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it’s my anniversary!


one year of blogging today.
i am so glad YOU are here.

i want to have a give-away
but i didn’t prepare a prize in time to take a picture.

you can trust me it will be good.
you will be so happy to receive it.
(whatever it turns out to be)

Leave me a comment to be entered.
this means all of you 200+ people who stop by everyday
but don’t leave comments.
today is the day.
(through friday)
i want this to be a record setting day for comments on “whatever”
you don’t have to say anything witty or profound or mushy…
just a “hello” is good enough.
prove to me that you are here and i will be so happy.

If we reach 25 comments i would be thrilled.
if we reach 50 commetns i will give away 2 prizes.
if we get crazy and reach over 100 comments…i would pass out.
i will draw 4 prizes if there are over 100.
so…now don’t embarrass me people.

family and close friends can still win…it will be a random drawing.
i promise not to cheat.

leave a comment…it’s so very simple.
typepad doesn’t send you junk email…
and you don’t have to have a blog to comment.

make my anniversary one to remember!
pretty please.

Marina - Wow, I though you’d be going a lot longer then a year!
Hi from Brazil!

corey - I hope the prizes are unisex. Just kidding. Im just doubling my wifes chances to win.

kim in Camas - ScrapToMyLu - Happy Anniversary!
I am lovin all your photos.

Chicago Jen - Alright, I’m commenting! I love your blog and I love your family. Even if I don’t win, I have your friendship and that’s all that counts.

Jim Horning - actually, if ansel adams and martha stewart had a child… you’d be it.
(sorry, two posts is probably cheating…)

Jim Horning - megan… I’m pretty sure that you are the Ansel Adams of Newton, with a little more colorful flair.
you need to be a youth sponsor and do a photo club or something. and craig could tell stories of his basketball career… seriously.
And I’ve decided to start calling Craig “cream puff” and see how long it takes to get him hacked off.

amy d - Congrats to my oh so creative neighbor, I love to see what creative photos will show up every day and the cute stories that go with them. I just looked at todays blog and every time I see that pix of Lauren with “that look” with the bear in the background I just crack up. It is sooo her. that’s one of my favorite pictures. Congrats again!!!

Shelley - Hi! I’m Lisa’s friend from Zion, IL. I’ve been enjoying your blog for awhile now. Just wanted to say hi (and enter to win, of course:) Happy anniversary!

Kristy - Hey Megan-Wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. I have always been inspired by your creativity! Congrats on the success of your blog.

Karen - Congratulations! I found your blog through another website and love your inspirational photos! Keep up the great work and Happy Anniversary!!
WOOHOO, you made 100!!

DragonflyReflections - I just stumbled on your blog this morning and really enjoyed reading about your blogging birthday. I’m a new blogger (2 months), so still have a long way to go – blogs like yours are my inspiration!
Oh, and congratulations on reaching 101!!

Fat Cowboy - There – you made it to 100!
I see from your pictures what goes around comes around!

Lisa Wakely - Does is count if I enter twice, just to push you over 100?

mendy - Congratulations on your blogging Anniversary! Just started blogging, glad to have found you!

Jennifer - Congrats! I’ve been reading your blog for the past month or so and love your home and your great “eye”! Keep up the good work and I’m looking forward to another year of eye candy!

Ashley Kleiber - Megan,
Carolyn gave me your blog address..I have been reading on occasion but never leave comments! I love the pictures of your house….it looks much different than the days when it was Candy Cane Corner…and I went to preschool there! I love the stories of the kids….Annie is so funny. I also share some of the stories to Adam! I like the post of him getting you out of the mud….and the pictures that you took of him!
Happy Anniversary!

Lisa - Congratulations on your 100th post. I just started my blogs a few weeks ago and look forward to celebrating my 100th too!
Take Care,

danelle - I know I left a comment yesterday.?? Could have swore I did. But, I don’t see it. Maybe I truly am losing my mind. Anyway, I read your blog regularly!! I feel like I know you pretty well after being a regular. Thanks for sharing with us!

Karen - Congratulations!! I found your blog through one of the other scrappin’ blogs I love to peruse and I am hooked by your photography! So inspirational! Keep up the great work and Happy Anniversary!!

melissa @ the inspired room - OH MY GOSH, what is going on here! Obviously the world has discovered your jewel of a blog! 🙂
You are getting a great response to your giveaway!
Count me in!
Happy Blogaversary!

Gini - I don’t even remember how I linked to your blog at this point, but am glad I did. I like to pop over every once in a while and check you out. Love your blog and congrats on your Blog Birthday!!

Carrie Osborne - Hi megan! This is your cousin Carrie Osborne! Jan (cousin jan, 2nd cousin jan, Aunt Jan????) told us about your blog spot when Aunt Helen was moving out (we were picking up furniture at the same time as her) I get on here every few days to look at ya’ll. It’s SO amazing what you have done on here! I love looking at all the stuff you put on here of ur kids(my other little cousins:))
I show Mom and Dad (Dave and Suzanne) the website every once in a while and their like “Oh, they grown SO much” (they kids)
So yeah, we are thinking about ya’ll all the time!:)
-Carrie Osborne

Lee Ann - Oh! I’m so excited. And look, you’re nearing 100. Are you still standing? Love the picture of the balloons! Hope you have a great day.

Holly - Hi, I am new to blogging and have been a lurker for a while. Love how you use your camera! We have a new house we are remodeling. I love looking at your home, it is so beautiful but at the same time casual for the kids to enjoy. I also have 5 kiddos so just feel like a kindred spirit. Congradulations on one year of blogging. May God bless you today.

Ann - Hi Megan! I found your blog at Christmastime and have been enjoying reading it ever since. Congratulations on your 100th post! Your family and home are beautiful. You are so blessed. We miss you in Chicagoland and MOPS! Especially your scrapbooking evenings! Your blog is an inspiration. Love, Ann

Randi - Happy anniversary! I love your blog – so creative and inspiring. My favorite post might be the color one (color this week?) … LOVE the colors in those photos!

jody - Thank you for sharing your home and family. Love the recipes, love your home pics—-so fabulous!!–here is a random quote from our daughter madeline yesterday—mom, you are going to be so excited you are going to scream your bottom off!!–so congrats! and don’t forget to get that excited!!

angela - i am another who visits almost daily – found you thru kristin – i find you incredily inspirational! thank you – looking forward to another year filled with many fun posts and beautiful pictures!

Lindy - LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog! I too am one of many that read you daily … the stories of the kids, house, and crafts are ever so wonderful. Thank you for sharing!

Shabby Miss Jenn - OOh I’m entering!!!!!!! You take awesome pics! So glad you posted on my bloggie cuz now I found a new one (yours-lol) to peek at everyday! 🙂

maribeth - i also am one of the ones that visits, but doesn’t comment. i blog stalked my way over here one day and fell in love with your old home, so now i am hooked!

amanda - Hooray for you! I lost your site for the past two months due to a virus that ate my computer, but found you again today. Great timing!
Amanda AZ

elizabeth holder - hello love your blog – read it every day!!! Happy happy anniversary

em loria - Happy Happy Blog Birthday to you Dear Meg.
Awesome for you!

cynthia - i’m doing it! just as you requested…don’t ya just love it when fellow bloggers comment??
and yes, i try to comment!

Gabrielle - Well…it looks at though…you are going to need CPR……I hope your DH is a paramedic…hee hee. Hi….I had to put that English Sick guy on my blog…that is sooooo my Husband…

Patricia - Happy, happy! I, too, stop by often & enjoy your blog, but rarely comment. I don’t even remember how I found your blog but it had something to do with your Christmas stockings! I’m planning on making some this summer so that they’re ready for next Christmas. Thanks for sharing your creativity. Blessings, P.

Jennie W. - Yep, I’m one of THOSE 200+ people who checks your blog everyday. Love the little glimpses of your everyday life.Thanks so much for sharing on your wonderful lil blog.
Happy Blogiversary!

Sherri - Ok..thanks for sharing all the pictures, thoughts and what the kids have to say..I wish I was closer to get to see them all more but this helps me get to see what is going on in their lives!! 🙂
Love you guys!

Nana - I don’t comment often but I do check almost every evening to see if you’ve posted anything new. It’s such a good way to keep up with your family, especially since your husband doesn’t share a lot with his mom :-). Thanks for sharing your lives with the rest of us.

Paula - OK, you talked me into it….leaving a comment. I feel funny because I don’t blog but I love to read them! Can’t remember how I found yours but I visit every day. I love your house and we hope to buy an older one with character one day. Keep posting. 🙂

Dana - I love reading your blog. I have to admit that I am only a blog lurker at this point but plan to spend my summer break developing my own… Congrats on your anniversary!

rachel carlson - cheers to you! just found your blog today and not afraid to leave comments. off to peek at your blog some more……..

rachel carlson - cheers to you! just found your blog today and not afraid to leave comments. off to peek at your blog some more……..

Sara - Hey Meg! I love having these glimpses of your life and wonder how you manage to photograph all these things…its hard for me to remember WHERE my camera IS. hee hee. Keep up the awesome work. I love coffee too. So do my kids. Am I a bad mom? ha ha.

Andrea - Happy Anniversary!!!!! Wow!!!! I am so glad that you kept on blogging. I really enjoy visiting your blog!!!!!!!

Julie K - Hey! Count me in and congratulations!! You are so funny and you know I love your style! Can’t wait to see how many comments you get. You clearly have an amazing following!

gina - *Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary…HAAAAPPPYYY AAAANNNIIVVVersary…to you*
First Visit to Whatever 🙂

shabbyjuls - HAPPY 1 year anniversary:)

Jilly - YEAH! Happy Blogiversary!

amy - you know i’m here… how is it that we keep up on each other’s lives more via computer than we do in person? That giant street that seperates us and all.

Pat - Love the balloons. Happy anniversary!

eryn - count me in!!I Love your blog!

eryn - count me in!!I Love your blog!

eryn - count me in!!I Love your blog!

Lisa Wakely - Congratulations on your anniversary! I enjoy your blog and peeking into your everyday life. Hope there are many more anniversaries to come.

danelle - Yep..I stop by here every day. Usually twice if it hasn’t been updated yet. Love your pictures and your personality!
I’m crossin’ my fingers I win!!!!!

Jen CD - Lovin it!
Jen CD

Meredith - Congratulations on your anniversary! 🙂

Jennifer P. - Hmmm…where did my comment go? Want to be sure I get entered. Before I said something to the effect of: I’m sure you wish I would STOP commenting already :).
Anyway, count me in. I love mystery prizes!
Thanks for stopping by my giveaway too. This is like one big yard sale, except that everything is free!

Heather (aka Digby's mom) - Wow — 50 replies already!! As you know I love your blog — and I attached the link to my blog, too, since I never get around to answering my emails!! Happy anniversary!

Debi - What a milestone- love your family, love your jammies! I’m a Nick and Nora girl, myself, here on the other end of the country in wild and wooly Oregon.

Melanie - Congrats! I just ran across your blog last week and love it. I am new to blogs (I know, I know….Where have I been!) and it is totally consuming my life 🙂 Between the food blogs and home blogs, I don’t know how anyone gets anything done! Keep up the great work.

Kate of all Trades - Congratulations on your anniversary! This is my first visit to your blog and I am having so much fun admiring your gorgeous photography. And your house. Loving your house, including the playroom wall paper. I get what you like about it!

Haydee Tau - Happy Blogiversary! I too am a silent observer/reader. I love the pictures on your blog. You have a beautiful family.

rita - delurking to say I love, love, love your blog!!

Cindy - Congratulations on your anniversay!
Steve and I really enjoy your blog.
Have a great day!
Love to you and your family…

Tracy - I check your blog daily and never comment. I love the pictures of your home. Very pretty.

Emily - Happy blogiversary! Congratulations! And happy birthday to Ainslie in the above comments as well. Today is my birthday too, I’m 30- whoo hoo.. It’s also Oprah’s birthday so we’re in good company (if you like Oprah anyway!)

Mom - Way to go Megan! You’ve brought us a great deal of joy with your blog. It’s a terrific way for us to keep up on what’s going with you and our grandchildren. Plus your photography skills just keep getting better and better. Thanks for sharing.
Love you.

juanita - Congrats on your first year. I am one of the people who always reads your blog but I have never left a comment. You have such an interesting way of blogging. And such an adorable family. I love your house. I’ve always thought I’d love to have a house like that! All the painting and redoing of things looks like so much fun.

carissa - woo hoo!
congratulations & happy anniversary!
sending you BIG smiles and buckets full of cheer! 🙂

Dana D - Happy Anniversary! I’m so glad to have stumbled upon your blog! You take gorgeous pictures, and continue to inspire me with your creative ideas in decorating and scrapbooking.
One last thing…although it has nothing to do with this particular post, you recently posted about child rearing books you were reading through. Just thought I’d share that I had a chance to meet Lisa Whelchel and hear her speak on “Creative Correction” this weekend. She was wonderful. Her ideas are common sense thinking, but it left me thinking ‘why didn’t I think of that?’ The book is filled with lots of ideas that really seem to work- love her chore jar to beat boredom. Hope you’re enjoying her book as much as I did!

Jennifer - Congratulations! I work with your Aunt Jan. She showed me your blog approximately a year ago and I am addicted! You are such a great photographer. Absolutely love your house. Take care.

Jennifer P. - Holy cow! This is a lot of comments already :)! Remember I’m one who leaves comments every time–constantly–to the point you’re probably saying ENOUGH COMMENTS already!!!
Count me in for mystery prize!

Liz - Congrats! I love how you’re making the lurkers come out of the shadows! 🙂

Jana - Hope you get tons of comments!!! I’ll come over and pick you up off the floor if it hits 100! Love ya!

Lori (Claassen) Quicke - I was in Hillsboro over Christmas and snooped at your Christmas letter while I was at Roxi and Ty’s – saw that you had a blog, and I’ve been enjoying it ever since. You’re an inspiration, as always. Great to see you all looking so happy! Congrats on the 1-yr anniv!

Maryaz - Happy anniversary to you & your blog! I love your stories about your little Annie…I have a son about her age & it cracks me up to read your stories & know that I am not alone in this stay-at-home mommy world!

Betsy - hi megan! you may not remember me- adam and i started going to gefc a few months before you guys moved. i LOVE your blog! i read it everyday. erica h introduced me to in a couple months ago. 🙂 happy aniversary!

Keep it up! I love reading your blog every morning!! 🙂
I wish i was as good at blogging as you are! LOL!

Erin - I came across your blog and I am blown away by your house and cute as can be girls!! Happy Anniversary!!

Cheryl - Hi!

Jody - Hi! Love your blog. I’ve been reading for some time. Thanks for sharing your family, pictures, and wonderful ideas with us.

Sally - Happy Anniversary. Love the blog, love it!!

Blanca - Happy Blog Anniversary! Keep those beautiful photos coming.

Jacky - Happy anniversary! I am one of the 200 who stop and never stop to leave a comment 🙂

Deann - I only recently found your blog (like 3 days ago) – I’m sorry I haven’t commented, I’m trying to get better about that since I love comments too !
happy anniversary 🙂

traci - HAPPY BLOG BIRTHDAY!! OK, Im a bit of a brat but I think only the steady eddie’s like me and some others should get to be in the…ohhhhhh well… LOVE your blog and I KNOW “whatever” the gifts are it will be AWESOME!!!

jeanetta - congrats! cant wait to see what it is.

Shelly - Hey there!
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary of blogging!!
I do love stopping by and getting ideas.
I like watching how you are working through the everyday “stuff” of having five kiddos… it helps me get some ideas of things to do with my three!
I love your blog – keep up the great info, and the pics are always awesome!!

Linda - You are one of my very favourites, and honestly, your house is the one of my dreams!!
Count me in…I’m loyal!!

Kristi - I haven’t been reading long, but I do really enjoy your blog! Congrats on your 100th post!

Present Past Collection - I found your adorable blog sometime around Christmas through a link and I’ve been popping in every once in a while to read your fun posts. Congratulations on your anniversary.I hope that you get over 100 comments! Not so you pass out, just so you’re overjoyed!

lorel - I have enjoyed your blog so much this past year. It has added so much to the life of our extended family. I remember you saying that it has kind of taken on a life of its own, and I agree!
p.s. I went to Borders on Fri. night and looked at that book you suggested. I loved it, but it kind of made me hate my own cookie cutter sublurbia house. You can’t make a silk purse from a sow’s ear, right? Oh well, I am grateful for everything anyway.

karin - Happy Anniversary! I just passed a year of blogging as well. Somehow I didn’t get around to giving out prizes!!

Leslie - Happy Anniversary! Love your blog, your stories and ideas! Thanks for sharing.

amanda - Congratulations – You’ve inspired me to take more pictures of my children!
– Proverbs 31:28 –

Jenn - Congrats Meg! It is fun to read your blog even though I just live down the street. During winter everyone seems to hibernate inside and this gives me a chance to keep up with your family. I love reading your blog because it is just like talking with you in person. Thanks for featuring my baby girl, London on your blog. I have printed it out for her scrapbook.

Karen B. - I look forward to reading your blog every day! I enjoy all of the same things that you do … and it’s fun to see what you’re up to and what great ideas you have. Love your house and your scrapbooking too. Congrats on your big milestone!

Donna - I just found your blog and I love it! I especially love all of the pictures of your house. It cuts down on the trying to see it around pictures of people!

traci - happy anniversary meg. i am very glad you decided to blog because i love stopping by every day. can’t wait to see how many comments you get.

Kasey Laughlin - Hello and Happy Anniversary!!!!

Shawn - Happy 1 year anniversary! 🙂 And thanks for the sweet email last night. You made my day. 🙂

Camm - I am one of those people that come by – daily – actually sometimes more than once to read your blog! Love it! I found out about it on Creative Blogs! Never been a big commenter, but I will try harder! Have a fantastic day!

prairie daze - you know that i am here…thank you for a year of sights…funny how i remember us standing in the preschool hallway kind of whispering that we have blogs… : )

siobhan - Well done for reaching your 1st year anniversary. Your children will have a colourful and exciting diary of their childhoods to cherish (and no doubt groan at when ‘young adults’!!!). I look forward to the next year!

Crystal - Just wanted to stop by and say hello. I’m one of those who stops by every day to read with out commenting. Sorry – not very good at that stuff but I’v been getting better. Your family is absolutely adorable. Your crafting is amazing. Your home is one that I hope I can have one like some day. Congrats on one year !!!

Christine - congratulations on your anniversary! It’s actually my 42nd birthday! I was just looking back in you archives to see if you ever mentioned what type of camera you use because that is going to be my birthday gift and i’m doing a bit of research. I saw a picture of perhaps Annie holding the manual for the Canon Rebel XT. So I’m thinking that is what you have. The photos you post are beautiful and I love stopping by to read your blog. If there’s any chance you could mention what type of camera you have and how you like it I’d really appreciate it. You may have posted this info already but I’m not done reading older posts!! Have a meaningful day!

Ainslie - …I’m sorry…obviously I’m off in fairy land today. I should have said congratulations on one year of blogging, NOT on your 100th post…duh!!! Does this mean I’ll be entered into the draw twice??? Ha ha ha.

Ainslie - CONGRATULATIONS on your 100th post!!! And what a perfect time it is to say how much I enjoy reading your blog. I love that it’s full of general day-to-day bits and pieces…cooking, kids, home decorating, crafting. That’s basically my life and I enjoy reading about someone elses life that’s similar to mine but across the other side of the world.
So anyway, count me in for your giveaway. I’d love to win!!!

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