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i have had some time in my craft room with the kids’ gone.
there was lots of sports on this weekend…thank goodness…
no guilt for wanting to be scrapping.
craig is more than happy to watch sports.

i made a star wars page that i will share soon…it’s still drying.

i was looking through my albums and thought i’d share some of my favorite ones i’ve done this year.
(sorry for the page protector glare)




we obviously love U2.
we have been to 3 concerts.
this was in 2005…
my dad got the tickets at his ticket master then mailed them to us…he put “Bono” on the return address…it was worth saving…my funny dad.
i included the booklet that comes with the CD from the tour (atomic bomb)
on the black star paper i wrote in black pen titles of songs we like.
the journaling is on a tag behind our photo.
i love this page…so many good memories.
and that’s what it’s all about right?


i made this with the scraps from annie’s baby blanket her nana made.
the journaling is on the tag.
i love on annie’s little onsie in the picture it says peek-a-boo.
look at the sweet fat baby….ahhhh.


this picture of talby laying on my gigantic pregnant belly is precious.
she always wanted to cuddle after her nap for a long time…everyday.
we would sit out on the porch swing till daddy would come home from work.
i knew it would change after the baby…


i made the same page for the oldest 4 with all different combos.
talby and scott’s still don’t have the big picture done though.
(because now that i am digital i loathe the thought of going to that walmart photo counter ever again)


this page was lots of work but that’s why i like it.
i picked all the ribbon…lightly glued it down and then sewed it to the page.
sometimes it’s fun to just MAKE something!

like i’ve said before…many of these are “scrap-lifted”
but i use my choices of colors and papers…they aren’t exact copies
some are my own design…some are inspired by others.

click on the scrapbook layouts photo album for a few more too.

happy labor day!
my kids come home in 2 hours…it was too short.

traci - I seriously have no idea how you find time to scrapbook with 5 kids!!! I adore the picture of you and your hubby at the u2 concert…how sweet! Love the baby blanket pg and I also love the ribbon pg!!!! Where do you come up with your ideas or are they just from your creative brain?
Thanks for sharing….I so love your blog 🙂

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