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we had some pumpkins to clean.
it was a gorgeous fall day outside.
so i got busy.

i had helpers.




talby agreed to help if she could wear the gloves.
and i loved how totally disgusted they all were when i reached in 
with my bare hand and pulled out the guts.

think of what a distinct sound scraping the inside of a pumpkin is…



picture by sean.
and these too.




that's my first white pumpkin to carve.  
it is a weird light green color inside….strange.

of course there was lots of "ewwwww" and "YUCK!"
scott cleaned one too.
we finished them all and they are ready for carving tonight.

melissa @ the inspired room - Catching up on cuteness here! 🙂
You guys are crazy! LOL!

michelle my belle - You are so funny! You’re always being creative. Even the way you take
pictures is creative! Those tshirts were adorable btw!
On the letters I would say it’s a Orange with a little burnt orange
look to them. And rust shows through in areas so they’re pretty
rustic looking.

traci - that right there is why i never liked it.

Gina - Delurker alert…
Yep, the new profile pic works for sure.
I can’t wait to see what you’ll do with the pumpkins. I bet it’ll be cool.

Jenn Thomas - Your porch will look great for the fall party on Saturday! Could London fit inside of one of those? Hmmm photo opt? Did you save the seeds to roast?

Nina - we haven’t carved our’s yet…and oops, Halloween is this Friday!
I love the pics you have that shows your house. It looks like an older house….which I love! I would love to see some other pics…like the front of it.

Loving Mom 2 Boys - I just found you through…ummm…I don’t know really – have spent so much time reading you blog that I forgot where. I love your blog and I love your style – That fabric store you went to looks amazing – I have just caught the sewing bug and I am trying to find some fabrics that actually inspire me!!

Jess - can’t wait to see the results!!! I’m loving the gloves! -jess

Rachel - I am soo behind…I guess we need to start carving too! I guess it’s good to wait because we all know what happens once you carve it…the pumpkin goes bad fast. I heard that you are supposed to spray something inside or something but I can’t remember…maybe I will google it!

Lanny Stanard - Looks like fun! WHAT NO WIG! LOL… have you entered my giveaway yet? Hurry…

carissa - i love me some pumpkin seeds…
minus the goo of course!
happy monday!

PamperingBeki - Now see how smart you are to do them outside? We always do them indoors and make a big mess.
And that’s the plan for tonight. haha!
Bad Mom Of The Year here… I still don’t have Halloween costumes for them, haven’t carved pumpkins yet, and still haven’t planned their class party for THIS WEEK! Oy.

One Wired Woman - Oh wow!! We had a pumpkin carving night this weekend. Lots of fun!! That white pumpkin is cool. Maybe I’ll have to go and get one!! ~Jill 🙂

Kameron - We only have 1 pumpkin this year. It was a little one I picked up for my boy. He had a fun time “scooping” the guts out. Mostly he kept trying to put the gunk in his mouth. Ahhh, gotta love the toddler phase!

Kelly - so fun! I haven’t carved a white pumpkin before either. Special plans for it? The Hannah Montana post CRACKED me up! I loved it! Have a good day! Happy carving tonight! Kelly

Deputy's Wife - It is freezing here. We are going to degut ours inside tonight. UGH!

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