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speed racer


she is so funny.
the things she says and the things she does…all day long.
i am so glad we accidently had five kids.


technically they were all accidents.
but she was a royal surprise.

i took a test in february 2004 at my obgyn.
went back in april.
positive…since january.
i knew i wasn’t just getting fat!
i was 14 weeks when i found out for sure.
i was in denial.
big time.

oh what a joy she is.
an exhausting, loud, silly, loving, creative, super special JOY!
God is too good to me.

Jenn Thomas - Gotta love our Annie on the block – she definitely has sense of style and love of fun she can teach London.

eryn - oh boy…I LOVED these pics, and your post is super sweet!

Sarah Keith - so sweet!

Nancy - The goggles make me laugh. I bet she’s got a lot of spunk.

Steph @ Problem Solvin' Mom - How super-precious-adorable!!

traci - she is just too cute!!!! see, God knows what he is doing.

Pattie - I always have to check in and see the pictures of your cute family. Everything about Annie just cracks me up and I’m so glad that you include the “way she talks” it makes it even better. Each one of your children seems different but then so much alike. They are incredibly lucky to have a mom like you!

Staci - She’s an “oops” you’ll truly never regret!!! Could she BE any cuter?? My Jake, who just turned 3, calls goggles…”gobbles”! Don’t you just love it! Can we pre-arrange a wedding right now!?

Allikayes Mama - That is hilarious! I am always intrigued at the outfits that cute girl has on! She should have her own blog! haha!

Lorilee - The photos are soooo cute. The goggles are the final touch! It reminds me of when my now 13 year old would ride his bike with his roller blades on!

chris - She is too cute, you are blessed , the kids we have are the ones we are meant to have and know and love.

Melanie - That is so sweet, Meg! Love the story. I only have one child so I can’t understand 5 but I love reading about all of your kids:)

Lanny Stanard - Okay, get this, my Dad had the clip job LOL, once and my brother came along, he had another clip clip job and 6 yrs later I came along… now mined you this was 44 years ago! but my Mom always said she was so glad they had me because I now for the last 8 yrs have been taking care of her and many more to come I hope she’s 82… Lanny:)

robin bird - it makes me laugh and feel happy to see her in those goggles meg! and your happiness shines right out from that rainbow tie dye dress…shirt,,,jumper…’whatever 🙂

traci - OMGOSH…love the story, love the first photo to pieces, love the goggles, love that funky outfit…where did you get that??? That child OOOOOOOZES personality!!! Maybe you will have an oooops child number SIX? What fun would that be???

Peggy Rice - That’s one cute kid!

kristin at praire daze - i love this story!

carissa - oh i love it! too funny!
those dadgum pics are the best!
what a true gift she is!

southernfriedgirl - I don’t know how in the world I found your blog but I’m so glad I did. Your daughter is adorable.
And I may have just spent 20 minutes literally drooling over your home photos. Your taste is exquisite. I just love it.

Dayna - Love the goggles! She is precious.

PamperingBeki - Haha!! She’s too funny!
And 14 weeks? My goodness!! I’d have been puking 12 times a day by that point.

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