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do i have two friends?


so this is the verse that SPOKE to me yesterday.
i knew that i was going to write this post.
and i was reading The Message and there is was….clear as a bell.


today is the 2 year anniversary of the earthquake in haiti.

i have been thinking about it a lot this week.

even when we have nothing material…..we have jesus.
and that is everything.

but if you are reading this….you have a computer and/or a phone.
and you are probably like me….NOT without EVERYTHING basic like those is haiti.
it's hard to wrap your brain around isn't it?
it is so hard to imagine Jesus being the only thing i would "have"…
even saying that sounds so worldly and yucky and full of myself and i don't like it!
it's true.
but it's very hard to visualize what life is like for the people in haiti.
and i want to help.

well today….to mark the two year anniversary….the Adventure Project is running a HUGE fundraiser.

it's called   You + Two   …………………………………………………………………

"We want to turn the second anniversary of the Haiti earthquake into a day of record-breaking impact. 

It's a simple idea. We are each finding 2 friends. Two friends who will recognize the anniversary by sponsoring a $20 charcoal-efficient stove for a family in Haiti. And the movement begins when those two friends reach out to their 2 friends.

These stoves are revolutionary, allowing families to breathe easier, cook faster, and increase their income by saving on fuel costs. The money saved is money used to send their kids to school, start small businesses, and eat more nutritious food. The stoves are produced locally in Port au Prince and sold by women entrepreneurs. It's a sustainable business model providing a life-saving product. 


So we are marking this anniversary with a ripple movement of friends.
2 years, 2 friends, 2 stoves.

Buy your stove. And find your two friends."

COME JOIN ME and donate.  
you can start your own fundraising page.
you can share it on facebook and twitter and your blog.

let's make an impact today for Haiti  …………………………………………..


let's help these women.
God gives each of us a fresh start and clean slate….isn't it so great when others help alongside?!
when you see GOOD happening and others join in to help?

it's contagious.

look around you.
be thankful.
tell God THANK YOU. 

and help others.


p.s…'s fine if two friends have joined….it will just keep adding.
let's have ALL my friends help out.


joan meyers Palos Heights,I - Haiti is where my Birthday gift will be sent. After the house party my children gave me,(with “no gifts please”) I gave an invitation to those who could make it to my continued Party at “Feed My Starving Children” in Aurora, Illinois.It will be a volunteer day followed by a light lunch on me at Luigi’s Restaurant close by.
16 of us including kids will prepare packets of food for starving children. Their volunteer time is my gift! I raised funds doing a raffle, face painting, and my saving change jar.
One of the gifts they will receive is the joy they will feel at the end of a beautiful fun day. Giving is like a boomorang with love and joy bouncing back into us. Feelings, That’s the way God made us!

Lisa - I bought a stove! And said a prayer.

Holly - Forgot to mention I started my own page because of you! Thanks again for the inspiration!

Cindy Singer - Hello Meg!
I’m not sure how much you read these but I just wanted you to know how much I love your blog! I check everyday and we’ve done lots of your crafts. Thanks for helping all of us moms out there!!

kara shriver - I traveled to Haiti this past March on a Mission Trip thru our church. As we drove from the airport to Titanyen, Haiti the bus was silent. We went past “tent city” after “tent city” it was very humbling and also very heart-breaking!! The stoves are very much needed, they help provide their meals! We went to a large tent city and it was my first time to see a staving child!! The Haitian children were soo sweet and loving, they were happy even though their stomachs were empty and their hair had a orangish tint because of malnutrition! Please take the time to help!! We stayed @ a Christian organization by the name of Mission of Hope Haiti (they have an orphanage, school, church, hospital, and delivered over 15 million meals this past year 2011) They are doing amazing work in Haiti! The beautiful Haitian people need our help, most of all they need to see the Love of Christ! Thank you Meg for making a huge difference! God is Good!
Kara S. 🙂
North Texas

Stephanie Klakring - Just bought a stove after reading your post. Thanks for letting us know about this great program. Love it when Moms are helping Moms!

Holly - I just bought a stove thanks to your post! You go girl…thanks for the inspiration!
Many blessings,

Verna Lantz - I wanted to let you know my 14 year old daughter is going to Haiti this coming summer on a missions trip to rebuild a school that was destroyed in the quake. Haiti has been on my mind a lot lately. Thank you for bringing it back to the forefront.

April R - well that put an instant halt to any whining I might’ve thought’of maybe doing!
His word is a sharper than any sword, right?
and thanks for sharing about the stoves – wouldn’t have known about this opportunity.
Japan has been on my mind as well, even though it’s not the anniversary.
thought about water today too when I saw a full cup get dumped out at a restaurant…
…I need to get on over to that website and then I need to get on over to some prayer and gratitude.
thanks again meg

Lisa - I’m happy to support this cause – thank you for bringing it to my attention. You have an awesome heart… 🙂

Tracy Fisher - I love that verse. You are an amazing woman Megan Duerksen! Keep it up. 🙂

Lynne - This is awesome, Meg. Today is the anniversary of my father passing away and I would never have known about this were it not for your post. I didn’t take the time to make my own donation page, so I am now one of your “two friends.” Posted it on facebook though, so maybe it will make a bigger difference than just me. Thank you, thank you. Made my day.
Lynne - Such a great cause…I tweeted and Facebooked!

Gerri - I love your blog and I read every post but have never left a comment. Today I bought a stove…thanks for making me think, and care and share. I love your spirit!

Amy - Our pastor often said this quote from C.S. Lewis (i think 🙂 that i love. “He who has God and everything else has no more than he who has God only.”. Had this on my fridge as a daily reminder to myself. Thanks for sharing.

mollie's mom - Thanks for posting about Haiti… my post today was also about Haiti and my trip there…
Maybe if you have a second, you’ll visit.
And thank you again for remembering.

Niki - Meg, my sweet niece, Ellie Grace, was born last night and the thought of another mother’s sweet new baby breathing toxic air is just too much for me to think about this morning! I donated in Ellie’s honor! Thanks for the heads up on this project! God bless those families in Haiti that this will help!!

This Farm Family's Life - My mother-in-law and my two best friends were on a mission trip in Haiti when the earthquake hit. We went four days with no word from them. They made it back safely, but our hearts still ache for Haiti. Thank you for doing this!

Jennifer - i made a donation and posted it on facebook….thanks for sharing about this cause! have a blessed day!

Carrie - Meg – I just bought a stove – thanks for doing this. If it wasn’t for your post I would have neven even known. Thanks 🙂 Hope all is well!

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