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loving preschool (again)

everyone knows how much i love annie's preschool….because i tell everyone.

i wished i'd had my camera on monday.
today i turned the car around half way through to go back to get it.


they have each brought a pumpkin.
working on properties like smooth, bumpy, heavy, light, big, little, etc.
and next week they decorate them.
i can't wait to see that.


they have journals….which is the most adorable thing!
seeing them all sit at the tables and "write" is precious.
they all love to show you what is inside.
annie likes to write letters or her name and very scribble-y swirly people.
are they not the cutest little books?!


knocking down a paper that's hanging off the ceiling is hilarious.  
every time.
it's a no brainer.


and time for a snack at the preschool diner (that apparently has free wi-fi).

i made it to the door and said 
"goodbye annie. have a great day!  do you need a hug?"
micah was closer so he grabbed me first.
then annie latched on.
eliza saw and wanted in on the fun.
gracie came running in giggling.
and mckenna squeezed around the other side.
they were just laughing and group hugging.  
i was feeling the love.

they did it again one more time and then eliza's eyes got big 
and she said "let's go hug MY mom!"  
great idea.

Jeanetta - HAHA!! Love it

Ashlie - I love all these pictures! What a neat idea to let preschoolers “journal!” And the group hug…AWWWWW! It’s so good that you can send Annie to school and know that she’ll be in a wonderful atmosphere doing fun things!

Ashley - Those are great. It is beyond me how you have time to make all those cute shirts in the previous post and keep up with kids…that amazing craft room of yours must help! I am going to try the hash brown soup you made this weekend!

Deb - VERY sweet.

robin bird - “meg you are sweet. you have such a distinctive way of ‘speaking’ i would know your ‘voice’ anywhere :)”
this is what i wrote to you in an e-mail after your comment on my i wanna travel post..but it kept winging it’s way back to me as undeliverable. go figure. so i just decided to ‘deliver it’ per above. i went on to say a couple of other things but we can leave it at this.
and amazingly enough i would say the same thing about this post. you have your own voice and it is so very you! meg-a-lovable 🙂

carissa - preschool RULES!
that peek inside is so fun!
i love all the colors in the rooms…
plants happiness in your belly!

Beth - I love your blog. I get lots of recipes and craft ideas here. I am new to all of this, and hope it lends some great new friends. I also love Kansas and went to KU! ROCK, CHALK, JAYHAWK!
Anyway, you and your family seem great! Annie seems to have a great little pre-school.
PS I made the hash brown soup the other night! So fast+so good=happy family

PamperingBeki - Yep, it’s officially the best preschool ever!
I think I teared up a bit just hearing you talk about it that one day.

kara - This is absolutely precious!!!

kristin at prairie daze - note to all:
Annie’s photo was on and disappeared (along with eliza and micah’s…hmmmmm)…i think maybe got used for a project. : )
but i have another coming in the mail.
: )
meg, thank you. i do know your love. and i love my work more because of families like yours.
thank you for this glimpse into preschool.
and now i understand the big hug i got.
: )

Tausha - You sound like you have a fantastic preschool! All of my girls have been to a different one. Only because I traded 8 after one year. Then that teacher moved and so 6 had new one as well. 4’s teacher is just around the corner, she loves it and so do I! it makes such a difference when the teacher loves what she does!!
Your shirts are absoulatelty darling! I am loving the 4 and the flowers! My little one would so love these. I must make some! THanks for the inspiration!

Kelly - Good for you, loving your daughter’s school! Tell her teachers!!! I’m sure you do! As a teacher I would LOVE to know a parent feels this way about our school! You have just challenged me to look for the good in everything because there is SO MUCH to be found! Thanks! Kelly

Holly - The cobblers children have no shoes and Meg’s daughter has no photo. Mrs. Photo lady, just where is Annie’s photo? BTW, I love your cute tees in your last post. I think I will make one of the flower ones for my niece that is one. Maybe I could do a truck or something on my nephew’s(they are cousins born two days apart- with mom’s jealous of each other the whole time for stealing THEIR spotlight time!)

Tracy - TOO CUTE! Love the “Pumpkin Patch” in the classroom and the belly laugh on Annie’s face while knocking down the paper hanging from the ceiling – just precious! :o)

Kameron - Where’s Annie’s picture on her notebook?? :o) That sounds like so much fun. It is so nice to love the place that cares for your kiddos.

Rachel - How great is that….and kids are sooo beautiful….”now let’s go hug my mom” tooo cute!
Preschool has come a long way heh….free wifi LOL

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