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he wasn't into me at all.
not in any way.
no way jose.
tears came bursting out right after this shot.  

susan let's try again soon….on his terms.
maybe at your house?
or with your boys there to help him like me more.

he is still the cutest little guy….even with the lip.

Amy - Oh my goodness! He is absolutely adorable!!

kristin at prairie daze - really, meg, this is the photo that everyone loves years later and no one gets.
i love it. if it was my baby i would enlarge it.

traci - aww – what a cute picture that is though.

Sandra - The lip just makes him all the cuter. Adorable.

melissa @ the inspired room - That is absolutely the cutest. He is just not that into you. Bummer! ‘Cause he is a real cutie!

Lorilee - AAWWWWW, the sad looks can be priceless when they are grown! We always get photos of the smiles and laughter! We need to record the pouts and fits too! Some of my favorite photos are my boys’ crying! I have one of my oldest after he climbed partly into his walker and was stuck and crying. I am such a BAD mom, I had to get my camera for a photo BEFORE I could rescue him!

Jill - Oh my goodness… I’m a lip sticker outer lover!! Great photo!! ~Jill

amy d - he is still very cute, even with the pouty face. that’s ok meg, i don’t think he likes me either….may have something to do with the purple hair and crazy outfit on halloween. when i have seen him smile though, it is the cutest thing EVER! J & K can get him super giggly, it’s just too cute.

MGF - This sadness was felt.

Sandy - he is still the cutest little guy….ESPECIALLY with the lip. (and his curly hair!!) 🙂

Jan Horst - I’ve seen that look and it breaks my heart. But when he smiles, you feel that your heart could burst. He is adorable. That is a timeless picture. Love it. Oma

Susan - Try as we may… it was not happening that day.
What a cute pouty picture and I love the one you sent of me comforting him. Even on a bad subject day you have a terrific artistic eye!

Lanny Stanard - Okay Miss M, I hope you won’t wearing that wig! LOL… that makes me cry…
BiG hUgS! LaNnY

danyele - hysterical…and what can you do except pinch those cheeks and let his mamma make him happy. poor little dude.

Chaos-Jamie - the lip is priceless!

amy - I love it! And even though he’s not smiling, something tells me Susan will love this picture, too. Those curls… he fits into their family perfectly! 🙂

callie grayson - okay that is the cutest little boy ever!!!!!

sarah - That pouty lip photo is so adorable. What a cute little boy!
to your comment on Jon & Kate:
I do agree and personally feel they should be more respectful of each other. I cringe whenever she yells at him. Especially the “HELLO!” from the other end of the store. But, was just making a statement that though I may have my personal feelings and beliefs on how things should go (like discussing your issues behind closed doors, not in front of the kids) …I have don’t have a clue as to what they go through.
Makes me laugh to hear that you find their chaos comforting!
To tell you the truth, reading your blog actually gives me comfort about wanting the number of kids that I do…as weird as it may seem…its just nice to see a real mom making it work.

Kelly - aww 🙂
I thought you were denied in the contest when I read the title. How is that going? Kelly

Ashley - Awww…. what a face!!!!

carissa - very cute pouty lip!
with kiddos you never know what you’ll get! 🙂

Shana - His best face comes when he’s snuggling into his mommy’s neck. I’ve seen it so many times and my heart melts!

Dana D @BoysMyJoys - Bless his heart! He is adorable! The pouty lip makes the picture!

Rachel - Oh no….that lip and you can see the water in his eyes! It’s not you I am sure it was the camera!
Cute pic though!

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