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hang time

scott was feeling brave.
he moved the little basketball goal to the trampoline and then jumped off the trampoline to slam dunk it.
i was sure he would get hurt.
but he didn’t.
he was having so much fun.
i brought out the camera.
i laid down in the grass to take some pics.


after seeing that scott could do it….sean wanted to try.
and then talby too.



silly kids.

after i was through with pictures i stayed on the grass and just chilled.
i had a magazine and a drink.
i was good.
talby thought it was funny so she took my picture.


i took this quick one to show how helpful my kiddos are.
to remind myself of this.
they do so much for annie.
she is always there needing a lift…a push…a hand…and they do it.
i don’t want to forget or overlook that.


traci - I have a quiestion…in all the pictures of you on here you always seemed slightly dressed up for just hanging with your kids. I never see you in a t-shirt and jeans…always nice blousy tops and even a skirt on the 4th of july. Do you just enjoy dressing up? I know I love doing more than a tshirt and jeans when out running around but when at home I am SUPER casual…heck,I stay n pj bottoms and top for a day on many
Just curious…LOVE YOUR BLOG

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