Masthead header

hello weekend….


hello…. new table with rainbow legs that now lives at the farm.
we will eat all of our meals on you and you make me very happy.


hello beautiful package that was so pretty i did not want to open from 
sparrow mercentile.


hello…. world's cutest lunch bag at Joann's that inspired a craft project at our house.


hello…. scott and sean's choir and band concert.


hello…. little girlie who fell asleep during a movie on my bed.


hello…. very funny eighth grade boys devouring their food at HuHot for scott's birthday.


hello…. dairy cows that live across our road.

annie shouted on saturday morning "MOM COME QUICK I HAVE A BIG SURPRISE!!!"
i came into the dining room and said "what is it?"
"LOOK!! the cows are eating up close right HERE! Go get your camera!"  




hello….new favorite photo.



hello…. craft time.

my little girls were busy playing when i had it ready to go so i just started drawing on my own.
soon i was joined by two crafty girls.
when one of us is drawing usually several others follow.


hello toothy smile that tells funny jokes and makes me laugh.

hello…. beautiful water colors.
and smiley snails. 

inspired by the lunch bag and this print at twoems shop



hello ….most beautiful spring evening to have a campfire in the yard.



hello…smores with two marshmallows please.

IMAG0749-7 hello…. cowgirl boots and rainbow gloves.



hello….mother's day flowers and breakfast in bed made by talby and annie!


hello…. my favorite thing to wear is "saets"  (sweats 🙂


hello….getting her started early on making coffee!

hello…. daisies at the craft house…with a teeny baby bunny hiding underneath.



hello…super long bike ride over to Sonic for a mother's day treat.


hello….riding bikes on country roads making my heart overflow with happiness.

hello…. very sore rear end from long bike ride.


hello….chocolate milk drinking goofball.


i am saying hello with lisa leonard today.

how was your weekend?
do tell.


Erin - I miss your blog Laura!! Ever going to come back? 🙁

Doris - Those notes from your kids are precious!
I’m a mom, and it made me melt. Hope my daughter one day will make me something like that 🙂
as always, you take wonderful pictures.

jen - yours looks about as awesome as ours! love the campfire time. not enough hours in our day for the fire but the kids are still hounding us – i think this weekend might be the time.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - I’m completely in LOVE with that table!! Can we please see the whole thing? 🙂 Also, how cute are the snail paintings. Which reminds me, we need to stock up on paint for some summer art projects.. 🙂

Rachel J - I love that they know your favorite book is the Bible. You’re obviously doing something right with those fab kids of yours 🙂

April R - Yes indeed Hello! 🙂
Speckled cow nose! 🙂
Try Nutella spread with those s’mores instead of hershey’s 🙂
Rainbow chippy table legs?! XD
Thanks for the post!

kerry - Hello Meg!!!
Looks like you’ve had an awesome Mothers Day Weekend – love what the girls wrote about you – so so sweet xx

Missi Smith - Your new favorite picture is now my new favorite picture. I am loving that cow nose!! What an amazing weekend! Your photography is wonderful!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - who cares that your daughter thinks your favorite thing to wear is sweats. . she knows your favorite book is the Bible. . .that says volumes. . .you are giving her a picture of a mom who loves Jesus. . go MOM!

Kate S. - Please tell me you’ll put your “new favorite photo” in your shop?! That is perfect for my office.

Linda - Oh I want to see more of that table!!

happygirl - Fun sounding weekend. I hope your mom’s day was GREAT!!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - “Her favorite television show is: Everything”
Ha ha ha ha ha! One more reason to love you/her.

Kimberly Dial - Hello … you are so my fave … I love that the rainbow table is at your house (that was fast! 😉

se7en - Hello All of You…. Love your weekend and your friendly snails!!! And your life in the country!!!

wedding photography - Very beautiful crafts and I love the notes about moms.

Heather F. - Great weekend! I love the spotty cow noses. Thanks for sharing.

Amy - LOVE that you took 14 year old boys to all-you-can-eat Mongolian Grill. Genius! I will have to remember that in 9 years ~ ha! So fun. That little cow snout/muzzle/nose sure is cute….a Happy Belated Mother’s Day to you!

Georgia - ahhhh your kids are so sweet! totally made me emotional.
My weekend was filled with glossing doors, taking photos of a soon to drop pregnant cousin whose having TWINS!! Shes in labour right now too, im so excited! 🙂

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Your weekend sounds perfect. Mine was the same. It included an amazing barn sale, lots of family time, sewing and crafting the heck out of my fingers for our school’s production of the Little Red Hen(I’m directing AND in charge of costumes and set). I made the little red hen’s apron using your craft weekend ruffled aprons as the inspiration. I’ll send you a link once we’re past all the stress of production and practices.

Laura Phelps - HELLO to my lovely bloggy friend!!!
my weekend was a let down!!! BOO
but…things are looking brighter today…even though the rain just started pouring down!
GOOD BYE…piece of cake is done! I know. Crazy. But it was time…woke up and felt it needed to end.
I will still be visiting here though….love you
and the cows

Stephanie - I am in LOVE with all of the cow photos! I don’t suppose you’ve thought about selling them…because I would definitely buy! 🙂

Lori H - The baby bunny picture is precious! My Mother’s Day was leisurely…I scored Season One of Downton Abbey and a Barnes and Noble gift card!

CathyC - You bought the table!! Love it.

Kimberlee Jost - Is it weird that I took pictures of cows in Germany 15 minutes ago and now here I am seeing that we are both into cows. Ha. I miss you.

tiffany gardner - hello to still being my very favorite blog girl! just wanted to say thanks for inspiring me everyday.

Lisa M. - When I saw the “Few things I know about her” questionare above it made me smile because my son (who is 6) did one similar to that in Sunday school yesterday. When it came to “My mom’s favorite thing to do is” he wrote “clean the house”!! Thought that was so funny! Ah, from a kid’s perspective…

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Looks like you had the most perfect weekend ever! P.S. your Annie Bananie should meet my Shannie Bananie 🙂

Karen - Even better than your favorite thing to wear being sweats, is your favorite food being “salid” (I’m skeptical!) and your favorite TV show being “everything!”
Karen in NYC

Mandy - Your pictures make me want to live on a farm…and I’m not exactly the farm type of gal! Lovin those cows!
Glad you had a wonderful mother’s day!!

Jessie @ Dream and Differ - I love your cow-neighbors! Reminds me of my grandparent’s dairy farm 🙂 Looks like you had a great weekend and a fun Mother’s Day!

Krissy - I love the cows!!!!!!!!! I also really enjoyed Annie and Talby’s stuff about you! They’re so sweet!! Mine was great, I got engaged on Saturday!! EEEEEEE!!! Lol!! Now I just gotta figure out a good middle spot between KS and Indiana. Boo. lol

Tanya H - Annie sounds exactly like my little girly! 🙂 I just love this post.

Kati - Love all the pics! My favorite is cow #132’s nose. Its cute! 🙂

Terrie G - Those Cows!! I need to sign them up for a photo shoot!
Love those girls’ lists!
Great weekend for you!
Mine was awesome!!
Great day yesterday spent with family & my sweet Grandson!
Happy Belated Mother’s Day to You!!

Meredith - We had a yardsale and made $180 for vacation spending money, then to the Art Star Craft Bazaar with my oldest son (8) and my sister at Penns Landing in Philly on a beautiful day. Sunday we had breakfast at our favorite diner, kids gave me a photograph I love of the skyline in Philadelphia and then off to watch my (8yr old) son, finish his spring soccer undefeated 9-0-1 with cupcakes, juice and trophies. Wonderful Weekend, happy mother’s day to all.

Holly - Sounds like you had a great weekend! My sister had a baby this weekend so mine was awesome!

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