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the “an-tick” store

i can get annie to "an-tick" with me…


because of these.
the best suckers in town are at the antique store we love.


i should have bought this chair.
it was half off even!
sometimes i go and i find too many good things in one day.
like an old school kitchen aid mixer.


or a holder for aluminum foil.

i hadn't seen one of these before.   
a place for everything…?


jenn – i think miss london needs this vintage metal baby bed for her dollies.
it was so sweet and only $20! (metcalf sisters store on the right side)

after 4 suckers…we settled on this bowl 


and this typewriter.



i love this typewriter.
annie thought it was a cash register.
when we got home she started playing store with it…
"that will be five dollars please."

then she started hitting the keys.
when i heard that click click click i was taken right back to being 5 years old.
my memory was of the sun register newspaper where my parents worked.
i remember the whole office. 
and sitting with sharon hudson.

don't you love when you have one of those moments?
it was such a nice memory.

my big kids thought the typewriter was so funny.
"how did this do what computers do?"
close but not quite.

Jennifer P. - Put my name on the bottom of that typewriter right now so that when you die, everyone going through your house will know that it’s MINE :)!
I can hear it now……sigh. What a great find–great graphic beauty! And your bowl looks like it was made just to hold that watermelon!
And concerning Mr. Ice Cold not wanting that puppy…..there’s just no rhyme or reason to it! Puppy looks incapable of chewing up, peeing on, or digging up anything :)!

Amy - Those little suckers work great in the airplane too…we just experienced that…phew, thank goodness for Dum-dums! (Me want gum gum)…too much tv for me!
Love the pictures…the typewriter…my dad has one in his home…such memories as well! Loved the chair too! I could totally see that in my kitchen…helping make cookies…so cute!

sara - How cute! I love an-ticks!!! I wish my little girls would get into it with me!!! lol

Leah - You are so inspiring! I found your blog earlier this summer on theinspiredroom and love it. Great house, I love your craft room!

Ashley - I love all these finds but that bowl makes the watermelon look even more tempting. I have some at home I may have to go slice up for lunch. I need a cute little bowl like this!

lorel - I love the typewriter – we saw one in an antique store once, and like your kids, Macy said, “Hey! This is like a computer!” But typewriters also remind me of Grandpa Osborne and his funny letters to you. Maybe you should blog about those, although maybe they were only funny to us…
Also, that glass daisy bowl you got – I have a glass pitcher with an identical daisy design. Mine was from Molly’s I think. Maybe they were owned by the same person at one time?

carissa - go back & get that step stool! 🙂
soooo funny… one of our an-tick shops here has suckers too… SMART… keeping those little fingers busy!
how DID they manage without a real computer & printer! some days i think it might be nice… just to be simple… no fuss.
happy monday!

traci - i love that step stool. you’re right – you should have got it. that looks like an awesome shop. i might have to visit a couple around here in the next couple of days. see what i can find.

Amanda - Exquisite, truly.

flutter - your life is seriously beautiful. I am so glad That Girl linked you.

Daja - Your blog is beautiful! I linked to you from “That Girl Blogs.” I’ll be back!

Heidi - Ack! I received that antiquing bug from my mother. But my fav was the books. They smelled like of history. Good stuff! And I love you bowl!

Tiffany Hunt - I need one of those typewriters for my girls for Christmas. After seeing the Kit Kittredge movie (for the third time), they won’t stop asking for one.
I haven’t had the chance to look yet but yours is what I’m hoping to find.

Jen R Sanctuary arts at home - Love it! My kids love the bank for the same reason…..:) Jen r

Lorilee - Oh, you triggered the memories! My Granny has been gone for 12 years now. She had a step/chair like that one only in red! It was in her kitchen along with a dispenser just like the one pictured! Now I want them!!!! She also had some aluminum glasses that the grandchildren always drank from. They were each a different color. I always thought they smelled funny! (I am a bit sensitive in the odor area according to my family) AND my mom had a typewriter similar to that. It may have been a different brand. I have it stashed somewhere around here. I remember trying to type on it, but my pinkies weren’t strong enough!

Staci - Neat stuff! The typewriter—wow…very good find! Love it, but if not for the computer…I’d never “know” a Meg Duerkson 🙂

Jenn Thomas - Russ said I need to check out that bed for London’s dollies. I have a wood cradle that my uncle made for my dollies for her to use. I want that foil wrap dispenser – Stopping by the store tomorrow. I also love that store – it seems to be the only one I buy things at. There is an antique store in Wichita that we need to check out per my sister-in-laws – they spent over three hours there on Saturday – too bad I was at Mushroom State Park with the kids. A place you need to visit with the kids – pretty cool – giant rocks that look like mushrooms.

mom - Meg-
Dad had the typewriter and we (Sharon and I) had compugraphic machines that typeset the copy and made ads. If you ever run across one of those machines, let me know. They are real an-ticks! I remember you sitting on Sharon’s lap too. She would be happy to know that.

PamperingBeki - Hey, my husband’s parents have a booth in that store. 🙂
I know I’m always asking you for advice now that I’m your stalker and all, but I need you to show (or tell) me how to take nice indoor pictures. I think my camera is the same model as yours but my indoor pics always come out grainy and yellow.

Tammy H. - My grandmother had the exact same holder for her foil! I hadn’t thought about that in years. It sat on her counter where I would sit and watch her cook! Smile…………

cjs - now I want to move to kansas.

Mod Girl - “Foil Wrap” — I love the wrap dispenser and the terminology on it.

that girl - It’s like trying to explain phone booths to my cell phone lovin’ kids.
PS I featured you on my blog today!

Lanny Stanard - I love an-tick store’s too, LOL I was just at one last week and got a cute little chair! I was looking for window’s and they didn’t have any! I’ll have to back soon, darn… Have a great rest of the week-end it’s almost over 🙁
LaNnY :o)

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