Masthead header






i actually didn’t scrap last night.
i made the first 2 pages back in MAY!!
and then yesterday in the day made annie’s page.
technically i put a few more star stickers on last night and painted the edges
but then i got sucked into a tv show…

there is a whole blog called “nobody cares what you had for lunch”
or something like that
but even if you don’t care
look at my yummy lunch!


it looked so pretty on my plate…worthy of a photo
i made 1 piece of chicken on the indoor grill
as soon as it was done the kids were asking for some
if i would’ve asked if they wanted it they all would’ve said no.
i didn’t share.

this afternoon 4 of the 5 were gone
so i had time with just annie
i don’t think that has happened ALL SUMMER
and what do you know?
no screaming
just smiles and laughter


she filled buckets with the hose
played bubbles
got in the buckets she filled
ran in the water i sprayed at her
poured buckets of water on her head and my toes
and drank from the hose
is that gross?
i don’t know?


we stopped by the fresh corn stand in town
doesn’t it just feel healthier and yummier when you buy it from the stand?
it was good.
i overcooked it a little
nothing new.


i thought to myself several times today
“7 more days till school starts”
then a smile came across my face
bad mom.

traci - by the way…I like your new header picture!

traci - Have no idea how you have time with 5 kids to scrapbook. I have 3 and find it a challenge to get more than half a pg. done.
the salad does look just flat out YUMMY!!! Having one on one time with kids DOES make a huge difference. So glad it was a fun time and no screaming. I love annies hair!! No, I dont think drinking from a hose is… and normally parents who do a countdown for school to start kinda annoy me lol but I can tell full well that you enjoy and love your kids by your blog.
Thanks for sharing.

Alison - gorgeous salad! I am cheering right along with you on the school thing! we’re looking at august 20th, can hardly wait! next week class lists come out, its hard to believe.

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