Masthead header


so far….
these girls are enjoying their time with mommy.
and i am too.
the house is pretty quiet in the mornings now.
i spend time on the computer…
do some laundry…
clean up a little (very little).
they watch the shows they want without being bugged by the boys.
play dress up…and babies
and right now talby is drawing on the bathroom wall.


this project is about half done.
i am still filling in their drawings…a few a day.
i will have to paint a few in to cover annie’s “contributions”.
talby wrote the abc’s today.
a few letters are backwards and i am going to leave it that way.
i made a mosaic mirror that is not grouted yet to hang in here.
i need a fun rug…towel hooks that are low enough for the kids…
and i want to paint the cabinet that is in there.
not too much right?
i’ll show pictures when i am finished (of course).


a self portrait at our park picnic outing yesterday.
so sunny and warm.
annie only ate the marshmallow pie and not any of the healthy things i packed.

i am frustrated.
yesterday sean’s new bike was stolen from the school bike rack.
last week…scott’s bike was stolen from our house.
this past christmas…my bike was stolen from our house.
this “small town” is very quickly losing its charm.
we did not have any of them locked up at the time.
that is stupidity on our part.
i take responsiblity for not forcing the lock thing.
i just never think it’s going to happen…
who does that?
yesterday when sean was just standing there where his bike was
i thought “am i on candid camera? am i being punked?”
how could this be happening again!
so frustrating.
the police officer said “there’s just always going to be people who take.”
so true…
our bikes will now be in maximum security lock down at all times.
(and watch one more get stolen before we make it to the store to buy locks)

so a few happy things after that yucky stuff.

2 butterflies in the jar that talby caught and observed.
morning glories…all a mess.
my little white rabbit in the garden guarding this bike from being stolen.
my favorite window in the house as i peek through the zinnias

now…go lock up all your bikes!

amy - sophie’s anxious for the day when we have white bathroom walls… because then you can draw on them! i think they’ll stay red for awhile!

meg duerksen - Linda…now I AM blushing!
thank you so much for all those sweet things. if only you could this house on a normal day…oh the mess!
don’t compare spaces…just make yours special the way YOU like it.
and i love your blog…you find the most beautiful things to inspire me.

kristin - the butterfly jar is stunning…i would gaze at it too.

Linda - Thanks for visiting my blog! I, do, however, have to get this off my chest: I am properly jealous of the incredible home you live in. It looks like something out of a magazine and yet it feels like it belongs to a real family. You often see one or the other, but to get the best of both in one house…that’s rare. I am sooo envious of your craft room. It is fit for an artist and I feel like blushing at the pathetic little space I set up this week to carry out my own artistic endeavours…
I’m not normally this whiny, but I really do have a case of the green-eyed monster!!
Hands down, I think your home is the most creative in blogland!! I’ll just have to get over it!! LOL

danelle - Too bad about the bikes. we bought locks last year and now I can’t remember the combinations. So, be sure and write them down somewhere!

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