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sean is eight today.
he is not happy that he has to go to VBS on his birthday.
but we have party plans later so he’ll be alright.

i can’t believe it’s been eight years since the happiest baby entered the world.

Marnie - Pardon me, I’m not American – may I ask what a VBS is? Ta! 🙂

Jennifer P. - Ah man! There were exactly 8 comments and mine is going to mess up the balance! Still, can’t resist the opportunity to wish a great kiddo a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Suzanne - ooh…Sean! Do I have an ALMOST 8 year old that I’d love to hook you up with in about 10 years!!! MY Annie turns 8 August 29!!!
Have a happy, happy birthday! What’s mom cookin’ up special for you?? She is an amazing woman in the kitchen so it’s bound to be awesome!
What is the VBS theme?? Ours was Powerlab & the kids loved it!

Jess - Oops…I just realized I spelled his name wrong. Of course I meant Sean!

Jess - It was fun to be in Shawn’s class today. He even told me it was his birthday…it sounds like you have a fun day planned. He was pretty excited!

PamperingBeki - Awww, Happy Birthday to him!! My girl just turned 8 recently.
Hey, if you want to get rid of the rest of them our VBS is tonight. 😉 from 6:00-8:30….
My kids like to go to as many VBS’s as possible, but my mom tells me that’s trashy to ship them all over town like that…

Diane - Happy Birthday!!! My Son turns 8 on Friday, his LAST day of VBS! 🙂

Lee Ann - Happy Birthday Sean! I hope VBS rocked this year and you have a fabulous birthday!

amy d - happy birthday little man….eight is great!

kristin at prairie daze - oh, sean!
you wonderful boy, you.

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