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cheesy potato soup

it was just one of those kind of nights.

the kind where soup is perfect!


my camera seems a bit off these days.
but it also could be me.
i feel a bit off these days.
(having a teenager will do that to you)

anyway…THE SOUP.
it's not the healthiest…
or organic….
but it's yummy.
and quick and easy.

and i had to mix hash browns AND tator tots.
and i had no fresh onion.
OR bacon.
but my family still loved it.
the recipe is in the sidebar.


a (blurry) shot of what was going while making this soup last night.
every kid was in the kitchen.
lauren was studying (by force) and everyone else was being quiet.
at least trying to be quiet.
but having everyone is the same room was different.


while snarfing (is that a word?) this down quickly before church sean asked 

HOW do you make this?!  
It's soooo good.  Can i have another bowl?"

for anyone who says sweet stuff like that i think 2nd's is a given!

and can you guess what he had for breakfast today?

jeaneta - If there is one weakness i have it’s definitely for potato soup. I absolutely love it. And I will definitely be giving this recipe a try too.
Just got caught up on a bunch of your post. umm lets see.. happy super late b day, yes pumpkins are the best thing to photograph…i attribute it to the smashing orange color, and the choking Jesus quote was priceless!

Jen - YUM. just emailed it to myself and will make it next week! Thanks!

Heidi - Oh my, I’m literally droooooling!!!!

julie - I pretty much feed my family every week with one of your recipes. Can’t wait to try this one!

amanda - ummm, this looks dee-lish! i may try this as soon as the weather cools down a bit again.
did you send the acorns? you are by no means obligated– i just wanted to have a heads up either way. kids often make a trip to the post office impossible– i know that first hand.
amanda az

vicki - Why that is a mighty fine looking supper, and teenagers…I’m terrified!! I have two little girls, they will go through their teen years just a few years apart…I can only imagine…heaven help me!

Tonya - That looks like a heart attack in a bowl! And I mean that in a really really tasty looking way.

Amanda - That soup looked good in the after shot… but seeing as I am NOT a hash browns fan… you almost lost me from the get go. I recovered and you are still in my good graces. he he
Lets see… breakfast… another bowl of soup?
God bless-

Tausha - I have a really stupid question-do you brown the hashbrowns before you add the liquid? Or just throw the two in together? Maybe this is a stupid question, but I think that my kids would actually eat this one. They seem to have a problem with liquid things for dinner. Unless of course you count Milkshakes. No, I have never given them that for dinner, I should though. Then i know for sure that they would eat it! Thanks for kind comments! I will defniately be trying more of your recipes. I didn’t even notice that you had them up before. (i know I am a loser) Any recipe that is tried and true from one mom to another is priceless!

danyele - i agree…a liitle carbs and cheese always makes the soul feel good. i’m gonna have to check out that recipe…when i’m not coming off the flu. the salad, btw, looks like my style…so yummy!

Lorelei - hi Meg!
I gotta tell ya, you are right on the money with recipes. I had this soup for dinner tonight and my husband and I devoured it (not the whole thing, OMG!) but it was so awesomely good.
Thanks for sharing.
I’m passing this one on to my dad too who was drooling when I told him about it.

Erik - Cheese and potatoes: is there a more heavenly combination? I think not!

Munchkins and Music - That looks really good! I love salad.

kristin at prairie daze - i might go to dillons now.

Mallory Heffron - That looks way yummy. I might have to make that…

Jenn Thomas - This is very good soup – I liked it when you added the chicken. Russ also thought it was great that way.

Deb - Oh, if only my kids would eat SOUP! Ugh. What’s wrong with these kids?

Margaret - I read your blog often, no I don’t have my own I just stalk others! So, I usually do not comment, but after today I had too! I think you could be one of my best friends if you lived closer to NC. We both love Starbucks (but who really doesnt), Starbucks Ice Cream is my fav, and I have never heard anyone else say their favorite movie is Family Man besides me! I love that movie, I just recently cut my hair like Tia’s is in the movie, and yes I am aware it isn’t the latest style but its cute and easy!I actually took my movie and my laptop to the stylist to show her! Ha! If you are ever in NC we should get together with some Starbucks ice cream and watch the movie, and talk about our latest Bible Study of course! Sweet Blessings,

Kara - What a great idea to make potato soup with hashbrowns. I love it!

Alyssa - I featured you on my blog.
I love your blog and your photos

Candy - This looks great! Can’t wait to try it! πŸ™‚ I actually woke up during the night craving the Stuffed Shells recipe I got from you! ha! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

rychelle - can’t wait to try this. it looks delish!

Amy - I love that all I see are walmart brands…makes me feel as if I’m not the only mom who pinches on the little things!! Soup looks divine!! I may have to make it once it gets really cold here!!

PamperingBeki - Mmmmm, I just made cheesy potato soup the other day and my kids raved about it too! They acted like it was the best thing ever. Weirdos.
You were a better mom though, and served a salad with yours. I served saltines. πŸ˜‰
And snarfed better be a word because I use it all the time.

denise - I think I have tried all of your recipies–all great!!! Question though, the chicken broth, you put down “2 cans broth”–what size are you using??? Thanks again for shariing.

Rachel - that looks delicious…definately gonna try it!

lauren bean - hahaha first comment im at school yo;

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