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sunshine and crafts



after a swim on a hot day

a craft is the perfect thing to do.
we’ve been meaning to make these for weeks 
and today was the day!
glue and glitter and clothespins = FUN.


(it was no one’s birthday…just using up old plates from the party drawer)


sean ‘s were very organized and arranged in a pattern.

talby’s were in a pattern but not neat…glitter everywhere.
annie’s definitely were not either one.




juice break.

also while they worked…very intently…really concentrating…
they all 3 hummed “spirit in the sky”
(we have it on the evan almighty soundtrack)
and then i heard sean singing “smoke on the water”
thanks guitar hero.


after these dried they put them on yarn for very bling-y necklaces.
they were cute.
they looked a little gangster…needed a gold tooth to match.

princess lasertron - hahahha, those are cool. kids are so easily entertained!!! I love it.
I want gold teeth for christmas and a belt buckle that says “lasertron”

Jennifer P. - SO pretty–and very sparkly :)!
I had to laugh at the Smoke on the Water comment. My boys were singing it in the hot tub the other day—learned it the same way!
and don’t you wish they’d invented sprinkler parks when we were little? they look like such fun! I suppose I could put on my suit and join the kids, but there are always so many grown-ups around to laugh at me…. 🙂

Linda@ Restyled Home - Just checkin’ in to see how you guys are making out with the “to-do” list. I see you are as busy (and creative) as ever…now I feel lazy!!
I love glitter, too!!!!!!

Art Cant Hurt - all that glitter! you’re a gutsy one indeed Meg!
fun! free-spirited! it’s the way i love to do things with my kids!
thanks for sharing such colorful pics!
take care!

PamperingBeki - How cute!! Those would be cute in the winter holidays to hold banners. 🙂
My kids frequently sing Johnny Cash songs and people always think it’s a bit odd.

Brenis - Meg, I am passing the Kreativ Blog Award onto you!! You are much more deserving of it, than I am!! Stop by my blog and pick it up!
Brenis 🙂

melissa @ the inspired room - I loved making clothes pin crafts (in my case, clothes pin magnets) when I was a kid. I spent hours on those babies. Great idea to do it OUTSIDE too to spare yourself the big glittery clean up!
Happy night!

Jimaie - Mmmm, glitter!!! i love me some glitter!!
WHat a fun project and how much do i love the idea of fashioning grills out of foil?! LMBO!! SO funny.

Steph @ Problem Solvin' Mom - You are always doing the best crafts! Where do you get your ideas? Oh, and what kind of camera do you use, if you don’t mind saying?

Kim - You are always doing such fun crafts and activities with your kids!! You are an awesome MOM!!

Amy - Crafts with glitter…you are an amazing mom! Glitter stinks…it’s so pretty…but so messy! Way to go mom!
We’re doing the play dough cookies tomorrow! That one I could do! 😉

Kat - I’d like to see pictures of the bling-y necklaces!

that girl - you could glue a magnet strip to the back and use them as fridge magnet/clips for their artwork.
I’m just saying, since I’m not the one who has to clean the glitter up off your kitchen floor…

jennifer - Too fun! My kids would love that. I especially like the bowl of cookies right in there with all the glitter.
And I totally relate to your guitar hero comment. My 10 year old son asked me the other day if I had any Lynyrd Skynyrd on my iPod because he really likes their song on his GH game. Oh dear…
Love your blog & I’m so glad I was finally able to leave a comment. My computer seems to have issues when I try and get to the comments section. Don’t know why, but I just keep on trying. 🙂

Suzanne - so simple yet so fun! great idea!
annie & jack are also learning some “new” songs from guitar hero…jack’s is “Slow Ride” and Annie likes “Barracuda”…go figure! wes thinks for sure jack is going to be a rocker someday…he loves it!

One Wired Woman - Maybe you could do some aluminum foil gangsta “grills” tomorrow… hee hee
I always love your little crafty projects. Although I despise working with glitter. I taught first grade for ten years and I just dreaded the glitter projects. I guess dealing with 22 kiddos made such a sparkly mess… it scarred me forever.
Looks like you guys are having a fun summer!! Hugs~ Jill 🙂

Bethany - Now that looks FUN!! What a neat idea!!! I would have to be doing a craft of that nature outside myself! I do love glitter, but not all over my kitchen!!!

traci - how fun!!! what a good mom you are. at least you did it outside so you didn’t have a huge mess inside.

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