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she just turned one year old.

and she was busy busy busy….a very quick crawler.  




when cars would drive by she'd wave…it was so funny.  
she like a little star waving to her fans.


little stinker…over half the pictures had her eyes like this…a happy squint.  
at least you can tell she's really happy!
we had to work to get her to show those bright blue beautiful eyes.


diana…it was very fun getting together, annie loved playing at kierra's house.
let's get them together again soon.
brynlee is such a sweetheart. 
i bet she took a good nap after i left….we made her work.  it.  out.
thanks again for asking me.
jon…are you ready for your close-up?

Tracy - Absolutely a beautiful little girl with gorgeous eyes! Great pictures as usual, Meg!
Hugs, Trac~ :O)

traci - what a doll. she is a very happy baby. great photos meg!!

Linda - I love your blog–you are so real! I love your photographs too–very cute and also very real.

kim in Camas - ScrapToMyLu - aren’t you sweet……’re one of my favs too.

Mel - I am soooo blessed to get to see this little precious girl Monday thru Friday!

emily - Meg, I am so sad it has taken me this long to comment on your blog! I have been so busy lately, and trying to take care of sick kids, start up an etsy, and just LIVE! FORGIVE ME!

cecilia löfholm - She is so cute! I love your pictures! Especially the one where she waves at the cars!

traci - She is just too cute for her own good!!! Love the pictures…you wanted her to open her eyes more so we could see the ‘blue’ which shows up in the first pic but I lOVE her squinty eye smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jamie Sampson - super cute. I love your black and whitew.

a thorn among roses - i have 2 kiddos with squinty grins…and such sweet pics! she is precious!

Staci - Oh my word what a cutie! Love the stripes and polka dots! Isn’t it just a cryin’ shame there were no girls in my plan?? boo hoo. (I do love my boys 😉

Amanda - Is it me or does that child look very….
…wise. Like. Wise. Hum. I dont know how else to describe it.
And adorable. And is this a busniess for you? LOTS of fun pics for us… LOTS of work for you! Well. Unless you are one of those naturally gifted photographers who takes the perfect shot and doesn’t need to spend hours editing like me… just to find the one good shot I took out of 100.
Many blessings-

carissa - waving at all her fans… she is too cute!
squinty eyes means a true smile! 🙂
great job

Trina - these are so cute.. love the last picture.. how did you do that? Looks vintage or poloraidish!!!

Sarah - What a precious little girl! I love all the squinty smiles!!
I bet this photo shoot was a blast for you all, and I love that she was waving at cars driving by. SO CUTE.

Rachel - What a cutie she is! I love her squinty eyes when she smiles! I just want to gobble her up!! Great pics!

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