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happy halloween

today was good.
much much better.
my hormones have leveled out again….ahhhhhh.


today was perfect for halloween!


while out walking the dog i caught some of our neighborhood in pictures.
love the black pumpkins this year!


i stopped by annie's preschool to watch them trick or treat with the grandma and grandpas.
you can't see too well but the sign behind their parade says Friendship Lane.

one of the grandpas took out his dentures for the kids.
kristin covered his face with her cape so she could warn the kids what was coming.
they were freaked out…little micah's eyes were huge!

it was hysterical.


the kid on the far right was a bowl of fruit loops!  very original.

annie wore talby's old pirate costume…with sean's old pirate costume over it.
and a piece from one of my dance costumes from when i was a teenager.
we scored the last pirate hat at target on thursday.

talby decided to add a wig for a more dramatic effect.  
she said "NOW i look like SuperGirl!"
we pieced her costume together out of a shirt and skirt from the thrift store, 
some red vinyl and sean's old super man cape.
she loved it.  (thank goodness)
trick or treating was a success.  
we can keep our dentists in business another year.
scott was too cool this year to dress up or trick or treat.  
that was a bit sad for me…growing up too quick.
but talby did say while chomping on candy "this was the best halloween ever!"
* edited to add….lauren ended up getting grounded before her halloween party.
so we never got to see hannah montana in all her glory.
it was such a bummer.
and now it's november.
happy birthday jenny.
love you super much.

traci - oh no, that’s what i was going to ask, where’s lauren? oops. well, the other kids look adorable. i agree with talby – the wig makes her more of a super girl. too cute. thanks for letting me live halloween through you and your children.

Rachel - Great pics…all the kids look awesome in their costumes!

danyele-a thorn among roses - what a great time…great costumes too! the weather was perfect here for the first time in years too! love those kiddos in costume…soooo much fun

Jen - gorgeous pics (as always).

MGF - I was wondering about Hannah Montana.
The black pumpkin is so fun.

Melissa - What great photos! I have been following your blog for a while as one of those pesky “lurkers”! Sorry! I finally decided to say hello! I’ve always been a little shy like that! πŸ™‚

Lorilee - Great costumes! OH, I wish we had fall leaves in those beautiful colors! We pretty much just have green and then brown!

Nichole - That’s so great! I dressed up as Supergirl this year, too! :] Mine was all home made…not too “adult-only” except for the skirt being shorter than I’m used to.
The weather seemed perfect! In usual Seattle fashion….it rained. :/

supermommy - What a beautiful post! Lovely pictures! Looks like you all had a great time.

meredith - Gorgeous photos! What fun for them all. Sorry, to hear about Lauren being grounded. Hang in there, I’m sure you’re doing an awesome job of equipping her for her future – even if she doesn’t see it that way right at this moment.

Michelle - I love love LOVE the last picture. What a fantastic capture of fall!

Amber - Great costume pictures. I love the jack-o-lanterns and porch as the background. Glad you and your family had a good Halloween. And yes, where is Hannah Montana? πŸ™‚

traci - First…I lOVE that you dont spend much money on Halloween. Second, your kids look FABULOUS!!!!! I literally laughed out loud at your story about grandpas dentures..HOW STINKIN FUNNY!!!
Where is Lauren and her Hannah costume???
As ALWAYS….fabulous pictures!!! You seriously could work for a magazine. They are just stunning.

Candice - You probably here this all the time but, do you have any tips for the everyday photographer. I have never taken a class or even thought about my lack of photography skills, but I was wondering if you had any tips. I love your photos and I want mine to look a little better. Help me! The kids look great, my son wouldnt even put a shirt on, just him on the porch in his underwear, I guess he went as Mogly from Jungle Book.

PamperingBeki - Yay Halloween!!
We went out after dark so all my pictures have the blurry glowy effect. We couldn’t have asked for better weather though! It was fabulous!
Super fun pics!!

Nancy - Great costumes. Great pics. And yes, it was a great night for trick-or-treating. So much more enjoyable for all when the weather is good. Enjoy the weekend.
(The pumpking that is shriveling made me think of the grandpa that took out his dentures.)

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