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NATURE! (goulet)

one of my most favorite skits from SNL is will ferrell playing robert goulet out in the woods.
if you've seen it then you will understand my title.


please enjoy 30 seconds of my nature. 
this video was taken in the dark on my porch. 

how was your weekend?

i am going to go cuddle up next my man and watch the KU game.
cause i am tired.

no running this weekend.
we were too busy.
i was going to go now but it's super windy and my gym is closed….cause it's at a retirement center.
oh darn i guess ican't exercise tonight.

are your kids off for spring break?
are you going anywhere?
we are NOT.
5 full days together…..oh my…..i had better make some plans for us before we all go crazy.

any ideas?



Cindy - Meg, I just wanted you to know that your Craft Weekends totally inspired our spring break activities this year…kid style! And we LOVED it! We even included a trip to a vintage toy store and Sonic! You can check out what you inspired here: But just know the photos are horrible 🙁 My camera was in Haiti with hubby that week 🙂

Heidi Jo the Artist - Love nature!
Do you have a state park near by? We love ours and just last weekend we went to 3 and 1 county park. We had our first picnic of the year. We like to explore, hike, play, and go geocaching too. We’re loving the spring weather!
Love the garden planning idea. We already planted lettuce and other greens, I think it’s the earliest I have ever planted outdoors because it has been so nice. Hoping we won’t have a hard frost.
Enjoy your time together!

nicky - “Poppa, l like it when you call me big poppa” hahaha. I had to go watch that skit just now. Still hilarious. And my city dog perked up at your nature sounds too, I don’t think she’s ever heard stuff like that before 🙂

susan - Have you heard of geocaching? It’s a “treasure” hung using latitude and longitude coordinates. The treasure is a generally a bunch of odds and ends left by other geocachers. When you find the treasure, you take something and leave something in its place. You can google geocaching to find places in your area. I haven’t done this yet, but I have a 13 yr. old (boy), 11 year old (girl) and 4 year old (boy) who all think it sounds great! Oh, yeah, one of the most important parts – you can download a geocaching app to your iphone/touch, etc. so that you have the coordinates.

Prairie Jenn - Declare each day of Spring Break to be its own holiday…
Ice Cream Day
Craft Day
Play Day (games or sports)
PJ day (pjs and movies:)
Cookie day- just because you should start and end the week with yumminess!

Jen - Thanks for posting those night sounds. These were the sounds outside my window growing up. Now I live in the city and I miss those sounds dearly. I’ll come back often for a little bit of sanity for myself:)
We don’t have spring break until the 1st week of April. I’m hoping grandparents will step up for some sleepovers, because we don’t have anything planned, either.

Nichole Kopp - Every Spring Break my boys and I make t-shirts. We buy plain white shirts at the local craft store and use our fabric markers to draw on them. They can draw anything they want, Star Wars characters, robots, military jeep… Last year on my t-shirt they each drew a flower. Too sweet! Another idea, check out your local library. (yes, I’m a children’s librarian) Our library is playing the new Muppet movie complete with snacks for free!

Tanya - We just finished Spring Break. We went to the maple sugar bush, that was fun. We traveled three of the 5 days to see friends and cousins ~ just day trips. And we hit the park, went to a puppet show and of course did some baking, crafting and watched some movies 🙂
It still felt long 🙂

Heather - I grew up in Hutch and I used to housesit/dogsit for a family who lived outside of town. The dumb dog would always take his sweet time coming back to the door at bedtime and I’d be on the porch calling him to come inside. Then coyotes started yipping. I hated staying in that huge house by myself knowing the coyotes were out there in the dark and I had to find the darn dog. I miss the frogs and the stars but I don’t miss the coyotes.

Krissy - I love the video! I miss those sounds so much now that i live in a big city instead of out in the country! 🙁 GO KU!!!!!!!!

Colleen - Have you tried letterboxing? I”m certain they have it in Kansas… check it out!Can’t believe you are all unpacked.. how do you do it? ( you know that’s how I’d be spending my spring break if i had just moved w/ 5 kids!)

Betsy - Thought of your blog last night as we watched March Madness. We are huge Purdue fans. 🙂 Wish the Boilermakers were going to the Sweet Sixteen, but congrats to KU!

Vicki - I’m going to steal that garden planning/planting idea posted up in the comments! What a great plan! and it’s an investment in your future. :o) and I liked the “5 kids 5 days let them each plan a day” idea, too. My kids are still pretty little, 3 & 5, but we do have a spring break! So – off to my parent’s farm for an over night, for sure. One day at the Portland Art Museum (kids are free anyway), probably a day at the zoo, a day at the science museum (new lego exhibit!) and there is definitely a Lorax viewing in our near future. Unless it’s too scary for a brave 3 year old… we’ll have to ask around. ENJOY IT! Love the froggies. *sigh* All we hear all night is drunken wanderers and ambulances. nighttime in the city = blech.

happygirl - I finally completely recovered from my horrible bronchitis. Life is looking good again and I missed all the pretty weather and was healthy for the rain. I’m good with this. 🙂

JustMommer - My little dog Hermione stopped what she was doing and listened to your nature, she was very confused, she doesn’t really know much nature except the backyard.

Kimberly Dial - Meg, it sounds exactly like my deck … so relaxing … the spring peepers are my favorite harbinger of Spring! Enjoy!

April R - I’m w Michelle’s idea – staycation! We did that one year and it was some good memory making and easy and you didn’t get that “I need a vacation from my vacation” kind of thing when it was over.
Have fun!

Jill - Meg! When we moved to the country (4 yrs ago) I was UP at night AWAKE because of Bull Frogs! Now, I love them! (I DO NOT, however, love the sound of the coyote’s howling! OY!)
So beautiful! To hear the frogs and crickets NOT the coyotes! 🙂

sonya - lil'soak + Friends - we just finished our spring break. I only have one child and it was a challenge. Lots of going out to the park running around, eco friendly crafting and the sorts. Lot of train building and helping to cook 🙂

Deb Meyers - peepers are like a rocking chair to me.
I think you should sleep on the porch every night during SB. Before mosquitoes and flies come. Pray for a thunderstorm, too, so you can watch that.
Talk about a simple garden with your kids…
decide what veggies and flowers you want. (Simple is better)
go buy those veggies, try a couple recipes using them this week to be sure you want them.
Find the sunniest spot in your yard for the garden.
If you’ll do raised beds, build them and make your dirt mix.
Fill in a calendar backing up from harvest for when to put in your seeds or nursery stock. include vacation and who will care for it while you are gone.
Everything else in the week will be gravy.

Lori Austin - Loved the “video”. 🙂 Reminds me of my childhood.
We are camping for SB. Can’t wait.

Leslie @farm fresh fun - Welcome to farm life ya’ll!!! Loved your froggy music. I just posted on that ~ they’re peepers! 🙂
I bet you find lots of impromptu country activities to keep everyone amused… Like you said, now you can just let’em run loose and entertain themselves sometimes. I’m on my way out to collect eggs, feed critters n go JUNKING myself. Wishing you all a world of happiness in your new home.
THANKS for all the color you add to my world!

georgia - Have a sports day! Invite friends and have a picnic in your garden, arrange games, silly ones and serious ones. Like egg & spoon race, football, play tag, have a bbq! It would be fun, invite new neighbours, old friends etc 🙂 xx

Jacci - Sure… let’s see… go to an art museum? lame? boring? ha ha. Um… do art and make cupcakes? Oh, you thought of that already? Let’s see… paint rocks to make them look like strawberries (pinterest)? Go for a hike & picnic in the woods somewhere. Do you do woods? Do Spring Break list like the Summer List only *much* smaller? Buy vanilla ice cream and a bunch of add-ins a let everyone make their own coldstone type dessert? Have special alone time (shopping, playing horse, whatever) with one child for one of the five days? OR since you have 5 days and 5 kids, maybe let each kid choose 3 things to do/eat on one of the days?
Have fun!

Kelly - Love that video! I just read this post:
don’t know if you read her blog but sounds like lots of fun things to do, some of which you could do over spring break maybe.

Michelle From Australia - Pity you can’t make it to Australia and back in 5 days 🙁 We’d love to have you come and visit!

sandi - you can breathe now! good grief that was a close one. congrats on the win… maybe you will meet carolina in a few.

Susan - Love the video, my dog went nuts. We just finished spring break so back to the books tomorrow. We didn’t do much. Served at the food bank and Sydney had 3 sleep overs an
and multiple stops at TCBY.

christy - Loved the video, it made me smile. Thank you! Reminded me of spending summers at my grandma’s farm.
We are also on break this week & no vacay until summer. We are planning on a Spring training game (lawn seat & picnic), a museum, drive-in movies & jumping at the indoor tampoline park.

Julie - There was an article in the Wichita paper last week on inexpensive ideas that you can do in Wichita over spring break. At least I think it was the Eagle. I read it online. You might google cheap spring break Wichita.
I am planning on taking the kids to Hutchinson to the zoo, Carey Park and then Dillon Nature Center. That is if we get a day where it isn’t raining. Hutchinson isn’t on spring break until the next week. You could also get tickets to the Juco tourney if your kids like watching bball.

sandi - we recently had winter break and took the children snow skiing.
watching the ku game right now ~ i need someone to cheer for since duke is out (booooo!). carolina is my husbands team ~ yep, we have a mixed marriage come basketball season. of course, they are on a collision course with your team ~ i think the committee likes potential matchups like that. plus we have spent the last three years watching james macadoo in high school so i guess i will cheer for carolina and the local boy turned tarheel freshman. this is a great time of year!

Karen Gerstenberger - Our son is on his way back to Gonzaga after spending his spring break with us. We went to Cali to celebrate my dad’s 85th birthday with him & my mom…we are so blessed that they are still “up and at ’em” snowbirds. So today was “goodbye” to our young man, until Easter weekend. I know you’ll think of something fun and creative for all…and I bet it will include a trip to Sonic. YUM.

Brooke - we just enjoyed a little staycation in wichita this past weekend and had a BLAST! how about going on a picnic to the Keeper of the Plains and then go on a hunt to find the troll (do you know about the troll??!! Google it.)…your kids would LOVE looking for the troll! I have two year old’s…so their attention span didn’t last long enough to find it. 🙂

Dina - You need a screened in porch…with a bed:-)

Shauna Howington - Ahhhhh, peaceful sounds to sleep to. I love country living!

Emily - Ship them off to Grandma’s!

Kristin S - Eggs from new farm neighbors. Game to see how many different things you can do with the eggs. I mean, don’t waste them but it could be fun!
Haven’t had a spring break since 1993… oh, that would be dreamy.

colleen from alabama - We are stay at homers for spring break too. trying to sane and not kill the kids is at times difficult. My husband is a High School teacher so he is at home too! That’s the best part 🙂 Ideas… tonight both of my kids have a friend over to spend the night. I’ve planned a shopping trip with my daughter (i have one boy and one girl) We have given her a modest budget for spring and summer clothes so we are going to attempt to get what she needs on one day! HA! We got Globe Trotters tickets on groupon so my husband and son are going to do that one night. We try to load up on “groupon” type restaurant coupons so i don’t have to cook so much. We go to chuck e cheese (my 4th & 6th graders LOVE it still!), we also go to a place with laser tag, putt putt and skating all in one. Honestly we just try to stay busy and be together.. which is at times extremely hard given their ages & stage of life. Just praying for happy memories!

Michelle - What about a staycation where you look at your town from the point of view that a tourist would and go do all kinds of touristy fun things?

Terrie G - Your recording makes me miss living in the country…
Enjoying time with our son while he is home on spring break!
And DARE I say it…cheering on KU?!! That should make you smile! 🙂
Surviving 5 days?? Go to Pinterest and see what you can find!! I know you’ll come up with something AwEsOmE!!

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