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umm…i have no title.

first things first….ARE YOU CAUGHT UP ON PARENTHOOD?
i am so crazy for this show!!!


i am caught up and i was SHOCKED to see that next week is the season finalle?
when did this tv schedule become the norm?

since when is it acceptable to be finished for the YEAR in FEBRUARY???
it is not.
i need my shows sept – may.
just like the school year. 
it's just not cool.

but wow….LOOOOOVE the show.

and adam braverman is still smokin' hot to me.

—–UPDATE!  ————————————
this photo was just sent to me & needs it's rightful place on my post in which i declare the hotness of adam braverman…..



i have had so many people email me about The Color Run.

i am totally psyched about it.
you KNOW i want to take part in that!!
i have a wedding to go to that day….i am really hoping i can figure out a way to do both.
it's not like i am IN the wedding.
if my cleavage is bright blue for a week like last time it's ok because who cares?!!

THIS IS MY POST from utah when i had a color war with my photographer friends….one of the best days of my life.

Holi Powder War 35-21

it is going to be F U N!!!

go sign up in your city!


march is coming up.
and march needs to look out.
because i am declaring MARCH the month where i ROCK my body.
it's going to be amazing. (can you tell i am talking myself into it??)
i have 6 days to prep myself….i like deadlines, accountability (kind of) and results.

it involves more running.
and sugar.
and vegetables.
and water.
and sleep. 

you get the picture….


want to ROCK out your body in March with me?

you'll need a good sports bra….
and cute shoes.

those are my main requirements.  HA!

i will come up with my plan and fill you in….don't get too excited…im not that great of a planner.


go sign up for the giveaway from Spunky Fluff in the post just under this one. 


happy thursday.

Whitney - YES! I want to rock my body in March! Please give me some accountability!!!!

Jennifer S. - Parenthood and Justified on FX…I just cant get enough of those two shows! The hour passes so fast!

Ana - What can I say? To me, Peter Krause will always be Nate from Six Feet Under… but he’s hot no matter what show he’s on!!

Tami - This looks like so much fun!

Cindy - So glad that you posted about the color run!! I’ve never heard of it, but am now waiting for KC registration to open so I can sign up with 2 of my girlfriends! Didn’t even take much to convince them ;)Can’t wait!!

Stephanie - I’m with you on Parenthood! Didn’t the season JUST start?! Season finale?? Seriously?! I SO want to be a Braverman. 🙂 best show on tv. Period.
The color run looks like so much fun! I loved your pics from Utah. As soon as I saw them I thought “I would love to do that!!”

Ashley - I’m 95% sure I’m going to do the color run in KC this summer. It looks like too much fun.

Mickie Lara - I too could not love Parenthood anymore. I was just sick to learn that next week is the season finale… wha???!!! I’m with you on where is September through May like when we were kids. As an adoptive parent and one who has a son with some special needs, this show reaches me on so many levels that I can’t even believe it sometimes. And… I so need to rock the body thing in March. I do NOT want to head into another summer about 20 lbs too heavy and out of shape so, let’s get this thing going for sure! Love reading you every day!

Alissa - Sounds like you have a great goal for March!! If you really want to rock your body, add in some weight training….it helps to keep your metabolism up and burn more calories over the course of a day than just plain cardio. I love lifting weights and love to introduce other women to it as it is truly the best way to change your body!! And I love Adam Braverman too!! Planning on the June Color Run in Chicago….can’t wait:)

Rachel K - I just discovered Parenthood on Netflix this month! I love it! I started watching it because I loved Lauren Graham in Gilmore Girls! 🙂 The Color Run looks so fun!

mollie's mom - Oh wow!!! Practically my daughter’s whole sorority on her campus, Chi Omega, is doing the Color Run in ATL in March. I am going as official photographer… any tips on photographing this race?? I have been photographing her XC races for years but this one will be so much more colorful… I want the pics to be amazing and your photography is awesome!!!
PS. can’t stop thinking about that awesome sign in your bathroom 🙂 Love her stuff!!

beki - I feel so robbed over Parenthood. Boo! How will I ever fill the void on Tuesday nights???
I’m a slug. I *need* to rock my body, but um, I’m a slug. I’m still hefting on a good 20 lbs of pregnancy weight and my boobs are bigger than my head (making milk is my super power). But hearing about YOU rocking your body just might inspire me to change my sluggish ways…

Meg - Parenthood is the best… I just got caught up. Not the best use of the “my son is napping” hours… But I love it!!! Excited for next week…

julie - So a friend asked me if I wanted to be their #4 for the Color Run. hahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha. I replied that I can’t even run to the mailbox. Which is sadly true. I’d love to be a runner. Besides the totally hating running part. Or the sweaty part. Or the whole I need a way better sports bra to keep all my business contained. So, do a post about that. If you can do a spanx post, you NEEEED to do a sports bra post. Because I have way cute running shoes. That are lonely, dusty and sad, because of the whole sports bra problem.

Lisa - I’m ready to rock! I have been on Weight Watchers since October and have lost 30 pounds but I want to turn it up a notch! Let me know what the plan is…because I’m not a good planner either. 😉

Laura Phelps - hmmmmmm……
I don’t want to be covered in color.
I have no idea what it is all about, however…none. at all.
I will read up on it…maybe that will change my mind?
I love color.
but that looks like a mess.
and it looks like it hurts.
keep in mind…I have never been camping. I like my hair and clothes neat and clean.
YOu look pretty in color.
How is that possible?
I would look dumb.
yes to Adam Braverman.
AND…did you know?
I dated him when I lived in LA… for two months!!!!!
I was his agent. We met at the office when I signed him.
He is really a jerk in real life.
And he couldn’t keep his hands off of me.
I had to finally break up with him.
I made that all up
Well, I was an agent.
That part is true.
But not his agent.
Never dated.
Never met him.
Sure he is wonderful.
AND…I do Bob Harpers ONE HOUR strength work out at least 3 times a week, and run…
try his video.
TRY IT!!!!!
It works.
He is great.
NO girly outfits, gym stage set up, or annoying music like Jillian.
Just add weights to your “bra and cute sneakers”.
My body changed drastically…and I still eat sugar.
And drink.
A lot.

Emily Palmer - Perfect timing Meg! I have a trip to Mexico at end of April and desperately need to ‘Rock my body’ in March if I want to be ready to sport a swimsuit. It would be a pity to hid in a muumuu the entire trip! 🙂

Dani - I’m ready to Rock my body in March! Guess I will be shopping this weekend for a new bra and cute shoes! Can’t wait.

Tiffany - i live under a rock, i have no idea about this show parenthood. all this time i thought you were talking about the movie. Ok, i’m off to find out how I can catch up, but I don’t want to cry too much. Off to

Amber Pamper - omg i am so addicted to Parenthood. I already own the first and second season. I cry everytime I watch it. Did you know Peter Krause and Lauren Graham are dating???? Weird.

Sarah H. - I love Adam Braverman too. And, I love Parenthood. I don’t understand the tv schedule anymore either, but now I have some off season shows that I love on TNT so that sees me through! 😉
I am doing the Color run here in Atlanta! Kimberly from your first Craft Weekend was supposed to do it with us, but she couldn’t get in. It sold out fast. We are excited though. And they said they have full blast blowers and they blow off most of the color before you leave if you’d like, so you’ll be fine for the wedding! 😉

Jen@ADropintheBucket - LOVE, LOVE Parenthood as well; and am with you for the March rock your body. Sounds awesome. I have been working hard on losing weight for the last month or so, and seem to have stalled, so I need a jumpstart!!! can’t wait to see the plan!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Thanks for the info on this awesome race! I told myself I want to run a 5K this year and this sounds like so much fun and right up my alley! I was trying to decide between Kansas City or St. Paul, they are about equal distance from us. Looks like it is St. Paul because we have plans too when the race comes to Kansas City. Guess I’ll miss out on seeing you blasted with color (oh wait, I guess I have in photos on here)…not that I could keep up with you, working on getting in better shape myself. 😉

melanie - YAY! I’m running a 5k every month in 2012 (my insane “what was I thinking?” goal this year) and there is a Color Run in Denver 🙂 huzza! might as well make it fun. Only 10 more to go.
also I love love love Parenthood. I catch it on Hulu. And if you are on Twitter, you need to follow this guy for good Parenthood live tweeting that makes me LOL, I love his nicknames for all the characters:!/dustinwmilligan

Barbara Nelson - Yes Parenthood, love it since I am from the SF Bay Area it makes it even more fun. I think Julia is getting the baby and loved that Max got a friend but I’m tired of the Dad take the medicine and get on with it.

Randi-Dukes and Duchesses - I just ran The Color Run in Dallas and it was so stinkin’ fun! The color comes out quite well … only one pink patch in my hair for the remainder of the week. 🙂

Colleen - I love Parenthood as well, although as a parent waiting to be matched with a birthmother for an open adoption I can say that just about everything in the adoption plotline is dead wrong. I about lost it last week when Julia freaked out because she saw the bithmother loving on her baby in the hospital. Um, this is totally normal. It’s okay for a birthmother to love on her baby in the hospital. And it seems that open adoption isn’t even being explored or mentioned. Also, a private adoption without an agency is NOT a great idea, and Julia, as a lawyer should know MUCH better. Besides that whole plotline, I LOVE that show. I have loved Peter Krause since Six Feet Under.

amanda - In general, the braverman’s are a hot crew. Fo’ sho. I was also STARTLED by the end of the season. Dying. can’t wait. And pissed.
I was also signed up for the color run, but had to miss it 🙁

Kristin S - Yes, Meg, let’s rock it in March!!! I’ve hit a wall with working out and need a boost. I’ve also taken many eating liberties in the last two weeks and am very fluffy. I don’t like being fluffy.
last night at the gym we were doing jumping jacks and I had to hold my upper belly (I have two bellies – upper and lower) because it was jiggling! That is so not OK.
I like yoga pants to hold in my belly(ies).
OK, yes, rock it!

Jen - Love Parenthood! And that is quite a nice pic of Adam Braverman, I will admit. Our daughter is getting married in August. So far, I’ve lost 18 pounds, but I’d like to lose another 30! I’ll rock with you.

andrea - Girl. I’m with you on the rockin’ the body in March. Meant to start this month. Have started eating better already. Now need to add exercise. And accountability.

by Justin Timerberlake or Black Eyed Peas? 😛

Lindsey - I am in with you on the March Health Madness! I need some motivation in this area and shorts/swimsuit season will be here soooon! Must. get. ready.

Marianne - I love Parenthood!! This weeks episode was so crazy. My husband was like ‘I can’t take this. It goes from really happy to really sad too quickly!!’ 🙂 - Duh, Just realized there is a Color Run in Seattle . . . Yippy!! - First of all, totally love Adam Braverman too. I also love the show and I feel like they do a good job portraying what is important bout marriage and relationships. It truly is so sad when the seaon finale is over. Have you watched Friday Night Lights? (I can’t remember . . .) Also SO GOOD!
Very interested in the Color Run! I’d have to drive down to Portland from Seattle tho . . . but it looks like it would be worth the trip! Ever since your photoshoot I have been curious about the power stuff. I want to get some of it to throw it at my hubby and son. Or have a big Colorsplash party this summer.
And I’m IN for the “March is the month to get my body-rockin’!” extravaganza!
One more thing . . . thank you for writing this blog 🙂 I really appreciate you and what you have to say. I love meeting real people who love Jesus!!

Michelle - I LOVE the new, wacky TV schedules. There’s always new stuff on! Remember how summers growing up were so lame with nothing but reruns? Ah well … I’m so old I remember our family’s 1st VCR in 1987 😉

Tanya H - I have been into Parenthood since they previewed it during the last olympics. My husband and I have watched every episode togther, mostly on hulu. But no, the last few weeks are driving me crazy!! I spend every episode wanting to throw a pillow at ALL OF THEM!!! They NEVER listen to each other, no one lets anyone finish their thought and they’re all infuriating! LOL!!!
Plus I’ve cried with Julia a lot. Can’t quite handle it since I miscarried.
I just might join you in March. I can’t motivate myself to work out right now… I’m going to blame Pinterest. 😀

Becky@osp - Ok I was laughing at Adam Braverman = hottie BUT that pic…..WOW!!! I was so excited about jas&crosby last night (I watch on Hulu) and then my sis broke the news about the finale. Bummer.
My anniversary is the 21st of march so I could use some extra motivation. Throw some at me!!!!

Nancy - Parenthood. oh my. love. And, the Adam Braverman picture.. shut the door. WoW!!! I am a little bit infatuated with Crosby. There you go. my confession. But, I agree.. so not right that it is over next week. Come on!
Running…. I wish I loved it. When I see runners doing their thing, I want to do it. WHen I start running, I start to go into torture mode. And, sportsbras.. another wish.I wish I “needed” one. There is nothing to support. I wear one but it is really just going through the motions. Oh well. I love your mojo! 🙂

Vonda - I’ve asked before, but WHERE do you get the colored powder? I was asking around FB and people kept telling me that certain colors contain lead and horrible stuff, and I was like “This girl would NEVER put THAT on her body”. lol So where do you get the colorful powder?

Tracy Fisher - You have completely inspired me. I just emailed a friend to ask if she’d do the color run with me in May in Seattle. Also, funny thing is she got me to go to a yoga class tonight in about an hour…. oh Lord… help me. I’ve been painting all day for my on line art show (little show) and I need to stretch. Hope this helps… and starts helping the body out. I have a show to go to in 2 weeks. Can yoga help me lose 20 lbs in 2 weeks???? haha

Kimberlee Jost - I sat straight up in bed on Tuesday night and said, “Season Finale? Season Finale!!!” Not happy.
Boo NBC.
Yay Bravermans.

Maranda - I also LOVE Parenthood!!! I was so sad for Joel and Julia last night, but so happy for Crosby and Jasamine. (Even my husband said, “ugh, that is what I have been waiting for all season”. hehe. So glad to hear that others love the show.

Erin - I’m in. Let me know what you’re doing… please just don’t kill me 🙂 I need some major motivation (Adn chocolate, every now and then!)

erica - i just posted on fb today that i have an unhealthy love for the braverman’s. i dubbed this week’s episode the winner of most tears shed in a single parenthood episode by me. i was crying and clapping at the end, surely i looked like a seal. the only way i can make sense of the horrific decision to end the season so early is maybe because of the olympics this summer? maybe their shows have to all end early so they can air the olympics? i dunno, but i am NOT happy about it!

Maria - I’m in for March…gave up soda for Lent, so it should be interesting seeing as that’s how I get my daily caffeine…so far, so good…two days in…Trying to remember to drink more water (it helps that I haven’t been to the store since pre-Mardi Gras break too…)
I wish there was a color run near me….it looks like so much fun! Not that I’m a runner or anything like that…

Lori H - I love Parenthood…every show makes me cry at some point, and this week I cried through most of the last 15 minutes. And I too can’t figure out when it became acceptable to end the season so soon! I was talking to one of the “young things” LOL at work and she thinks it’s always been this way. NO! The season started right after school did, and ended in May! What a cop out. Anyway, Parenthood and Modern Family are my two favorites right now. Everyone is telling me to watch Downtown Abbey so I guess I will find Season 1.

Verna Lantz - I am totally with ya on the TV schedule. Remember the good old days…
But, yes I want to join you with rockin’ the body. Maybe not running per se, but working out regularly and motivation for working it!
Bring it on!

Tami C. - I love Parenthood too. We don’t have cable so have to watch on Hulu, didn’t know next week was the finale. Really?! Does that mean most of my dramas will be over in February? Good thing Army Wives starts March 4!!

jen - yes, love parenthood…best. show. ever.
i want all seasons on dvd and i don’t get shows on dvd.
one more thing….i was planning on doing a holi party this summer {what you did up top} and was going to order the powder paint but would love to know what you used – it’s my mom 60th this summer and we are doing a week long celebration at a cottage – all of us! – together. please please please email me and let me know what you used.
thank so much!!!
love reading about your adventures.

Seriously Sassy Mama - Too funny. I just wrote a post about how I am getting healthy! I am doing a 100 day challenge through work. I am psyched and motivated. I have already lost 4 pounds. I wish I needed a sports bra to run. I do not even need a bra. When I lose my goal of 10 pounds, I am buying me some awesome shoes. Happy Day!

Lisa - I loved this post the moment I read your title for it! haha I’m trying to be consistent with exercise so maybe I’ll join you in March to kick some… butt in that department! 😉

G. - I LOVE Parenthood! I think I got my hubby sucked in too but, he gets up at 5am everyday so, he goes to bed right when it comes on so I usually watch it alone but, I’m hooked. Can’t believe the finale is next week either. Also, I wish I wouldn’t have seen that picture…oh my. 🙂
P.S. the color run looks amazingly fun!

Sarah - I was shocked too. I love parenthood and I don’t like these wacky schedules of seasons shows are keeping these days.
Agree. Adam Braverman is a hottie.
I’m starting my post baby workout/diet on March 1st too. I keep pushing it back every month. Maybe you can keep me motivated!

Kim - Love Parenthood. Last episode? I didn’t realize that….the last episode is on my PVR. Can’t wait to watch it.
I think the season should run September to June – my kids are in school to the very end of June.
Love that you have no title…sometimes the title is the hardest part.

Kelli - I LOVE Parenthood and was pretty bummed to see that next week is the season finale. What is going on??
I need to Rock my body in March!! I just need to make sure all of the GIrl Scout cookies are gone!

Stevie - Love parenthood. I thought the same thing last night when they said the season finale is next week. WHAT?!?!?!?

Denissa - I LOVE Parenthood!! Except that I cry EVERY week! Haha 🙂 and not cool that next week is the season finale!

Danielle H. - Okay, I’m in with the “rock your body” for March. Boy do I need to get my booty in gear!

Heather Mattos - Adam is awesome, but I personally love Joel the most.

sandi - unfortunately not all of us require a good sports bra.

Nichole - I have you to thank for introducing me to the show Parenthood. I started watching after you posted about it a while back. My husband has started watching with me as well. We love it so much we bought seasons 1 & 2. We were so bummed to see that the season finale is next week. To have to wait until September for new episodes is cruel and unusual punishment!

christy - I totally heart Parenthood! Love. love. that show. Crosby & Jasmine asre so meant to be together & I loved it when lil’ Jabaar smiled at them while they kissed in the rain. Love!
I won’t be running (ACL replacement a couple mos ago), but I will happily jump on the rock the body bandwagon (reminds of The Black Eyed Peas)! As soon as mt therapy is complete i have decided to join a gym. Let’s do this!

Midwest Magnolia - Melissa Lewis - Oh my Lord this post got me all fired up! Yes – I am obsessed with Parenthood. But those writers do me in, I can get through one stinkin’ episode without ballin’ like a baby! Especially this whole Julia adoption thing. I just can’t handle it. Literally – been there, done that! So I was totally grabbing a pillow with all my might at the end and sobbing uncontrollably. And yes, I have been telling myself every single stinkin’ day that I MUST work out. I have yet to do it. So March it is. I will sign up with ya! I’m in!!!!! Love it:)

amy jupin - parenthood made me cry like a baby.
when it was over, john looked at me and said, “well how in the world are we supposed to go to sleep after that?”
he was serious!
yes, please help me get my butt in shape.
i need to be accountable to someone.
because i can’t fight off the half-gallon of ice cream by myself any longer!! 🙂

Shannon R - There is a group of us doing the one in Nashville in October. If you can find a reason to come down you can join our team!

sam - I just watched the latest episode of Parenthood online last night. I was SO bummed I do not have any Parenthood watching friends, I so needed to talk through all the emotion that was in the episode.
The color run looks like SO MUCH FUN. I need to get back running, this may just be the perfect motivation.

Allison - I need to rock my body! Too bad it’s still freezing cold (and snowing) in Indiana so I can’t run outside and I’m certainly not paying a crazy high gym membership so I can run on a treadmill.
I’ve been trying to plan which races I want to run this year …
Can’t wait to see what you have planned!

Kelly - Love Parenthood! I even have my husband hooked, even though he would never admit it. I just have to make sure to DVR it so we can watch it in bed while he is “reading” and then he “might just happen to hear what is going on”! Wish the season wasn’t ending so soon.. can’t get enough of it!!

Kim - so funny you mention this! one of my friends sent me this link two days ago – totally made me think of your utah photoshoot! – we are doing the SF one in July, and i CANT. WAIT.

happygirl - I can’t run, but I’ll walk as fast as possible. Does that count? LOVE the color photographs. That does look like FUN.

4 Fab Franklins - Wow! This looks fun! I better rock my body too if I want to join in.

Kristi Thomsen - I agree 100%! The “Season” can’t be over next week! Sept – Feb is not a season…so sad!

Kati - We are thinking about the Color Run when it comes here (December)It looks like fun! 🙂

Tawny - I love the show Parenthood. It needs more publicity. No one ever talks about it and I am so afraid it will go away. I love the Braverman family and all the actors that play them. I cried with Julia during the hospital scene. It broke my heart. Looking forward to a good wedding scene next week.

Shauna - Im with you on the Rock My Body! Im doing to Warrior Dash in Oklahoma…its going to be EPIC!! then a couple of weeks later the color run!!

Betsy C - I was totally gobsmacked too when they said it was the season finale. Crazy! I totally agree–shows should shadow a school schedule–not a college quarter!!!

Lisa - Season finale?! What the?!! I haven’t watched this week’s yet…tonight after the kids are in bed. Adam Braverman – that cracks me up! I just told my husband about the color run the other day – I want us to it together in KC. He is a runner – I am not. THAT will be a feat for sure. You will be far, far ahead of me, I’m sure!

Rachelle - Fun! I’ll do the March Rock my Body – ok Rock might be too strong of a term for my body, but we’ll go with it for now…

Tara - I’ll totally ROCK my body in March. Already doing the healthy eating thing, especially after all the Craft Weekend goodness. (and after reading Kimberlee’s post about all the sour cream usage!). Lent is helping too. I hate to run. But I want to like it, I really do. So maybe my March will be my month to rock the running? I need to go, gotta find my new running shoes…

Terrie G - I think I yelled at the tv when they said it was the season finale…I almost went to my calendar to see what month it was!! Who ends a season in February???!! That is wrong…just wrong!
And I so want to photograph a color war!! It looks like so much fun!
Are you caught up on sleep yet? Loved your craft weekend posts!! Inspired me once again! 🙂

Sarah Wolfe - I’ll join you in March. I need to do something before my legs enter shorts!

Janelle - I am ready for your plan! I ordered Six Week Six Pack with Jillian…a few weeks ago. I think the six weeks probably needs to start now.
You reminded me of a Doodle Bop in your paint picture…can’t stand that show but it made me laugh thinking of you as a Doodle Bop 🙂

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