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happy birthday mom


in all my lake exhaustion…i forgot to say happy birthday to my mom!
i called her of course but wanted everyone else to know.
check out this young lady from this past christmas!
thanks for everything mom.
have great birthday week.
our present to you should be arriving soon.
lauren was jealous.
she honestly asked if she could open it & use it just once before we mailed it!

meg - WHAT??? I think you look great! I love this picture! those aren’t wrinkles they are happy lines. 🙂

Mom - I got it yesterday in the mail. It is a car charger for my IPod that I also got for my birthday. Plus some Itunes money. Thank you Megan! And I loved all the birthday cards. They were wonderful.
And this picture shows every wrinkle I have!! Could you just photoshop them out! Ha.

danelle - Now you have me curious..what is it? Please tell!

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