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chicken enchiladas

every time i make these
everyone loves them.
or at least they say they do.
and i love them…so that’s what matters i guess.
this recipe was out of a magazine years ago…but i don’t know which one.
they are spicey…but so good.
recipe is in the side bar…with other yummy stuff.


so gather your ingredients…mostly generic is my preference.
but if you want to pay for kraft cheese it may not be as fancy as mine
i am sure you got it on sale…i bet you watch the sale ads…
and cut coupons…and stock up when things are cheap.
you are so smart.
i am so disorganized…in my head.
maybe someday i will get it together enough to cut coupons
and then actually remember to take them to store when i go.


cut up your chicken
if you had a food processor i’d think you could use that?
i usually use 4 or 5 chicken breasts….


use your blender to mix the salsa, water and half the sour cream.
then mix in the rest of the sour cream, cilantro, peppers, chilies, garlic
and cumin and 1/4 c. of the cheese with the chicken in a bowl.
(i have never used cumin…because i have never purchased cumin)
so…it will still be good if you don’t have cumin.
and my family does not like red peppers so i don’t use those either…but you could.


pour about a cup of the green sauce into your 9×13 pan
to keep them from burning on the bottom i assume.


then warm up your tortillas…to help them bend easier…
especially if they are a bit old and stale…like mine were.
don’t tell.
fill each one with about that much chicken mixture…1/3 to 1/2 c.
not too full but not skimping…that may to the one you put on your plate.


fill them all and it will look all sweet and snug like this.
like you tucked them all into bed.
goodnight enchiladas.
as if you don’t say goodnight to your dinners before you bake them…
it’s just the nice thing to do.


pour the remaining sauce over the entire pan.
it’s all full and floaty.
bake for 35 minutes uncovered.
then take it out and cover it with the rest of the cheese.
bake for another 15 minutes.
i realize that this recipe says 1 c. of cheese…oh my.
i use at least 2 cups if not more…because it’s cheese.
so you do what you want…
but we all know cheese makes everything better.
more is more.


totally off the subject…
these salsa jars are perfect for little flower vases.
i love their size.
if you were going to see a new baby or a friend in the hospital…
you could stick some zinnias in there and tie a ribbon around it…perfect size.
i admit that that is why i buy this brand of green salsa.
okay back to the yummy food.


take it out of the oven when all your friends are standing in the kitchen
so they will start to drool.
the husbands get in trouble when they tell their wives to get the recipe.
i have heard more than once…
“i thought you liked my enchiladas?!”
i do…but these…are really good…and so are yours but…”
so now you have the recipe…he doesn’t have to ask.
just doing my part to help your marriage.

even though it’s full of sour cream….i always serve this with sour cream on the side too.
it’s dairy…we all need more calcium right?
you will love this recipe.
everybody does.

Kathy - I showed this recipe to my kids and they want me to cook it for them this weekend for their cousins are sleeping over in our house. I think they will love this dish.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - I can’t believe this only has 4 comments. These look so delicious! I’m definitely making these this week. Thanks Meg!

Andy - I love it… “goodnight enchiladas”, right before they go into a scorching oven. More like “lights OUT”. 🙂

siobhan - Hi. I have just been introduced to the world of “Blogs” and found your recipe. Once I worked out that cilantro was also known as coriander it was full systems ahead. The kids loved it and are now requesting Chicken Enchiladas every week!!! Thanks.

Christine - Just finished making the chicken enchiladas. They were a hit! Thanks for the recipe! I’ll add it to my dinner menu.

Brenis - Mmmmm!!! Delicioso!! We’ll definitely be trying this!
LOL Loved your commentary! 😛

diane - yummy!
I can’t wait to try this recipe and get a cute flower vase out of it as well!

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