Masthead header

a favorite of mine…


i love hearing my children practice piano.
they whine and complain.
and at times….throw themselves on the floor dramatically and kick their legs up and down. 

but when they can play and when they do play….

i love to listen.

it's like background music for the family.

the soundtrack of life in our home.

and they do love to play once they have figured out the notes.


she sticks out her tongue quite often when she concentrates.

she gets silly too….

we got this piano for FREE from the classifieds when we lived in illinois.
in the newspaper…before craigslist existed!
the woman giving it away was going to miss it and she said "it has a sweet sound" several times.
it's been well loved for a long time.

(and i think it needs some white paint on it sooner or later.
i can't believe it's still wood color after all these years!)

all the kids have taken lessons at some point in their little lives.
right now it's only talby and annie playing.
i wish they all played.
but i am just not that mom.
it takes so much dedication from THE MOM to have all your kids play and keep at it.
so we are down to two kiddos in lessons immediately after school on mondays.


one awesome thing about their lessons is they are at a college in the music department.
so when we walk in every week there is music everywhere.
trumpets practicing scales….cellos, violins and yesterday a full choir was singing!
i love that extra something the music dept. brings to our mondays. 

photo bomber.
and there is that tongue again!

waffle always has to be right at our feet.

well since i showed a home video yesterday….
why not one more today?!
it makes the pictures come to life right? 

pretty quickly waffle begins barking and continues throughout the entire song.
i am sure it was at something very important like a leaf falling or a person walking by two blocks away…. 

i hope that one day at least ONE of our kids wants to play an instrument for fun.
but it has to be their choice and it's either in you or it's not.
and it's not in me.
at all.
but i sure do love to listen to them play.

what about you?
do you play?
do your kids? 



Aimee - I hated piano lessons…and practicing. But I loved being in band, as bad as I was at it.
My older son wanted no part of any of it. I “strongly encouraged” him to try band, telling him he could quit after one semester if he hated it. (Then I promptly signed him up for private lessons, so he’d be ahead of the class.) He loves it. He kicks butt. He is a trumpet player in the honor band. He is a musician…something I could never really claim.
Son #2 asked for piano lessons and is plugging away at it…but he’ll do band, too. Our kids just aren’t into sports. I’ll never be a soccer mom; I’ll be a band booster. 🙂

Ashley - Hysterical! I played for a while. I can still sight read and peck, but I moved onto singing. There is always some kind of music or made up songs in my house. Frank Sinatra got my eldest calm, and Michael Franti’s “Say Hey” and Sugarland help the youngest. It’s cute.

Cassandra - As soon as the video started I had to smile, because I took lessons for a year & Ode to Joy is “the” song I can still play, haha! Keep it up Annie!!

deb - I JUST started taking lessons at 58!!!! I wish my parents would have made me when I was younger…its HARD to learn now but I will perservere!! I love your blog….I visit all the time and I saw you at Sugar Rush!!! LOVE that doggie!!!! good luck in the new home!!!

Heidi Jo the Artist - I never learned how to play the piano, always wanted to, we had an organ and I self-taught myself some. Also, learned how to play the flute when I was in band in middle school, I’m rusty though. Rarely play.
We don’t have our kids play piano. I would love to get a piano someday, for me to play around on. We have a lot of music instruments they like to fiddle with though. I’m not that mom either. I’m really not that mom, you are more that mom than me with all the sports your kids are in+piano too. My kids enjoy other things. I enjoy not running around in circles. And I’m fine with whatever they want to do as long as they are happy.
I really love how this whole post was in b&w. 🙂

Lisa - I took piano and violin lessons from age 10 all through high school – disliked practicing, but continued playing violin through college. After college, I even bought my own violin (always played school instruments). Sadly, it sits unplayed beneath my bed now. And I don’t have a piano, though I’m saving money to buy one. My 11 year old has taken up the trombone this year – he’s pretty good and I hope he continues to play. I think he might be interested in playing around on the piano, too, once we get one. I love music and miss playing, and am trying to pass on that love of music to my son.

Lori Austin - Always wanted to learn – never did.
Hubby took lessons for 6 years growing up. From what I hear he was good.
My almost 7 year old just started lessons last month. She is liking it but doesn’t want to practice much either. Love the sound filling our house too. 🙂

Ani G W - I play the piano and have since I was five. I took lessons until I was seventeen. I have been without a piano in my house over a decade until this past month…and it has been heaven to have one in the house again. I hated playing for about a year (when I was around 7 or 8 years old), but I had made a contract with my parents to play for five years and if I wanted to at 10 years old, I could give it up. Needless to say, I didn’t. They did the contract because they actually bought my piano and didn’t want to spend all of that money if I was just going to give it up after a few months. I plan on giving my kids lessons at some point and all of my kids will be in band (at least through middle school). My hubby plays trombone and was really good (he played in the U. S. Navy band for several years)…so at least one of our kids should have some kind of musical talent…I’m hoping so anyway!

Jen Sully - I wish I played so I am making my kids play! 😉 Right now my daughter is taking lessons and it is a struggle to get her to practice but I know it will be worth it in the end! She really wants to play the guitar…I told her she can learn that once she can play the piano. LOL! I want my son to play, as well. He will begin lessons in a year or so.

nicoleigh - I took piano lessons for 8 years, and stopped when I went to high school. I never enjoyed the lessons. But now, I sure wish I would have done more! I absolutely love playing the piano, but wish I was much better at it.
I think that by exposing your kids to all types of music/instruments allows them to see what they could potentially be like. And what a great influence it can have on them. 🙂

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - my in-laws gave us a piano. it’s older and and ugly brown color, but it plays beautifully…and it was free 🙂 it was the best gift ever. while i took lessons as a child and love to sit down to play for fun, my oldest son who is 11 and is a natural at the piano. i love that he can hear music and just sit down and pick out the melody and then before i know it he’s added in all these beautiful chords. i love that he sits down and composes his own music that sounds great. thanks to that gift, my son is creating the soundtrack of our daily life.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I want to learn to play piano. It’s on my “To Do” list. I’m either going to learn or just buy myself one of those gorgeous player pianos they sell at Costco sometimes. Have you ever seen those? They are super cool. P.S. I think you should paint your piano turquoise or even red. Now that would be fun! Loved your photos of your little sweetheart and her photo bomber.

Michelle - I have a big old beautiful piano in my living room that I would LOVE to play again! I took lessons when I was little, have since gotten the piano (that desperately needs to be tuned) and would like to take lessons agin now that I’m an adult. Maybe someday, when I have more time. It will wait. My daughter has also shown some interest so maybe together her and I will learn.
I love your blog! Thanks for all of the wonderful things you share!

Tanya - I sure as heck don’t play.
I took lessons as a kid from a lady who’s house always smelled like fish-sticks and she’d whip out a nail clipper and cut your nails if she heard your nails click on the keys. KILL~JOY :S
My kiddos don’t play yet…they’re 3 and 4…but they’re trying really hard to figure out how to whistle 😉

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I played when I was younger and Julia plays now. I know exactly what you mean about having the music in the background. I LOVE hearing Julia play!

lelu - We have a piano that was given to us as well. I play and I have seven piano students. My three oldest children also play. So the evening hours in our house are FULL of music. And I love it. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Danielle - Oh I loved watching that video. I remember throwing fits when my mom made me practice, but as with most things, I am grateful today that she made me stick with it. Watching your daughters fingers lifting so high in concentration on the notes brought back so many memories of struggling to remember where my own fingers should go.

Katie Mathieson - Your first paragraph…
I thought you were describing me…
about 15 years ago…
Wow, the memories.
And now I WISH I could still play.

Jenny B. - So funny that she wanted you to take a picture of her with her DS! 😉 We have a piano. It is in desperate need of a tuning. My husband plays. I used to play when I was young. I want my boys to take lessons, but we haven’t thought about starting yet (oldest is 7). So, we’ll see… maybe next year. 🙂

Jeanetta D. - RIght at this moment of reading this blog post I sit listening to my youngest play on the piano that was mine and an aunt’s before me. He too would rather play around on the piano than practice the songs he is supposed to be practicing (right now I am to the threatening point). We too take lessons right after school at the college and I know what you mean by being surrounded by the music when you walk in the building. Last week we strolled by the orchestra and while setting out side of the practice room I hear a bass violin lesson. I feel very cultured.

tara - my oldest took guitar lessons but has put it down for now.
i agree with you….it has to be their choice. 🙁 I’m gonna strongly suggest that he pick up the $400 guitar soon and begin practicing again, though. $400…seriously, he needs to be PLAYING it. :)))
my favorite part of this post was that she wanted you to video her playing her DS after she finished playing the piano. way to be balanced and make me feel normal. :))

Kim - Ha! I just played the Ode to Joy duet with my 7 year old this morning out of that very same book! All my kids take lessons. My oldest son is 12, and has been taking for 7 years. He is a natural and enjoys it most of the time. Our rule for him is, “no piano, no basketball”. Currently he is working on a duet he is playing with the center on his basketball team! They are quiet a site pounding out their parts on the piano together! My daughter is 10 and has been taking for 5 years, she loves to play. fast. If it were a race, she would win. Our youngest son must be on the same pace as Talby, he loves Ode to Joy!

katey - In our school system in 6th grade they have to take choral or band. My boys chose band and now in high school are still at it and love it. One plays tuba and the other tenor saxophone. I love hearing them practice (now, not so much at first). LOVE them being part of it. Thanks for sharing Annie and Waffle.

Alicia - I took piano lessons for a year when I first started high school, then quit because my teacher was pretty hard core- if I wanted her to teach me, then I had to do competitions and recitals and all that. I just wanted to learn for FUN!
So I quit, and I remember my mum coming back from parent teacher interviews and commenting that my music teacher said he stopped taking lessons at this age too, but then started back up again a bit later, and he wouldn’t be surprised if I picked it back up again in adulthood.
Back then I was like “yeah right”, I mean every day we had music class at school and I just whinged and complained that playing simple chords on the guitar made my fingers hurt!
(How I wish I took more advantage of the music curriculum at my high school!!!)
Anyway… fast forward to the year I turned 20. I was volunteering at my old school whilst working on my teaching degree, and I saw in the newsletter that they were advertising for people wanting to take cello or double bass lessons. I wasn’t interested in either of those, but I had started to really like the idea of playing the violin, so I went to my old music teacher’s office, asked him about it, got a violin from the school, found a tutor, and the rest is history!
I now play in the school’s string ensemble (even though school was a loooong time ago for me haha!) and we’re even performing at a wedding in June! I LOVE the violin! And I wish I had kept up with my piano lessons because piano is to music as ballet is to dancing – it gives you the foundation!

amber - I’m bugging you 2 days in a row:}…
She reminds me so much of my little (26 year old) sister. She had the same “style” & did everything a little extra…loud, hard, fast…so funny. She’s adorable. And I can’t believe how big she seems. Sorry…it’s just so crazy. Thanks for sharing!
Oh, & yes, I play the piano. I can still play in my books from when I was a kid! lol Does that even count??? Probably not really. But, my kids love it, so that makes it count!

Heather S. - I adore music and have NO talent for it. My 9.5 year old daughter has been playing since her 8th birthday. I love listening to her. We all enjoy music and going to the symphony is one of our greatest pleasures! LOVE!

Krissy - I took piano up until high school, and then quit to concentrate on my saxophone lessons. I hated practicing and hating playing the piano but I miss playing both now that I’m in the Navy, and wish i still played!! I loved her “now take a picture of me playing my ds” it totally cracked me up. I also very much enjoyed waffle’s accompaniment to her piano playing. :o)

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - ALthough Ive always wanted to play(& took a class in college, getting an A) Ive never been able to pick it up easily. Flute, on the other hand, was a breeze for me, and Ive played since 4th grade. Still do weekly in church in our orchestra.
My oldest(8) has been taking violin for 3 years now and its the best. Shes had some amazing teachers along the way but you’re right…its just as hard on the momma. Its dedication to make them practice and get them to the lessons. Im hoping my youngest(6) will want to play piano someday(Ive always wanted one in the house but Eric tells me we dont need one…no one plays!). Whatever!

Kristi Rediske - I took piano many many years ago-but of course quite and I wish now I wouldn’t have. I can play a little but not very good. My daughter took and quit later, her teachers kept leaving so we gave up-now she wishes she could play-my son always asks-why didn’t I make him take piano or guitar! Do not let your kids quit-they will regret it – they will thank you later! It will be hard on you for years though-but I think you can make it. I love the pictures and video-thanks for posting this.

Renee - i teach piano out of my home & i love that you wrote this! when i was little, we were forced to play through 8th grade. i couldn’t bring myself to tell my sweet teacher that i wanted to quit so i stuck with it through high school, barely ever practicing. my mom said that if i kept going, she’d keep playing. i ended up majoring in music ed, teaching public school music and now i teach piano lessons for fun on the side 🙂 ya never know which kid might end up loving it in the future!

Gerri - My daughter plays the violin. She’s 27 now, but she still loves to play. Listening to Annie play Ode to Joy made me smile inside because when Sarah was learning to play the violin I used to make her play Ode to Joy over, and over, and over..she would get so mad at me. But I loved it so much and I LOVED hearing her play…still do 🙂

tina - I wish I could play an instrument. I tried the violin in second grade and the teacher thought it was best if I stopped. I don’t know what she was talking about I played the best version of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star on that thing. So now my 11 year old daughter plays the french horn. Of course she would pick the hardest brass instument to play,lol!! The middle school band teacher told her she’s the best french horn player he’s ever had…. just imagine how good she would be if she would practice like I asked here to!! LOL 🙂

Jody - Keep playin’ Annie!! great job & great concentration!! 🙂 Love it. A dream of mine is to snag a freebie piano off of Craigslist one of these days for our boys – we love to “Rock out” in our house w guitars & drums but Id love a piano!!
Thanks for sharing your love of music!!

Lisa - My daughter is on exactly the same song in the same book! How funny. I agree…it’s sometimes such a fight to get her going but I love it when she’s playing and so does she!

Sarah - I used to play the piano. I was good, too, but when we moved to the U.S. from Canada I didn’t like my new teacher very much (she was a clean freak and made me wash my hands before and after playing her piano…kind of made me feel like she thought I was really dirty or something?) and so I gave it up – oh the regret! Dear Duerksen children, do not give up! It takes practice, but it is SO much easier when you’re little, and you learn so much more when you’re young! I wish I hadn’t stopped, and one day when our house isn’t so titchy, I’ll be getting myself a piano so I can hopefully play again! I hope my little baby girl grows up learning an instrument, but it’ll have to be her choice (although I might make my opinion known…). x

Dana@Strawberrytart! - I have always wanted to play. I took lessons briefly when I was 9, but my mom let me drop out right before the recital – I was very shy and couldn’t handle it.

Jill - My Favorite part of that video was more listening to it while I scrolled up at looked at the pics again. Having the video in the background truly did bring the pics to life! LOVED IT!
I have my mothers old piano, got it when she received my Grandmothers piano after she passed. Mine just sits in my house annoying my husband because literally – it just sits there. 5yrs ago my now 10yr old son took piano lessons for a year. He now plays the French Horn. Since those piano lessons ended tho, no on has played it. I’ve got 3 younger girls and at least one of them would like to try it but other then that it just sits there. It is my dream that some day someone will play it and bring calm to this crazy home. LOL
Shoot, maybe I should be the one to take the lessons – hey – there’s a thought!
I guess for now it will continue to sit there and be the occasional entertainment for my 3yr old as she walks by and tests the keys from time to time.
LOVED hearing Annie on yours! Thank you for sharing!

Southern Gal - My daughter plays piano, my older son plays drums, guitar and piano, and the youngest is studying violin right now. There might be piano in his near future. I would love to play piano, but alas I don’t play anything except a little guitar, very little.

Alice H - My daughter Emilee (almost 13) has played the flute for the last 2 years. I love hearing her play (and practice too!). She can read music and she has played songs by Adele, Taylor Swift, etc on her flute! She is a smartie! She also can play an acoustic guitar.
I would love for my older son Zack (11) to play something…besides football! Haha!
And my 2 year old boy LOVES music. LOVES it. He has all sorts of musical instruments (guitars, drums, that Melissa & Doug box set, a recorder, etc) that he plays with ALL the time.

Lori H - Both my kids took lessons for a while. My reasoning was “what if one of the kids is a musical prodigy? We’ll never know unless they try.” Well, no prodigies in this family! 🙂 I had them take lessons for as long as they showed interest, about 2 years. Growing up, my parents made me take lessons for 7 years! No interest after maybe the first year, and at the end, I still had to count from middle C to read music (haha). Recitals were pure torture. I hear that learning music is good for the math part of your brain. So it’s good for anyone!

Jennifer - I wish my kids played an instrument. I have wanted to get my oldest into piano lessons but there really isn’t much of an opportunity for her to do so. My only option is something like $25 a week and that just seems high. Maybe someday….
I sure would love them to be musicians though.
Have a great day!

Alicia @ La Famille - my oldest boy plays, but when we recently moved our piano wouldn’t fit on the truck 🙁 he’s going to be totally out of practice, but it’s in storage in south dakota and we’ll get all the rest of our stuff one of these days! i want my other two to start soon!

Whitney - ahhh, I love the ending! Too funny! I want to learn so bad! It’s on my bucket list!!!

Kristin - love this post! my granny taught piano so i began taking when i was 3. i know my mom battled me on many occasions about practicing, and eventually i started taking from a teacher in our small town. i kept taking all through high school and i am so glad! when my gran downsized about 4 years ago, i was blessed to get one of her pianos. it’s now in our small home, and takes up good “space” – but i love having it! i am now 34 and i waited a long time to live in a home with a piano again. my favorite thing – playing Christmas carols and kid songs. my 3 year old son just started fiddle class last october and i it’s something he sticks with – but like you mentioned, it’s no good if it’s forced. oh, and there’s my husband… he bought himself a pawn shop guitar in college and taught himself to play. he says it was because it helped attract girls. 🙂 i guess it worked on me!

lisa - Such special pictures. I grew up playing (14 years of lessons) and my parents gave me the piano I used growing up when our first daughter was born. They said, “Every child should have a piano in their home.” She is now four so we haven’t started lessons, but I do hope all three of our girls play. We are building a house right now and were just talking about where to put the piano in our new home and my husband suggested the basement, to free up space in the living room. But I told him it had to be in the main room so I could listen to the girls practice. This post proves my point. 🙂

Leah - I really want to get my daughter started on piano lessons. We have a keyboard and she has really taken to it. I think she’s actually trying to make music too. One day, I will get a nice piano for the house. I love musical instruments. Only wish I could play one myself.

Kimberly Dial - I love that your two little girls are taking piano. Annie’s playing was magnificient! Good job! I take lessons too … I quit when I was in the 7th grade & have always regretted it so here I am at 50 doing it again. I’m with you, I can only imagine a walk thru the Music Dept. is a wonderful thing to hear.

Erin @ The Speckled Palate - I was a violin player as a kid, and today, I am really happy that my parents got me into it. (At first, my sister and I wanted to play because our cousins did, but soon, whining won out. However, I stuck with it and my sister dropped, and then, I loved it again.)
And our dog used to HOWL when we were playing. 😉 Makes Waffle’s barks seem cute, no?

Terrie - Loved both your videos the past two days!!
My kids both took piano lessons…then one moved onto flute, the other trumpet.
He actually played with the KSU Marching Band…I was so proud!!
I’ve always wanted to take piano lessons…my mom wouldn’t let me.
Maybe someday….

Janine - Don’t force them to play if they really hate it. They will run in the opposite direction. I wouldn’t even look at the piano after being forced to play it. It was only after it sat there for years that I went back to it on my own. My husband was also forced to take lessons for a year as a kid and I think he still glares at it as he walks by! Also, I am going to say this in the kindest way possible. DON’T YOU DARE PAINT THAT PIANO!! My heart hurts to think of a lovely aged wooden piano with ugly white paint all over it. An old wooden piano with scratches and dings has character, but the white paint will ruin the charm and just make it look cheap and junky and like it was a free piano.

Kiki Dee - I have been playing the piano since I was 7, and after a 12 year hiatus recently began taking lessons again at 29! I figured I am thisclose to getting my Royal Conservatory of Music degree (only 1 more year to go!), I might as well go for it! I quit lessons when I was in high school (because there were just SO many cooler things I could have been doing with my time, right?) and have regretted it ever since. My daughter is now taking lessons too, and I told her that is the ONE thing that I will not let her quit (if she ever asks to quit, which thankfully, she has not… yet). Yes, I am THAT Mom. Ha. Luckily for me, she really enjoys it. I love to listen to her practice… it’s so wonderful to hear a beautiful song being played and it’s sweet notes resonating through the house! I love it!

Laura D - I took piano lessons for 10 years and I’m so thankful my parents stayed on me about practicing. I also cheered in middle and high school and so many times I asked my parents if I could quit piano lessons to spend more time cheering/taking gymnastics. My mom always told me, “You won’t be able to cheer when you’re 80, but you’ll sure be able to play the piano.” That phrase has always stuck with me and I’m so thankful for sticking with playing the piano.

Mindy W - Dear Annie,
Wow! What enthusiasm you play Ode to Joy with! How exciting that you’ve practiced and gotten yourself this far! Can you think back to when you couldn’t play that piece? When you couldn’t even read the notes on the page?!!! You’re really learning how to play the piano! Be sure to do everything your teacher tells you to do- things like always starting with the right fingers and sitting up nice and tall and lots of other things. Why? Because even though they don’t seem like they are a lot of fun right now, they will help you look and sound even more beautiful than you already do!!! Keep up the hard work!!
P.S. I also like Waffle barking and howling to your music. Did you know Beethoven would go on long walks almost everyday? I’m sure he had lots of dogs barking while he listened to the music forming inside his head.
A mom, piano teacher, and a kid who also used to hate practicing but I kept practicing and practicing and now I’m so glad I never quit!

Kathryn Goertzen - My “kid” was one those choir members you heard singing on Monday!
Friday and Saturday night @ 7:30 p.m. “The Tender Land”

Marianne - I wasn’t always a terribly willing participant in my own piano career… the rule in our house was that we had to take lessons until grade 8 and then could stop if we wanted to. I didn’t stop. 🙂 Now I teach piano though I wish I played more for my own enjoyment.

Heidi Durant - growing up, I always wanted to play the piano. All of my cousins played, but being a military family, we moved a lot, and one of the heaviest things to move is a piano, so we never had one. Last year, a friend of mine inherited a baby grand (life must be rough) I had mentioned to her, that I have always wanted to learn to play. My husband and I celebrated our ten year anniversary in Vegas and when we came home, a piano was in our living room. She gave us her old one! It is beautiful, and I cherish it. My 7-year old daughter, Emmah, and I started taking lessons. I love to plunk out the music just as much as she does. Piano lessons was on my bucket list, and at age 30, I am happy to say, I can cross that off. I love it. It is good to know, that even in my older years, I can still learn a new skill and develop a talent that was hiding!!! Happy Tuesday!

Sarah Wolfe - Love seeing your piano and being able to picture where it is in your house 🙂 We make our boys take piano. Not sure what we’ll do in the future. They don’t always like the practicing, but I think they assume everyone has to do it. I tell them girls love boys who play. Sometimes that helps 🙂

Ellen - “Now take a picture of my playing the DS.” LOVE it!!
Each of my 3 kids have taken various lessons but 2 didn’t stick with it too long. I’m not great at making them practice. My oldest took cornet when she was little… kind of loved it, kind of torture for us all. Then she got trumpetlessons from a laid back, patient jazz musician and still wasn’t much of a practicer, but really started to love it. Now she’s in college to be a music teacher/euphonium player, gets to hang out in the music department every day, practices all the time, and LOVES LOVES LOVES it. The background music when she’s home is sooo awesome.
I think the neighbors might even miss it now that she’s away at school 🙂

Jennifer - I played the piano as did my husband. Neither of my kids want to. My 6th grader just started violin this year and I had ZERO faith in her ability to remain interested. She’s going out for CHAMBER next year (a huge honor if she gets in) and is very good. My little one (soon to be 10) has become obsessed with the recorder. And I laughed at you talking about filling the house with music, because sometimes I have to squelch the need to snap her instrument in half when she gets frustrated and blows it as loud as she can. I’ve told her that if she doesn’t choose an instrument in middle school, she will have to take piano lessons for at least two years. I think that is fair and I won’t feel bad!

Laura Phelps - remember when we tried to get Sean to teach Luke how to play your piano so we could sit outside and drink our margaritas???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish I played the piano.
maybe Sean can teach me?

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Such a change to see all your pictures in black and white. It was beautiful. We only have youngest in piano. And It is tough I tell you. Real tough. Lots of tears, but yet she wants to continue. I have to blame the great teacher we have. She doesn’t want to quite because she can’t imagine not going to her every week, yet she hates practicing. I’m not that mom either.

Krista - OMG hysterical– I am guessing you don’t have to fight w/ her to get her to play with the DS! Love the piano playing, love that she clapped for herself, her face showing such relief to be done! We have a piano, no one takes lessons YET…. hoping they will want to learn to play some day…. I cannot read music but can play by ear. I can still hear my clarinet instructor calling me stupid because I couldn’t read the music– but that was in the 70’s, when teachers were allowed to talk that way to their students!!

Jen Brandt - What sweet pictures! Thank you, Meg. No, I don’t play and neither do my children. My grandma wanted me to play SO badly (I know she still wants me to learn), but I just never wanted to. I would encourage my children to play, but neither has shown an interest. I hope that they each take up playing a musical instrument. Note to self: be more encouraging of this. Talk about music more. I hope you’re having a great Tuesday!

bread and jam - My son played the trumpet for 5 years – his choice. I’m still sad he decided to quit – I loved hearing him practice too. One really neat thing that happened was that the elderly lady that lives next door told him he loved it when he had his window open because she could hear him play. From then on, he would open his window when he practiced.

Kelly Ann - I’ve played since a very young age… not by reading music, but by ear. My brother took lessons and would spend hours learning a new piece. I’d watch and listen to him daily and then I’d sit down and figure out how to play it, myself. Drove him NUTS! My youngest, who is 7 years, enjoys playing. He doesn’t take lessons… he just has a book and a really long strip of tape I’ve put on his keyboard so he know’s what key goes with which note. His favoirte is Jingle Bells. We hear it year round!

Lindsey - Love it! My mom made my sisters and I take lessons for years. There was a lot of crying, whining and gnashing of the teeth at practice time. Now we enjoy playing!

asnipofgoodness - Oh my goodness, she is terrific!! I can’t believe you feel bad because only 2 of your children can play!!!!! We have a big ol piano that we have moved 4, count them 4, times and guess how many of us play?????? big ol fat zero, that’s how many! One son can pick out a few, but he has never had lessons. Of course, all that moving kinda sorta explains the lack of lessons. Well, at least that’s my story 🙂 and I’m sticking to it!!

Kirsten J - I wish!!! My mom has our piano – my sister was the one who took lessons – and she offered it to us, but my husband (who is not musically inclined at all…) said we don’t have room, which is true, I guess. But. My daughter decided to take up flute this year, in 6th grade. I figured, “fine, okay, we’ll give it a go”. And I took her for at 30 minute “getting to know your flute” lesson. ummm….the guy came out with her and pulled me aside and told me he’d never, in 15 years of doing this, had a kid pick up the flute and get it like that. I’m kinda scared!

tiffany gardner - love it. my 8 year old son is taking piano right now. he struggles with the practicing part too. i took as a little girl and remember the timer on the oven for my practice time. life in full circle. life is beautiful.

Sarah P - I’ve played since the 2nd grade. I am now 33 and still play for fun and in my church. I absolutely love it. All three of us girls took lessons growing up. I remember all of us going through a phase where we HATED practicing. I think that’s completely normal. My mom always loved hearing us play when she was working around the house or cooking dinner. I plan on teaching my little ones how to play. Then we’ll see if they want to continue. I figure it doesn’t hurt to expose them to it!
By the way, love her little tongue sticking out in concentration! She’s adorable.

Kimberly - BUT, can she play ‘Ode to Joy’ on the DS?

Jacci - “you’re so versatile” 🙂 love it.
I think it’s WONDERFUL they’re taking lessons. I’ve always planned on mine taking… well, maybe planned is the wrong word. Because, we still haven’t bought a piano, ha ha. My oldest is 11. It’s kind of now or never time. I’m hoping maybe Christmas this year.
I saw the piano in some craft weekend pics and thought, “Hey, I didn’t know they have a piano” and wondered if anyone ever played it. Cute, cute, cute. And very fun.

Kelly - My kids don’t play yet. My middle boy has been wanting to take guitar lessons for a long time now. We were just talking about it again last night. We were also just talking about photo bombing last night. Weird.

Kim Elks - Oh thank Goodness! I thought I was the only one dealing with a child who dreads practicing piano!! Its a struggle every week. We love listening to her play and when you said it fills the house…that is sooo true!

Meg's Mom - I want you to know that when we went to Brandon Woods Macy, Talby and Annie played a song or two on the piano in the foyer. They all had a song memorized and played well. It was nice. A couple of people came out of their apartments to listen.

sara @ it's good to be queen - now take a picture of me playing my ds! ha ha ha!!! that’s exactly something one of mine would say. 🙂 i have two in piano right now. one likes it and practices on his own. the other throws himself on the floor and throws an ever lovin fit about it. but i still make him do it…at least for now……we’ll see. it is so much work for the mom!!

Jill - I am with you! I want my children to play and play well but…maybe just learning to read a little music is aspiration enough? Mine all play an instrument…a couple of them rather well..and a couple of them…well…you KNOW.
I took piano as a child… HATED IT THEN…but have said to my mother many times since…THANK YOU!
Love that tongue!! ADORABLE!

sarah - We have been blessed with a free piano too. It was my uncles and he didn’t want to move it. We have yet to be blessed with the money for piano lessons, but that will come soon.
I’ve taught the kids what little I remember. They can play Heart and Soul together wich does melt me just a bit.

Shairee - I love your pictures! Sometimes I just forget to take pictures of the everyday things!! My 13 year old plays the flute & piano. My 11 yr old plays the guitar (classical) & piano, my 9 & 6 year old play the violin and I am learning how to play the cello!!! The coolest thing about being able to do this (bc I totally hear you – it’s THE mom…) is that I found an aaaaamazing lady that plays 22 instruments!!!!! She teaches 7. So it’s a “one stop shop” for us. I love the music in our life and all that we are learning from it!! What an amazing blessing!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - My daughter got a guitar for Christmas from her papa, and I cannot wait to get her lessons. I have fond memories of my dad playing and my sister and I dancing in the kitchen. He still plays, but it is my girls that are dancing in the kitchen now!

Jenny Joy - Annie: “Now, take a picture of me playing my DS.”
You: “You are so versatile.”
You are such a good momma.

Han - I stick my tongue out when I concentrate – I get it from my Grandma who used to do it as well 🙂

Linda - Love your family video’s they are so fun to watch. Yesterday my 2 year old daughter watched your girls sing “baby” like 10 times. Its her favorite song. it so true that the piano is like the family soundtrack. Music is so important in our live. My husband and I both play. And felt that are kids needed to at least try. I think its important that they learn to appreciate it even if its not their thing. So 2 of my 4 kids play with one still to get her opportunity! Thanks again for sharing your life with us readers.

Rebecca - I love how you described the kids playing piano in the background of the other daily activities as a soundtrack of your life. How true that is! Our oldest plays piano and I LOVE to listen to him practice and play. And I love to listen to our 2 youngest bang out a song here and there too.

colleen from Alabama - I do play the piano. My mom was a piano teacher for over 40 years but of course i didn’t take from her:) I took for 10 years and i am so glad i did. I play for the 4 & 5 yr old choir at church and it is my JOY! My kids (9 & 11) are taking and it is painful most days to get them to practice. My girl(11) just started playing the saxophone this year in band and she says the piano has really helped her with a new instrument! She just made cheerleading and is trying out for volleyball so piano may be on the out for her next year:( My boy(9)just wants to play the drums and guitar so we are probably going to quit piano altogether next year. I am thankful that they have that foundation though!

Niki - I wish someone played piano in our house. The soundtrack to our life most of the time is the theme music from Mario Brothers wafting from a Nintendo DS someone was playing and left running after they went on to the next thing!
My daughter is picking up the guitar, so maybe that sound will someday take over as the music of our lives! 😉

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