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bed head

7:45 AM.

i can hear annie is awake and coming downstairs…
she slowly pushes open the kitchen door.
i quietly say “good morning”
she looks so sleepy.
and then her crackley raspy morning voice says 


“where’s the candy”

she had gone to a parade with her nana the night before.
she slept in her clothes.
and she began her morning with 2 suckers.
it’s not worth the fight…

Ali - @Deputy’s Wife: Starburst has (I believe) 50% of your daily vitamin C — it could be a lot worse.
That is exactly what I tell myself as I have about 1 pack a day during this pregnancy (and my last). hehehe.

melissa @ the inspired room - Oh, insert the name “LUKE” for “ANNIE” and I’ve lived this same event at my house. More than once. 🙂

Deb - TOO funny! One morning near Christmas last year I heard my 7yo tell my dh (on the phone), “We’re eating cookies for breakfast.” There was a break in which dh presumably asked if I knew what they were doing. Then, “Yes, she is, too!” Lol

Amber - This made me laugh. (I’ve been known to have dessert foods for breakfast so I can relate.) What a cutie!

meghan - i’m ok with candy before breakfast once in awhile as long as the day doesn’t have to start at 5:45am. how do you get your kids to sleep so late?

Leslie - Too cute! I love your Annie stories!

carissa - i love it… so true!
sometimes you gotta just let it go…

Suzanne - so sad you haven’t come by to pick up your surprise!!
gotta love that anniegirl…

erica - hello, just found your blog and i love it. i am in LOVE with your beautiful old house. you have really made it a beautiful home. it’s my new dream house. 🙂 can i ask what paint colors you’ve used in your kitchen and living room? i need help in every aspect of decorating and you are my new inspiration. 🙂

erica - hello, just found your blog and i love it. i am in LOVE with your beautiful old house. you have really made it a beautiful home. it’s my new dream house. 🙂 can i ask what paint colors you’ve used in your kitchen and living room? i need help in every aspect of decorating and you are my new inspiration. 🙂

traci - yep, you’re so right. you have to pick your battles and that really isn’t worth picking. besides, she’s so darn cute – how can you say no to her.

Cathy - i can totally see that right now, but she was cute doing it.

Stephanie - Oh yes, every morning my Elleanna comes to the side of my bed and says, “I’m hungry.” We walk downstairs and turn on the TV. As I get her cereal, she asks if she can have ice cream yet. “Not until lunch,” I say. Sometimes I give in and say, “OK, you can have the ice cream now or later. But only ONE today!” We sound like a broken record! So I love your story and can relate.

Deputy's Wife - Thank you. I feel better now. My son had Starburst for breakfast this morning.
I kept telling myself “At least it is fruity-ish.”

Lee Ann - You’re a good mamma!

Beth - So funny that she has an ice cream queen shirt on too 🙂 I’m a definite believer in picking your battles. And they vary from day to day!

Jen - So sweet, literally! Ummm…I have not been able to get your bathroom floor out of my head. I am obsessing a little about it! 🙂

Lanny Stanard - A girl after my own heart! Have a great week~end.

that girl - yes, it’s better than hearing the candy “mantra” all day! Besides, look how cute she is!

Allikayesmama - That;s a great thing for me to remember..”not worth the fight!” Love it!

robin bird - yes i understand… definitely not worth the fight.
if you pop over to my place you will see the ways in which you help inflict havoc on my good intentions 😉

traci - candy once in awhile before breakfast is just fine and dandy. Fights should be over safety and respect…not sugar (unless they eat it all the time and no healthy

Sara Ito - This is great! It’s exactly what goes on at my house every now and then too.. and I agree… sometimes it just is NOT worth the fight….

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