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annie is nearly potty trained.
i hesitate even writing that.
i don’t want to jinx it.

i took her to the store yesterday to pick a toy for her great efforts she’s made.
it was just the 2 of us.
she wanted me right beside her.
she slowly looked at all the toys….pushed the buttons…touched each one.
we looked at each baby doll.
i was sure she’d pick a baby.
she kept walking.
she passed the bubbles…the books…the noisy toys
and then a squeal of delight….this tin box of marbles.


she was so excited.
she was clapping and jumping up and down.
we brought them home and peeled off the wrapper.
when i opened the lid she made this little gasp…
“ohhhhh pretty mama”
she was right.
there were all sizes…


‘the biddest huuuuuge one”
(biggest huge always means very big)
i love this picture…she’s holding it so gently.
her hands are shaped like a heart.


“bid and wittel!!” (big and little)
can you see my reflection?


“the tiny babies”
they were so little in her hand.
she lined them up and played a song for them from her mcDonald’s american idol toy.
“music for the babies.”


then they had to be dumped.
and then sorted and rolled and dropped.
each one was touched at least once.


can’t you just feel that on your hands?
cold glass rolling under your fingers?
and can you hear it?
all the glass clicking together..
i love annie’s choice…
even though i will be cleaning up marbles for the next year and half.


i call this one…’Marbles in the Sun.’
ha ha

Deanna Farren - Those are absolutely precious pictures. I love that a box of marbles can totally amaze little ones.

amy - i wondered how potty training was coming… i saw a little bare bottom running outside yesterday. 🙂

kristin - i think i might go buy myself a tin of marbles…i love them too.

traci - Isnt it exciting as a mom when our kids surprise us with choosing or doing something so unexepected? She looks like she is really amazed by these little… what a sweetie!!

Mom - These pics are just wonderful. And I can just hear her talking to them.
Hooray for Annie – what a big girl!

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