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farm style sledding


over a week ago craig called uncle gary
and invited himself out to their farm to sled.
he wanted to use their new four wheeler to pull the kids.
thank you gary and janet for playing with our kids all afternoon.


tractor tires are way cooler than cheap plastic sleds!
the kids had such a good time.
and everyone loves the farm.
i wasn’t able to go with them but lauren had her new camera.
these are her photos from the day…




the biggest golden retreiver in the world.
and the friendliest.


she made this pig picture into black and white.
i thought that was cute.
i was hoping for some baby pig pictures…
this looks like a mama.


i guess they have cows…i didn’t know that.


and a great shot of craig from lauren’s view in the car.


annie is always a good model for classic photography.
timeless right?

Kamee Nuzman - Thanks so much for stopping in! I appreciated your compliments; you made my day! Come back and visit soon; I love making new bloggerland friends!! 😉

prairie daze - way to go, lauren…beautiful!

Kamee Nuzman - I love, love, love the header on your blog! DARLING!! I linked to you from Jennifer’s page; good to meet you! Loved the post with all the produce, such fun colors!! 😉 I am excited to link to all the cool pictures of your house. I am off to do that now. 😉 I’ll be back soon- Kamee

Mom - Lauren- what great pictures! Looks like everyone had a great time sledding.

carissa - what loads of fun! what a day!
fantastic… really incredible pictures!

Dana D - WOW! She’s a budding little photographer herself! What great pictures!

traci - how fun!!! that is how we sled here. sometimes we use a tire, sometimes a sled and now the kids want to find an old car hood.

Jennifer P. - Looks like she’s taking after you in the photography department–what an eye! The cute pig picture really makes me feel bad about eating pork though.
There’s no place like a farm for getting pulled around behind a 4 wheeler on a sled! Tell Lauren thanks for sharing!

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