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it’s so awful.

i am so addicted to it.

after 4 hours on and off hold and very little conversation with apple….

they told us to take it in to a service center.

boo hoo.

so then…they told us 10-14 days.

i said "i might die craig."

so…don’t forget about me.   


this also means no pictures. 

and i have some really good ones to share.


i have been tagged by traci.

i am supposed to tell 7 random things about myself.

1. i have cavities in all my teeth. 

and i hate the dentist…(not as poeple but their job)

last year when i was told i had to get a root canal

i had emotional breakdown right there in front of the whole dental staff. 

it was ridiculous. 

i insisted on being put under or i couldn’t go through with it. 

i’d rather give birth…maybe.

2. in high school i had a fundraiser (with my friend tonya)

to raise money to cheer at the hula bowl in hawaii. 

it was called cow pie bingo…

we sold tickets for the squares on the ground

and when the cow pooped…if it went in your square…

you won!  i think the winner got ??? a cake? 

i can’t remember that part. 

how small town is that?

3. i adore will ferrell. 

i wish he was my friend.   

4. if i am flipping through channels and COPS is on…

i have to watch.  i am sucked in.

5. i don’t like football. 

i wish that i did. 

craig wanted me to go with him to the chiefs/packers game sunday

and i just couldn’t.  i knew i would be miserable…

i can’t sit still that long. 

he took scott instead.  it was a much better choice.

6.  i don’t like seafood.

none of it.

it smells bad and it feels so gross in your mouth.

to quote jim gaffigan "the best compliment you can say about fish is that doesn’t taste like itself…try the salmon…it’s not fishy"

7.  i almost can’t sleep if i can’t wrap my foot around craig’s ankle.

so that’s my 7 random things…

thank you to my neighbor amy for letting me use  her computer…

getting my fix.

traci - OH BLAST…I hate that!!! You are by far my favorite blogger so HURRY BACK.
I also would like to know what kind of camera you have??

traci - i’ll miss you!! i love checking in with you. your 7 random facts were great – made me laugh. have a great day!!! hopefully we’ll see you back soon!

kristin - you could use my computer while annie is at preschool…it’s an apple lap top…it might just work for you!
seriously, you can. oh wait, i guess you might not be able to read this…i’ll tell you soon.

crystal - Going to miss you while you are down. I will admit I’m a lurker and I read your blog daily. Absolutely love it. You have a beautiful family. One question though – what kind of camera do you use?

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