTALLY out of crazy, fun duct tape! it was so cool!

Betsy Jo from Elizabeth St - I like 10 on 10. Or 10 on 11, as the case may be. 🙂 And that duct tape?! Yum.

Laura Whistler - I’m going to buy glitter duck tape today!!! We have hamsters too, but be ware of those wire cages. We had a dwarf siberian a few years ago who got her head stuck between the bars and died. Where the door clicks in to the side the bars were shifted just enough from opening and closing, she got her little head in there. We have an auarium now and not fear of that, just didn’t want any tears at your house.

Nancy - Hey, we just bought those swirl dishes Saturday! Love them!

Rachel B. - Uh oh…somebody’s got your mug 😉

Seriously Sassy Mama - I thought zebra duct tape was heaven, but glitter? Now that is divine bliss! I am on a fasting of spending at craft stores. So far so good. i have so much yarn at the house that I am knitting till it is gone. My Wednesday…cleaning a toy room, packing up stuff for goodwill, and groceries. Fun times!

Cecilia Madden - lovely list. have a fantastic day 🙂

Tami - I would absolutely get a urinal if we had the space and a way to put it into it’s own little nook in the batheroom. I would love the convenience but I really wouldn’t want to look at it everyday :~)
Have fun making all those bathroom decisions! Tami

tara pollard pakosta - Love your 10 on 10 pix!
I am doing 12 on 12 day in the life every month!
tomorrow is my first one! so excited!

colleen from Alabama - Laughing… Coco is what my nephews call me! Gotta love sharing a name with a hamster!

Tricia - I’m sorry about the hamster, but yay(!) for the bathroom remodel!!! It will be exciting to see how you decide to do it. You have such a cozy, inviting style! Maybe you could incorporate the glitter duct tape somehow? Good luck!

Lanny Lou - Where is the duck tape from ? Oh do tell ? happy hump day 🙂

happygirl - Hamster, oh boy. If I wanted rodents in the house I’d just quit baiting the traps. Good luck on the bathroom. I love a project, when it’s done. 🙂

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Hahaha…Im laughing at the comment above. Sorry about the mouse!(eeks!)
Love teh glitter duct tape. Maybe I’ll get that for my Easter basket:)
And we’re walking through bathroom reno at the same time with you. We bought our pedestal sink last night and had painted the walls only 3 days before the fire.(Its been one week already) and so far all we have are estimates for all the cleaning, furnace cleaning, drycleaning, front door repairs,etc… Its so overwhelming and I HATE not having my girls home with us. Thats the worst part, aside from the smoke:(
I cant wait to see what you do in the bathroom. Are you and Craig doing all the work? We do and it saves a ton of money but I know not everyone can do that.
Well, have a Happy Wednesday!

Mrs. - Umm, Lauren could have saved some $$ if she had come to my house. I just TRAPPED a MOUSE! In my house! Oh, the horror!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - I love target..wish they’d bring it to the UK AND have deals just as good as the ones in USA!
Gemma x

Kristen - Ha! I saw that this past weekend and was truly impressed with the selection they have as well. My mind was instantly rolling with ideas for them ALL! Prayers for your bathroom…oh and the joy of having it all finished with be huge!! Good luck with your Wednesday doings.

Han - I love you call it duck tape hehe. It’s actually duct tape but duck tape is so much better! I didn’t know you could get glittery duct tape though I think it must be an American thing – we get silver duct tape that’s about it and you have to buy it from the builders merchant - Glitter duct tape? Reason #101 why the USA rocks!!! Jealous.France has no cool duct tape and no Target!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I think I spot Kraft Mac and Cheese…I haven’t had that in ages. Hubby is a firefighter and works 24 hour shifts and when the kids were little I could make a box of that and rip open a bag of salad and then tada dinner was ready. That doesn’t really work anymore that the kids are older and want to eat healthy. What’s up with that? Happy Wednesday.

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