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smartie pants


check her out!
she brought me this paper…working on menu maybe?

SPOGID = spaghetti
LSNYA = lasagna
SOAP = soup

i said “well miss smartie pants…what are you going to do in kindergarten if you already know everything?!”
she was beaming with pride.
she should be.

kristin - wow…where did she go to preschool?
hee hee hee.
seriously, not my doing. how fun to see.

traci - How cool…just the fact that she enjoys writing and TRIES to spell things correctly is a VERY GOOD SIGN!! My kids used to do the same thing… they would also just throw out letters randomly at age 3-4 and wanted to know what they had… that was my chance to let them know about each word needing a vowel. Thats the teacher in me 🙂

amy - she definitely should be proud of herself! a month before kindergarten… very impressive! yea, talby!

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