Masthead header

fingers crossed….

check out the playroom….

it's thinking it's "all that and a bag of potato chips."

wish me luck!
and check out their very fun colorful site.
i love ohdeedoh.
(it's just fun to say….)

*edited to add….I got SECOND place!!!
very exciting.
big smiles around here. 
very very big.

Stacy - You may be second accroding to OhDeeDoh, but you won first place according to my site!
Check it out here,
Love your style and your site, so glad I found you through La La Lovely, I’ll be an avid follower from now on. You take such great photo’s! I love the 4 year old pink balloon shoot.

sandi - Meg
You are so creative! This room is beautiful and looks like such a fun place to hang out with your kids. I love looking at all your pictures and decorating ideas. Your sight makes me just plain HAPPY. I would love for you to come on my sight and say Hi…

Tracy - WTG, Meg! That is AWESOME! Great job and of course, the judges (if they have a good eye) would have seen that and they DID! Keep us posted and I hope you win the BIG prize! Hugs, Trac~ :o)

Leah - How cool is that? Good work girl!

Sharla - Congrats Meg! I hope you win a great prize. I think your whole house should be in one of my favorite magazines so I can keep the pics for viewing all the time!

Lanny Stanard - I’m so happy! I love that room… Hope your all having a great week-end see you soon
Lanny =0)

Leslie - Congratulations! I love all the colors in your home, your photos and your life!

carissa - GIRL!!!!!
I am giddy to pieces for you!
So super happy… thrilled!

Lorilee - Way to go, Meg! Good for you! I love the framed book covers. I adore children’s books. (I have to, to teach Pre-K) Your room is awesome!

Allikayes Mama - That is so cool! Remember when I said magazines were contact you about that amazing room?! Oh, i am so smart! heeheh! You are just so great! Congratulations!

Jen H. - That’s awesome! Some fabulous spaces, and yours is the cutest!

Wendy - you came in second! yay! i still think you should have won though. you did a great job!

Aubrey - I was hoping I could vote for it and couldn’t see where–still love it. And I think yours is the best because the ones with intense colored walls burn my eyes out (but they’re still fun).

Lee Ann - Congratulations! When my house is finished I’ll have a spare room for you to come spend a month and decorate my house!

Staci - Oh Seriously!!! Hands down…you HAVE to be the winner!! Maybe I’m a little biased 😉 Best of luck!!!! Can’t wait to hear WHEN you win!!!

Christy - Awesome Meg! Your room is fantastic. I just love that R E A D! Hope you win.

April - Get outta town Meg…..that is GRAND ….. my goodness….fingers crossed here too.

Kat - Yay!! Congratulations & good luck!!

Sandy - Your room is DEFINATELY the best and most colorful of all!! Congratulations! Are you for hire? 🙂

Romana - oh, check out how your playroom looks!! Right up there with the competition, well done! I love your colour combinations, awesome, so good luck! 🙂

Dawn - Congratulations!!! Your style of color is what attracted me to your blog. I hope you win.
Good Luck,

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