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we finally did it!


i took the three youngest to the farm store and they picked out chicks for our flock.



i love their little beaks and feet.
and fluffy puffy feathers!
they make the cutest littlest sound all together… peep peep peep peep peep.



they have named them but i can't recall the names… Ginger? Libby? Teddy? Nate? 
soon i will update with official names-to-faces i guess.



for now we are just figuring out what to do for them.
and lots of playing with them.




and trying to keep Waffle from wanting to eat them.


kate@stillroomtogrow - so cool i want some chickens, so jealous!

Gretchen - So happy for you! We have some babies right now too! WARNING: it may have addictive side effects. We started with 6 chicks 3 years ago. Since then we have moved to the country and have started an organic egg business! We currently have about 70 chickens with 75+ chicks on the way! Never say never. I did. 😉

Alicia @ La Famille - yay!!!! go farmer meg!!! you’ll be dishing up farm fresh egg omelets in no time!

Rach - All I can think about is farm fresh eggs. Yummmm

Sonja - Ahhhh, they are so CUTE! I’ve wanted chickens for years, and every year we inch our way a little closer… next spring, we may even actually GET chicks. For now, I’m jealous.

sara b - chicken names at our CooP…
LOLA, BEEZUS AND RAMONA are the only ones who remain…until the next batch! I am thinking a turkey or two. we live in a neighborhood so it will have to be a LADY. or two! 🙂 and a duck.

christy - Yay for you! You are going to have so much fun and the kids are going to love them. When we had our first few chicks they would follow my son around like he was their momma.So cute! My 2 Labs don’t bother the girls, they are not normal though. 🙂 We didn’t have to buy a single egg for Easter, we had a couple dozen from our 3 hens.

Terrie G - Between yours & Ashley’s pics of cute chickens…makes me want some just to take pics!! LOL!!

Courtney - YAY! We’ve had chickens for a few years now and we love them, I agree with Jeannett above though, annoying they don’t stay cute and fluffy hehe. We’ve got a flock of 10 right now and we are adding 7 more (6 girls and a boy) latter this spring, can’t wait for my next batch of fluff!!
If you’re looking for some great chicken blogs (and really, who isn’t LOL) is one of my faves for cute stores and amazing art/illistrations/cartons and is a fantastic source of knowledge and resources. Both have facebook pages if you’re into that, and seriously, they are fantastic blogs.

kerry - oh man! How CUTE! peep peep peep! love the pic of annie on the floor with her little one – SO sweet! xx

Robin Canter - be careful with Waffle. My little 8 pound cock-a-poo dog ate a pet canary that got out of its cage. We were stunned. animal instinct is real.
the chicks are cute, but not for me. 24/7 thing. I like to lock my front door and GO whenever. can’t bear to find someone to watch a dog, chicks, etc.

Edie S. - Adorable!! What kind is the one with feathery legs? We’ve had chickens for a year now, and I love it so much!

Jennifer - So stink’in cute!!!

Susan - You will love having chickens! When my daughter was in 1st grade her class raised chicks from eggs and when they were able they got to take them home. We ended up with 2 a black one named Martina and a yellow chick named Sunshine…he grew into a beautiful red rooster with a green tail. He also was nearly eaten by a raccoon one night. We live in the city so we had to give them up to friends in the country. Martina is still alive and laying eggs like crazy at cousin Tessie’s. Have fun, they are a great source of entertainment and lots of lessons for the kids.

Roganne - So great!! We have had chicks for the past few years and my daughter loves them!! This will be something you kids remember for years to come!! Great pictures!

Emily - I want chicks too!! But I’m a city dweller. And don’t even have back yard. Someday… Someday!

sara - We have had chickens for 3 years now…LOVE my ladies! They have awesome personalities. Raised them all from little peep peeps too! As in a tub in the livingroom withheld heat lamp. I know…super glam.

Kathi - You beet me to it! We are getting chicks too. You need to keep them warm and have water and food for them at all times. A cardboard box with a work light hanging over them will probably be warm enough. I have found there is lots of online help. Good Luck:)

Dawn Gross - So cute! Have fun!

Heather Simnitt - Enjoy them! They grow SO fast! All that fluff will be gone in 5 weeks…so sad!

CathyC - OMGosh! I love them!! so sweet!!!!

Sarah - Oh how cute!!!! Poor Waffle just doesn’t understand! Looking forward to seeing their progress on the blog!

beth - Meg, these photos are just fabulous!!!! I want chickens too~ : )

Shannon - so adorable, my girls want to come over and play at your house now 😉
I wish we could have chickens!

Lori Austin - Awww you and Ashley are chick mommas! 🙂
Such cute pics. I bet your kids are LOVING them.

Lora - Oh my! So cute!

Prairie Jenn - Great photos:)
Love the chicks! You will enjoy them:)
They grow up fast though…kinds like kids!

Natalie - we love our chickens! i’m not sure how young you got them, but make sure to keep them clean so they don’t get pasted over. 🙂

Tiffany - So fun! Take lots of pics while they are so cute… it doesn’t last long before they get awkward looking! 🙂

jeannett - We went on Monday to buy chicks. They were sold out. Apparently they get 250 chicks on Wednesdays…and by Thursday afternoon they are gone. So we are going back today. Although I kinda want chicks…not chickens. Annoying they don’t stay fluffy. Sheesh.

Meredith - Love the photos! They are precious! Good luck with Waffle! LOL.

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