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annie and i ran some errands yesterday but ended up at the thrift shop.


i always grab vintage christmas ornaments when i find them. 
i love how the finish is all crackle-y and gone in some parts.
pink is always a big find that makes me happy.  

then on our way out we spotted this in the window display.


we had to have it.
as we paid the $3 i said "look…i bet your pet shops will fit inside there."


talby was so excited about it when she got home from school.
it is such a cozy little box all lined in pink velvet and satin.
she doesn't even realize there had been a mirror inside before.
it even has a shallow drawer at the bottom for other teeny tiny pieces.  

and it's so much cuter than the big plastic turquoise tackle box thing i almost bought
for the same purpose at target for $19.99.
big smiles around here yesterday.

Sandra - My mom had a jewelry box just like that one in the 60’s. It’s so nice to see one like it being used for a little girl’s treasures.

Tausha - I love to come here-your blog that is. Is is so refreshing.
I love the pink ornaments.
I love the old ones as well-everything old has more character!
I love to match my furniture with my clothes. Espescially jammie pants!
The old jewwlry box! What a find. We have a client that we are working on right now. We are doing 3 kids bedrooms. One is such a girly girl-we have been trying to find a jewwlry box. No luck yet. It really is perfect for all their little treasures!!

danyele - i am in love with old ornaments too. just got some new/old ones from my mom this week. yeah!
and that box….sooo pretty!

sarah - Awesome finds. And 3 bucks for that lovely little box, super deal.

Connie - Hi Meg, Thanks for replying. Yes, that’s my situation. I just got a mac, too. I was trying to reduce a 12″x12″ to a smaller size and guess I will have to go for the photoshop type program.
Nice to talk with you and if I get an answer, I will let you know.
Have a nice holiday next week.

carissa - PERFECT for those pet shop critters! if i could just get my girls to PUT THEM BACK where they BELONG! 🙂
those critters roam!

Victoria - I always buy the old ornaments too! Love them when they are cracked like that.
What a great idea for the toys. So much prettier than plastic!!!

Jenn Thomas - Aww Meg – I had a bunch of old ornament balls and I think I gave them away last year. If I find them later next week ….I will send them down the street. I enjoy boxes of such to put things in – they are all over upstairs with stuff.

traci - great finds. the little jewelry box is perfect for the girls. love the vintage ornaments. i have started picking those up as well. they are so pretty.

Sara - I Love the Pink Shiny Old Ornaments I feel the same way about the finish. I love all my mom and dads old ones, they feel so “authentic” and “old school” and it just makes me smile. My art show is this week and I wish you could come set up my jewelry table and make it look super cool!

michelle allen - you are awesome Meg! i wish we lived closer together. i know we’d be “real life” friends! : ) although we’d probably go junking together and fight over the same treasures : )

Jamie Sampson - Love all of the pink. Such cute ornaments and a fabulous little box. Love it!

Connie - Your blog is just great and your photography is super. I am just getting started with the photo’s and after seeing yours, I think I need a class or two at least.
I have been a scrapbooker for 10 years and can’t seem to reduce the size of the 12×12. I have been scanning them and then stitching, but I am stuck at the sizing.
Do you use a photo program?
Love to hear the way you do it. If you have time, I would love to hear your method of the above. Really would appreciate it. Connie

Christy - Great finds! Love them both. I have a couple boxes of those in red & silver, I don’t think I have seen a box in all pink! That is a great score!
Love that jewelry box too! I have it’s cousin version. It was my grandmother’s, when she passed I got her jewelry box filled with her favorite costume jewelry that I used to play with when I was a kid. 🙂 So sweet.
What a great use to keep the girl LPS stuff in!

callie - great finds!!!

creole wisdom - That box is great! Each year, my mom buys me a vintage (generally really fun 1950s) ornament. So that when I have my own place someday my tree won’t be empty. I agree, older ornaments are works of art!

Lorilee - Wonderful finds! I often wish I now had some of my Granny’s old ornaments–glass balls that looked tarnished, old brush trees, cardboard glittered churches etc. I always helped both of my grandmothers put up their trees until I was grown and didn’t have time!

Darby - What fabulous finds!! Love them both!!

Kasey - dang cute.

Amanda - I once had a Shabby Chic designed Christmas tree. That was before I had kids. Everything was delicate and beautiful. And pink. And baby blue. And white. And I miss it a lot.
Now I get thankful chains and colorful animated ornaments and more smiles to appreciate the beauty of a well designed tree. Its all good I do belive.
Many blessings-

Staci - I have one almost exactly like that sitting in my closet right this very second 🙂 It belonged to Brian’s mom…and although I don’t put my pet shoppe stuff in it…I do love it so very much 🙂

brittany - LOVE the pink ornaments!!…my fav by far!

Laura - Aw!! That is EXACTLY like my Grandma’s jewelry box. 😀

Rachel - What a great find…and a great place to store those tiny toys. I pick them up all the time around my house and was just thinking last night I need a little box to put them in!
How great!!!

foreverfoldinglaundry - Perfect! I love it.

MGF - Well done for 3$. I love when things have it’s place.

deb meyers - hey! What an idea!
deb meyers

Allikayes Mama - Yay for that! My grandma gave me a little box just like that when I was little! Memories!! Also – those ornaments remind me of a roommate I had in college that brought antique ornaments to hang in our dorm…freshman year! Was she crazy?! Some of the boy actually filled them with water as a prank…needless to say I think she learned that antiques don’t belong in a freshman dorm!! hehehe

Gwyn - What a great use for that old jewelry box! I still remember an old suitcase my mom gave me to keep my Barbies in, I wonder what happened to that old thing?

amy - meg-my grandma had one just like it–i may have to dig it up so my little girl can play with it again. brilliant!
btw-i made your cheesy potato soup TWICE this week. yummy yummy in our tummies! thanks for sharing. (and once again i bow to your superior skills! wink!)

Nichole - That is just perfect! Maybe you could add a mirror in it?

jodi - so cute! wish i’d had one when my girls were little. wish i still had a girl that was little! enjoy, meg-great pics as always-
jodi in fl but moving to pa

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