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saturday morning tradition (with the recipe)

i know i have talked about this before but…


for 13 years pancakes from scratch have been craig’s specialty.


his helpers have changed over the years.


annie can’t wait to get started and she calls them pam-Takes.


they fight every week over who gets to turn the blender on and off.
one turns it on and one gets to turn it off.


they alternate pouring the ingredients.
(crystal…notice my jars…i’m loving the flour and sugar in here!)



occasionally they do a pancake dance….


almost done…the blender is full now.


the best part.
pouring it out…trying their best to make shapes that are legible.
then adding the chocolate chips or blueberries on top before you flip them.


this red spatula was the only christmas gift i gave craig this year.
it was the perfect gift for him.
you can get one here.


i am usually asleep for all this fun daddy/kid stuff.
then a child comes up to my bed and says 
“mommy your pancakes are done.”
the sweetest words….

there is more to life than bisquick.
no pressure bisquick mommies….
but they are really really good.

craig you are the king of pancakes.
i should make you a crown.  

recipe is in the sidebar.
happy breakfast.
or dinner?

Kelly - I’m reading in your archives. 🙂 My husband is the pancake maker in our family too. 🙂 I’ll bet when we have kids it will look something like this. I use the same jars for my flour, sugar, etc. as seen here: 🙂 heart them! Kelly

Jess - wow…what a great idea…dad gets some special time with the kids and you get to sleep in! (a few extra minutes anyway right?!) we’ll be trying this recipe…and while i was snooping in your recipes i found the apple puff pancake….yum…i might try that one this weekend! -jess

Lanny Stanard - What time is breakfast? Yum they look so good, I’m having oatmeal for breakfast.Your kids will remember making breakfast with Daddy forever.
Have a great week~end. Lanny:)

Lori Eurto - Hi!
Just wanted to let you know, I tried out your Mexican Chicken recipe last night. IT WAS THE BOMB! I loved it!! And I’m so happy I have left-overs for lunch! Thanks for posting it!

Liz - Have GOT to give that recipe a try. We’re stuck in the toast and Marmite breakfast rut!

robin bird - great photo journaling here meg! i am getting my husband one of those spatulas for his camping gear. he is the pam take maker for the guy camping trips.

Jennifer P. - We do homemade pancakes every Sunday too….AND we add chocolate chips :)! never met anyone else who did that. We eat ours with peanut butter and bananas on them as well—they’re probably about as good as dessert by the time we’ve added everything :)!
Bisquick has its place, but looks like Bis-slow makes more dad/kid memories :)!

Kimberlie - I am delurking here and just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog. The pictures you take are beautiful and I love love love your house, so inspiring.
We always make our pancakes from scratch too and we just recently started making the batter in the blender, what a great idea!
I will have to try out your pancake recipe on Saturday.
Take care,

Lorilee - Mmm they look delicious. I can’t wait to try the recipe. My 13 yr. old son was on pancake duty while camping with grandparents and now thinks he’s the expert! He seldom enters the kitchen here except to heat up frozen pizza or hot pockets! He’s my baby, and looking at your family photos makes me miss my little ones! Your home is beautiful and spacious. I love older houses. Ours in 10 years old and small, but it is home for us! Of, course there are just 3 of us most of the time. My husband says it feels like Grand Central Station with all the people coming and going some days!haha!

Liz - This is so sweet. My dad made biscuits every Sunday morning from scratch… with butter and honey. I’m almost 30 years old, and oh how I miss that.

PamperingBeki - That’s so sweet!
We’re box mix users here, but hubby is definitely the pamtake maker here as well. And we do them for dinner about once a week!

Deb - Mmmm…I love to make pancakes. I’ve never used a blender though?? Must be the “guy” way to get ’em mixed good and thorough, you know?

carissa - pancakes… la la la… make the world a better place!
my kiddos fav too! their granmama is the queen of panckes… makes their monograms & faces too!
sounds like you have yourself an awesome hubbie! I’m impressed!
thanks for the recipe! i’ll go for it this weekend!

Staci - Our Daddy is the Pam Take maker in this house too! I don’t even know how!! Is THAT ridiculous!? So, I’m thinkin’ Daddy’s makin’ these tonight for dinner! Thanks for getting me out of making dinner tonight! I just bough fresh blueberries at the market yesterday 🙂 Once again, Meg saves the day!

jennifer - Love the idea of using the blender. But I’ve got to ask, how many times does he need to make a batch to feed your family, when only so much fits in the blender? I have to quadruple our recipe (from the Fannie Farmer cookbook) to feed my four kids and my husband and I. Just curious because I’d like to maybe switch from kitchen aid to blender…
And, shhh! My kids think only Grandma puts chocolate chips in pancakes. 🙂

Jimaie - i’ll admit it, i heart Bisquik!! But i will definitely be trying craigs recipe, the blender is such a brilliant idea btw!
What a very good daddy, i think he’s a keeper yes? 😀

Dayna - I recently discovered the joy of making from scratch pancakes. No more Bisquick, ever!
The pancake dance is the best!

Steph - My husband is also the pam-take maker, I will definitely hand him this recipe! I’m liking the blender tip as well, great idea…thanks!

Kelly - The husband does this too but it’s only been about a year. Our oldest is 2.5 and knows on the day that daddy is home we will make pancakes. From scratch here too. Great idea about using the blender though, we do the kitchenaid mixer and it’s hard to pour.
Love your blog by the way, found you yesterday!

melissa @ the inspired room - Pam-takes sound delicious. I made pancakes from scratch for the last 20 years until my daughter announced that she doesn’t like our pancakes. Good to know! She likes Bisquick pancakes. Alrighty then. So, guess it is time for a new recipe.
Happy Thursday, BFF! People sure love your bathroom. It is still a big hit!

Amanda Jo - How fun and sweet is that!!! I love it! We’re also a scratch pancake family but we don’t do all those fun add-ins….yet!
Have I told you lately that I love your blog?

Nancy - What a great tradition. One that I bet will be shared with the next generation of your family. My husband’s dad makes waffles for the grandkids everytime we’re there…they expect it now.

traci - i am a bisquik mom – but i am going to give craig’s pam-takes a try. i might be tossing the box to the curb. hey, i made your mexican chicken tuesday night – YUM – my family loved it.

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