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i was on my way to pick up the kids from school.
i am glad i caught a glimpse of myself in my car window.
through the incredible dirty window…
can you see the plastic princess tiara i had on?
annie had said i was a queen (how did she know?)
while were playing puzzles.
i guess i’d had it on over two hours at that point.


tonight annie didn’t want dinner.
we were having the kind of dinner that is
“get whatever you want and i will help you make it.”
she wanted nothing.
so while the four other kids are moving around the kitchen…
being very loud…
very messy…
very busy…
i notice miss annie under the table.
she was “reading” out loud the story to herself.
completely in her own world.


lauren made bacon for her meal…
and an egg sandwich concoction she’s come up with.
i had to read the instructions for how to make bacon.
i have made it very few times and only ever made it in the microwave.
she doesn’t like it from the microwave (i don’t like it at all).
but how lame to have to read the instrucitons for bacon
and to see it read “fry in pan”
i am a dork.
i also recently learned to make jello.




i love sonic.
this was a treat reward for going to bed with no fights.
the girls always pick hot fudge sundaes.
the boys get lime-aids
nice change of pace after school.
we sat there till they were all done…just for fun.
listening to alvin & the chipmunks.

gabrielle - Hope you got your cupcake…My friend who led me to Sprinkles..I saw her Nephew yesterday..the nepehew who stands to inherit a gazillion dollars..I asked him…do you bring me a sprinkle? To which he replied…”I wouldn’t pay that much for a cupcake!” Not..I won’t stand in those lines. but complaining about the price…oy he is just like his father. No wonder he is a millionaire…do you have any cupcakery near you?

Tiffany - In response to your comment on my blog (thanks for stopping by!)lol You aren’t kidding, the ice is perfect! I remember they used to sell bags of it, do they still do that?
Wow, happy hour at Sonic? OMG I hope they will have that at this one, I can’t wait!!!

Tiffany - I just posted something about Sonic this morning, so it was neat to see how much you all enjoy it! lol Love the tiara by the way, I think we should all have one…

Queenie Bee - So cute, that crown. On numerous occasions, I’ve worn my sunglasses on my head while crazily searching the house for them!

Julie K - I can’t wait to play with tiaras!
I love your picture in the car window.
And what a fun weekend with Jenny! I love that. I know it was refreshing …
I wish we could have weekends like that once a month … but maybe they wouldn’t be as special as they are when they come around less frequently. Kind of like christmas or birthdays … I’ll take what I can get. :o)

restyledhome - You have the sweetest family…I love following along on your journeys!
Your pictures are amazing, and always make me smile!

cynthia - no tiara’s in our house but we sure make those dinners whenever possible!

Jennifer P. - This whole post makes me smile. I really need to take my camera along more often. Though I haven’t left the house in what feels like a month!!!
Glad to know I’m not the only one who rewards their kids with ice cream runs, or who doesn’t know how to cook bacon 🙂 (I buy canadian bacon and pancetta–much easier and much less grease!).

Jenny Pocknall - I often get my kids sundaes on Fridays when I collect them from school. Never heard of Sonics though. There is a McDonalds just around the corner from the school so that is where we go.
Your children have beautiful eyes. Always perfectly captured in your photos.
I think I will have to find a tiara in my girl’s dressup basket, and start wearing it while I do the housework.

Shelly - Annie is so cute! I love the last picture of her, getting that BIG bite =)
Love it!!

Crystal - All the days in your house look SOO fun! 🙂

Erica - you’re funny about bacon… although I must admit I was in the same position about a year ago. I HATE getting the flying grease on me… it hurts and I can’t stand it in the microwave so someone told me you could put it in the oven for 15 min. EASY!! 🙂 BTW, I can’t remember if Peter was quoting the office… but I’m gonna go with a YES because he is OBSESSED! Whenever our small group sends emails back and forth there is always an office quote somewhere in the mix. I watch it but don’t have every line memorized like the rest… I’m still catching up on you guys and your SNL lines. 🙂 Have a GREAT WEEKEND!

carissa - annie… she is as cute as they get!
i think my Riley & Annie must be close to the same age… just guessing.
I’m with Lauren… yum… bacon! BLAT sandwiches are my fav!
huge Sonic fans here too! hot fudge sundae… i’m up for that NOW!

hqm - i wear a tiara a lot when i am working…the ups and fedex guys laugh everytime i amswer the door in my pj’s and tiara!

jeanetta - we had one of those dinners last night too.

meg duerksen - danelle
you are right…it didn’t make sense.
i changed it a little.
so now you can know how truly dorky i am. 🙂

danelle - When you said Lauren had bacon and then I scrolled down to the kids eating ice cream, and I thought you were gonna say everyone else had ice cream!

melissa @ the inspired room - Another enchanting day at your house!
That sundae looks SO GOOD, I want to go to bed with no fuss so I can have one too.
Happy weekend (almost!)!

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