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this weekend a friend challenged me to live differently.

they are struggling through the hardest time in their life with a child who is sick.
he pointed out their new way of thinking.
he said they are greeting every morning with a huge smile and saying
"you're ALIVE today!!!"
they are so grateful for each and everyday they have with him.

i just keep thinking of how much of every single part of my day is routine. 
and everyone and everything could be feeling very UNspecial most of the time.

why do we wait till our child or spouse is sick to live this way?
why don't we think this everyday….I AM ALIVE!
and YOU are ALIVE!!


i am reminding myself to be grateful….for everything.  
to give my love without conditions.
and you know what?
it's HARD.  (just keepin' it real here people)

these are cupcakes for talby's class.
nothing to do with my thoughts other than i am so grateful to be a mother. 
i GET to celebrate her special day with her.
i GET to make cupcakes and birthday cakes.
and i GET to eat lunch at Braum's with a birthday girl on a wednesday afternoon.
it is a privilege.
a true honor.


go hug your kids real tight and shout "YOU"RE ALIVE!"

i have a feeling a certain 13 year old will push me away….but i still have to try right?  

Daisy Cottage - I cannot put into words how precious your blog is – every photo, every word, every bit of it – just precious.. you have a true gift and we are very blessed to receive it with each visit here. Thank you Meg!

bmommy - Beautiful

karey m. - had to kirtsy. thanks for this.
{found you via}

Mike and McGee - It’s a wonderful attitude to have. My father is battling advanced neuroendocrine cancer. It’s very rare, and it is incurable. So far, he’s beaten the odds. When he was diagnosed just over three years ago, no one thought he’d live this long. Yet he’s still here. And still going strong. He joined us for Halloween to watch his only grandchild go trick-or-treating as a Pirate Princess. Every day that he’s here, we’re here, our child is here – every day is a blessing. πŸ™‚

Nancy - You have just spurred me on to write a blog that I’ve been contemplating — one about gratitude and being thankful. Since it is the month of Thanksgiving, it would be most appropriate. Many thoughts have been swirling in my head as of late, especially given all the news on the tv (sad economic state we’re in).
Thanks for this post. And yes, most days it is difficult for us to make a conscious effort to be thankful for the routine and mundane.

Connie - Keep hugging that 13 year old…I went thru those days with my last child who didn’t want hugs in his teens. Now at 19, he comes home from college and give me hugs. Thanks for your encouragement to LIVE and rejoice in it! I just found your blog and love your photography. What kind of camera do you have? Connie

liz - great post. thanks for the reminder! cute cupcakes too.

Jenn Thomas - No matter what happens – he will continue to touch so many of us in so many ways.

Lee Ann - We all do it. Just the other day I was so depressed about who knows what. I just kept thinking about all the people I know who are sick and or losing loved ones. I was literally saying to myself “get it together! Can’t you just be happy because your family is all here and healthy?” I really couldn’t get it together. Why do we do this?
Beautiful cupcakes!

carissa - flipping fabulous… you said that perfectly!
love you girl… we’re ALIVE!!!!!!
i am going to go to the kitchen & dance around like nuts with those girlies right now! πŸ™‚ thanks
GOD BLESS your friend’s little girl… look she is making a difference!

meredith - Beautiful, faithful girl. Lauren won’t always pull away.

Amanda - So sorry about the family that is suffering right now… if you want to send me and email (or just post it on your blog?) with first names, we can sure get them on a prayer chain or I can just really be praying myself. You know the power of prayer can change anything…
Yummy looking mini cakes BTW.
God bless-

Jen - Hi. I used to work with your Aunt Jan…I am totally hooked on your blog. Thanks for the reminder – helps me put things in perspective.
p.s. – how did you make the frosting for the cupcakes…it is beautiful. My son’s birthday is coming up and he would love them…please share.
Thanks, Jen Smith, Overland Park, KS

Kate - Howdy!
Well, (I am writing the same message to brown eyed fox, jane says, and whatever πŸ™‚ ). So… I just relocated to AZ. First move ever out of TX. Now that I have my children fully adjusted (I think / hope), I think it has knocked me off my feel, how much I miss Texas.
In the middle of my full fledged pity party yesterday, I decided to go to Jane Says ~ that always cheers me up! I happened across your blogs and I have to say ~ they will be weekly (hopefully more like daily) stops during my day ~ just to smile.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for putting your stories out there and encouraging me ~ just a lost girl from Texas πŸ™‚

Diana Cornielle - Thanks for posting this and sharing it with us. A reminder that our loved ones are alive, well and loved. And don’t worry….I will also get a hug rejection by my 16 year old! Lol….that’s ok, though because she’s know I still love her and I am thankful for her!

Andria - Meg,
You have no idea how God used you this very minute. I am an assistant district attorney & 3 college age kids were killed in my jurisdiction in a horrible car accident. I just realized one of them is my eye doctor of 15 years son. I was already upset but this devastated me. I had to shut my office door and burst out crying. I wen to your blog just to cheer myself up b/c your blog always makes me happy.
What do I see? Beautiful, colorful pictures & a message about appreciating life & your loved ones!!!! God is so good. He knew I needed that word from Him in this moment through you.
Please don’t ever stop blogging about your life, you are ministering to people in ways you never even know when you post. Thanks from a girl in Texas who wishes right now, I could come to your house for a cup of coffee, a good cry, and some laughter.
Thanks for always keeping it real, as you say.

Sandra - So, so true. What a wonderful reminder from your friend. And how great that you are then passing it on, so that we can ALL be reminded!
Happy birthday to your birthday girl!

Erin - I have been reading your blog for awhile. I love it. Today I was moved to share my thoughts about your beautiful words. My husband & I lost our 17 year old son James, almost 2 1/2 years ago in an accident—just 12 days after we returned home with our adopted daughter from China. He was the second of our four sons. Handsome, smart, kind, incredibly funny, and so very loved.Any parent would be grateful to call him their own. I sometimes imagine what it would be like to see him round the corner of my kitchen. I sometimes see him in my dreams. We were just crazy about him. I can, with all of my heart, vouch for your words. I also believe in heaven. I know that the undying love of our adored children, our parents, our husbands, can find it’s way back to us from there…

Trina - This is SO true…. and a much needed reminder! Thanks!
ps- those cupcakes look sooooooo good! What kind of frosting is that .. it looks amazing!

a thorn among roses - i am and i am sooo grateful. i too have friends whose daughter is sturggling (actually w a terminal illness) and i am reminded how blessed i am to have 4 of my own kiddos…thanks for the reminder. and honestly, i thought the cupcakes were perfect…

Tausha - Our families are the most precious “things” we have. There is nothing like a tragedy to make one realize what is truly important.
Hug your kids often. Kiss your husband more. If your parents are still around and available-call them, or better yet, if you can-hug them and tell them thanks. You never know when you wont have the chance again.
(sorry to be so sappy-go read my blog and you will know why.)

meaghan easterhaus - thanks, really…xoxo

Traci in Virginia - Thank you for the reminder. During the hustle and bustle of daily life sometimes we forget to remember the many blessings of everyday. My kids are asleep and you make me want to go and wake them up…almost : ) Maybe just kisses and hugs while they are sleeping.
Have a great tomorrow!

Staci - Such an awesome post Meg. So true…about deciding to actually “live” once something tragic happens πŸ™ Last February my sweet husband was diagnosed with cancer. Hearing those words…our life was swept up in a whirlwind and I could NOT gain control. And then, I just let go…I had a peace that God would just handle everything. And he did. I get goosebumps just thinkin about it again. EVERYDAY before my feet hit the floor I am whispering an extra prayer that he is still with me…us…our family. I know this is a long post, and I am sorry…one last thing…when we were going through all of this last February…I went to turn the page on the calendar and it hit me like a ton of bricks…we may not be guaranteed tomorrow. I have just always turned those calendar pages or marked off dates so nonchalantly. BUT, to keep it real…it IS VERY hard to not get caught up in the mundane. Okay, I should just stop…I could go on and on…let’s just say…I needed to be reminded and your post was just the kick in the pants I needed πŸ™‚ THANKS! Yummy cupcakes πŸ™‚

Sarah - I’m Alive, and I want one of those delicious looking cupcakes!!
Wonderful post. I’ll try my best to keep this in mind daily.

Rachel - Our family is going through a rough time right now financially but you know what we have each other and that is all that matters. Another great post Meg!!!
Cheers to you and your family!

Holly - Oh…such a wonderful reminder. Thank you for this inspiring post. You’ve opened my routine-blinded eyes.
Those cupcakes are making my mouth water. =-)

Erin - I’m not sure how I stumbled on your blog, but what a wonderful post! Thank you for that. πŸ™‚

sara's art house - Just catching up on your CUTE pics and happiness going on at your house! I love your blog πŸ™‚

Lanny Stanard - Thank You Megan, yes I’m alive! now my I please have a cupcake!
BiG hUgS! LaNnY

Aubrey - You’re leaps and bounds ahead of me. Today I wanted to send my spawn right back out of this life. Until of course, they had some extra sweet moments. I’m glad they’re still little and easily forgive and still like me after I scream and yell at them.
I so wish I could reach throught the monitor and snag one (or five) of those cupcakes. You’re such an awesome mom. Lauren will like you again. I started liking my mom again at about 17. πŸ˜‰

Michelle - Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us today…I really needed this kind of optimism to lift my spirits. You are AWESOME!

Candice - simply beautiful, the words and the cupcakes.

Jen - Thank you for this oh-so-important reminder.
As always, beautiful pics!

MGF - As a Peds RN I get a reminder twice a week every week to be thankful as a mother. But still reading your post,makes me want to be better. I use to be part of a MOPS group which uplifted me twice a month. I need to re-find that thing in my life to be a constant reminder.

traci - what a wonderful post meg. you are so right!! i am so sorry for that family though. it is hard to live that way – to love without conditions. i am going to work on that too. and everytime i think of that i will also picture those wonderful cupcakes. hey, hug lauren hard and don’t stop!!!!

Deb - Our church just read the Shooks’ book One Month To Live and did its own study to go along with it. The concept of grabbing each morning is so renewing. Just today I was almost grumbling about taking out the trash, when I thought, “Lord, THANK YOU that I have the strength to do this!” It’s such a paradigm shift.

Carrie - lovely, lovely post. so very true too.
you definitely still have to try… because when she has a 13 year old of her own, she’ll remember your attempts and she’ll keep trying too.

Gwyn - Thanks for this post.
It made me cry. I have been agonizing over things that have happened that I cannot change instead of looking for the opportunities in TODAY!

Blanca - My thoughts exactly. Last night I had an argument with my 14 year old over homework. She waited until the last minute to tell me she needed craft supplies for a project due today. Can you believe that? Needless to say it was a big argument and I felt horrible this morning and apologized to her and hugged her. She even let me lay with her for a little while and she also apologized to me. I hope there will be more hugging between her and me.
Great Post.

Juliann - Thanks, Megan for that reminder. I just got so angry at one of mine today and that was perfect for me to read today. I need to let go of the “small stuff” and love my kiddos unconditionally…like God does me.

Holly - Oh,Meg, how true! I am reminded often because I came home one day at age 17 and my mom was lying in the kitchen floor. I saw her struggle for breath. The paramedics wouldn’t let me ride along so I followed. I sat an hour and a half waiting for family to arrive. It ended up she passed away in the ambulance and they could not revive her at the hospital- they couldn’t tell me because I was underage. How precious each moment is. My mom told me daily she loved me. She hugged me when she saw me and was met by a stiff board. Lauren wants it even if she can’t show it- trust me, I KNOW!

Beth - Great post — great reminder. Thanks! I hope Talby has a wonderful day πŸ™‚

Steph @ Problem Solvin Mom - I have been keeping a gratitude journal, and it really helps, so much more than I EVER would have expected, to keep my mind right and my perspective positive. I lost my father in my mid 20’s unexpectedly, and that is a constant reminder to me – live it up now, while we are able!
I journal my gratitude every Sunday, I know myself well enough to realize I work better with some accountability πŸ˜‰

Sandy - Thanks for your post, Meg! Even though my 15 year old son likes to act like he hates when I hug him and tell him I love him, I have to believe he enjoys every minute of it.
Your cupcakes are amazing!!
You must have wonderful time management skills – I lack those. Big time!

PamperingBeki - That’s a great message!
I’ve found this same thing since I started the Fingerprint Friday series on my blog. I have my eyes open more everyday to recognize God’s fingerprints everywhere. Now that I make an effort to look for them, I’m amazed at how often I see them!
We are blessed to be alive and so blessed by the beauty in something as simple as Braum’s or cupcakes.

Darby - Oh Meg! I’ve been having similar thoughts!! What a FABULOUS post. If your cuppies taste as good as they look you’ll have a lot of little people who will be thankful they’re alive to eat them! I know I’d like one!! Or two! Or maybe even three! Thanks for reminding me that tomorrow is never guaranteed!! Everyone around here will get extra hugs and smooches from ME.

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