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the other game

this is the other game we play
that lets mommy have some time on the computer
while still playing with annie.

first she closes the swinging door…
(sidenote: this is our Three’s Company door.
you know how jack always ran into someone else
with a big platter of food and it smashed in his face?)
anyway…this is how i know we about to play.


knock knock knock.
“come in!!!” i say to the door.


“Oh hello annie! what are you doing here?” i ask.
to which i always get the quick reply…
“i not annie. i the mama.”
“Oh…hello mama. who is with you today?” i ask.


“”this is my baby….maya. she was in my tummy. want to hold her?”
“Of course i do” i answer.
“she need a bottle. feed her her bottle.”
“OKay…i think she’s tired. she must need a nap in her bed” i tell her.
(this is the part where i get the computer time)


“yeah…she ti-yerd. she need a nap.
i betta be doe-in’ now.
half a dood day!”

annie leaves to put maya for a nap.
then 3 minutes later she reappears to do it all again.
i just love a little one’s imagination.
every 3 minutes.

chris - I am glad I found you too, like you I found you before and never found my way back.
Tile is worth doing it is not hard but can , rent or buy a good tile saw and that helps a great deal , that toughest part is after the grout is applied waiting and wiping the excess off , I have not mastered that guite yet , it is a timing thing, I am completely self taught.
Thanks for stopping by

Ainslie - Ooh, it’s good to hear someone else uses little ‘diversions’ for their kids. I love the way you write Annie’s dialogue as she says it….it’s so adorable. I could listen to ‘little people’s talk’ all day…it’s just so darn cute!!!

jeanetta - super cute. and i love the door. and the 3’s company reference

chris - Love your home is is so wonderful, I have always wanted a swinging door, you are inspiring me.

Brenis - LOL! Meg I swear we were separated at birth! My daughter and I have played the same game for years. She’s mostly outgrown it now – and now the game is “here’s a book, how much can you read all by yourself??” lolol
And just want you to know.. our son (now 11) couldn’t say his “g’s” – and he would say good= dood. Well… we’ve never been able to let that one go! LOL Hubby will call on the phone and say how are you? Answer is always “I’m dood!” 😀 “it’s all dood” 😀 and occasionally I’ll slip and say that to adults outside of our family and they LOOK at me like i’ve grown 3 heads. LOLOL yah. so. there ya go. LOL
Have a great day! Hope ya’ll are feeling much better!!!!

mrslimestone - Just stumbled upon your blog. You have some gorgeous photos in here. Your family is very lucky to have someone capturing all these little moments so beautifully.

meg duerksen - a bible verse is the white…1 Peter 1:13-15.
and the purple is a preschool paper of questions to ask about their day…that annie covered with pink pen.
nothing interesting at all.

Emily Loria - I love Three’s Company. I had a crush on Jack for the longest time…
Glad you are feeling better!

Jennifer P. - come and knock on our door! We’ve been waiting for you!…… (I loved your 3’s Company reference:)!).
Annie sure is a cutie. Love that you type just the way she talks. You’ll want to remember that for sure.
Traci got me curious too about what is written on those papers. Hmmmm……

traci - she is just tooooooo cute!!!

traci - First of all you have THE CUTEST little girl in town, second I LOVE your house!! What are the pieces of paper on the wall next to the door with writing on them?

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