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so good.






annie and i are already loving this new routine just four days in.
drop off the kids.
watch a few cartoons while mama is on the computer.

ahhhhh….i am so happy school started.
i feel like a new woman.
ready for all kinds of new projects, goals and fun.

hope you are enjoying your new routine.

traci - i will in 5 more days. actually with kar starting college it will be a little different. cute pix on annie!!

melissa @ the inspired room - She is the cutest!
Hello BFF! Hello! Re-emerging from my exhausting season of life. Just about to head into another one (we are moving) but in between exhausting moments, I’m visiting blogs! Hooray! Missed you! Thanks for the prayers, the day was lovely and I can’t wait to share some highlights!

Lanny Stanard - Oooo that donut sure looks yummy, looks like you girls had a great first day of school LOL. How did the other’s do on there first day? hope all went well.
See ya round like a donut!
LaNnY :o)

One Wired Woman - Come swim over to my blog and gawk a little. We all deserve that every now and then. hee hee ~Jill 🙂

One Wired Woman - Girl… swim over to my blog and gawk a little. We all deserve it every now and then, right? ~Jill 🙂

crystal - Our new routine starts today (wednesday). Lots of excitement and nervousness from the girls and even mom. All will be in school all day.

robin bird - the two of you are looking pretty spiffy in your summer clothes while all the other poor family members are stuck in desks and tied to homework. 2 lucky ducks in the carnival of mirrors!

Lorilee - Hey, wait a minute! Peace and quiet! NOT ME! I will have a room full of 4 year olds–a morning group and an afternoon group! I will miss my time at home sewing, crafting and blogging, but I will also enjoy MY children too!
We start on Monday, August 25. I am working in my room this week. Check out the job ahead of me with the “before” room photos!

Nichole - The picture of her eating the doughnut is THE CUTEST!
So much fun, please keep us informed of all your projects! :]

lee ann - We have to wait until after Labor Day to start this rountine. I think I’m looking forward to it 🙂

Suzanne - we’ve still got 5 days to go! then sam and I are on our own till he starts his little preschool two mornings a week…wow, will it be ever so quiet…

carissa - i could eat HER… soooooo cute!
oh yes… i am just getting my feet wet with the GREAT new routine!
yeah for school!

Peps P - You have such a cute blog!
This reminds me of my time with my mother. I am the youngest of 3 and I was lucky enough to have some great one on one time with her just like this. What a lucky girl!

Renee of Austin - What a great Mother-Daughter picture! It catches your personalities perfectly: Silly girl with her tongue sticking out and Mom trying to catch those precious silly moments on camera! Too cute!!!!

Julie K. - You’re so lucky school started already! I have a week and half for one and two weeks for the other! I’m looking forward to it … though, still another year before I have all day with just Kiana and I. It will be surreal I’m sure.

chris - Still have ah let’s see thirteen more days until I can enjoy the peace of my day , no kids not one , not mine not someone else’s I am so looking forward to it , the first time in 10 years.

Staci - I gotta tell ya, I think that’s gonna be me and Jake’s routine after Connor starts school-ALL DAY- tomorrow!!! I’ll miss him, but am looking forward to doing “stuff” with Jake! I mean, who needs a puppy when you have those eyes of Annie’s? What a cutie! Can we prearrange a wedding right now?

Melanie - Cute pictures. Do you photoshop them before you load them on your blog?

Deb - Sounds like a great routine. We still have vacation next week, then school. Our routine will be heavy and fun all at the same time.

Bethany - WOW!! What FUN pics!! Something about those big brown eyes in the first one gets me…probably because my little guy has big brown eyes!! Looks like you two are enjoying your new routine!!
Have a great day!!

that girl - we have 6 days to go…

One Wired Woman - Hi girl!! Our new “school” routine doesn’t start until next Monday, Aug. 25th… but I can’t wait!! I’ve got lots of projects to do. I may need some advice on a few. Stayed tuned in for more… ~Jill 🙂

Aby - No so lucky yet! We don’t start til the 25th! I’m counting the days!!! BOTH of mine are in school… so I have complete quiet and peace… at least for a few hours!! Can’t wait!
Looks like ya’ll are having fun! Enjoy your last little one at home!!

traci - That is One FUNNY girl!!! Because of you I have started carrying my camera EVERYWHERE…of course my isnt as fancy as yours but I still love it.
Yes, Im enjoying some quiet with the kids in school but I wasnt ready for them to go back. I like a peaceful, go with the flow routine.

munchkinsandmusic - She likes that pastery!

Ashley - Love the pictures! So funny with you in the background! She’ll love these when she gets older. Such a mother-daughter bonding moment!
Can’t wait to see all of your new projects!

PamperingBeki - Haha!! I’m HATING my new routine!!
Can Annie teach my baby how to watch cartoons? He things if his big brother and sister aren’t here to entertain him, then he needs to climb all over mommy all day. I’ve shed more frustrated tears in the last few days than I have in a long time.
As long as he has my undivided attention, the day runs quite well. But heaven forbid I sit down to answer an email, or blog, or create any of the orders that are stacking up… Oy.
I love the donut picture. 🙂 Isn’t that place the best?? Haven’t been there in a long time…

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